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#216 : La Colonie (1re partie)

Une annonce de presse passée pour retrouver un docteur bien particulier conduit Mulder et Scully à enquêter sur le meurtre de trois médecins spécialisés dans l'avortement... et qui ont tous le même visage ! Quand les deux agents parviennent à localiser un nouveau sosie, ils font tout leur possible pour le retrouver avant le mystérieux assassin. Dans cette course contre la montre, un visage familier et inattendu vient alors en aide à Mulder.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO

Titre VF
La Colonie (1re partie)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Colony, trailer

Colony, trailer


Ambrose Chapel explique l'origine du projet de clonage (VF)

Ambrose Chapel explique l'origine du projet de clonage (VF)


Mulder retrouve sa soeur, Samantha, qui lui parle de sa vie après son enlèvement et l'avertit qu'elle est en danger (VF)

Mulder retrouve sa soeur, Samantha, qui lui parle de sa vie après son enlèvement et l'avertit qu'elle est en danger (VF)


Photos promo

Un chasseur de primes alien

Un chasseur de primes alien

Des clones hybrides

Des clones hybrides

William Mulder, le père de Fox

William Mulder, le père de Fox

Plus de détails

Nick Marck

Chris Carter
David Duchovny

Guest stars:
Peter Donat (William Mulder)

Brian Thompson (L'alien chasseur de primes)

Dana Gladstone (Dr. Landon Price / Gregor)

Megan Leitch (Samantha Mulder)

Tom Butler (L'agent de la CIA, Ambrose Chapel)

Tim Henry (Marshall)

Andrew Johnston (L'agent Barry Weiss)

Informations classées X: 

-Le scénario a été écrit en collaboration par Chris Carter et David Duchovny après que ce dernier ait suggéré que son personnage affronte un chasseur de primes extraterrestre

- C'est dans cet épisode qu'apparaissent pour la 1ere fois les parents de Mulder : Bill et Teena Mulder

- C'est la 1ere fois de la série que Mulder pense retrouver sa soeur perdue, Samantha

- Cet épisode est le premier de la série a être raconté sous forme de flashaback. En effet, la scène d'ouverture se passe après les faits rapportés dans ce double épisode. 

Scully arrive en catastrophe aux urgences d’un hôpital militaire. Mulder est en état d’hypothermie. Elle refuse que les médecins le mettent dans l’eau chaude,  elle insiste pour que son corps reste à la même température sinon il mourra...

Deux semaines plus tôt, des matelots récupèrent dans l'Arctique le pilote d’un OVNI s’étant écrasé dans l’océan. Le pilote est un Chasseur de primes (Bounty Hunter) alien. L'information est retransmise à la télévision et c'est ainsi que, dans une clinique d’avortement située à Scranton en Pennsylvanie, le Dr Landon Prince en est averti. En reconnaissant le visage de l'homme secouru, il panique et prend la fuite. C'est alors qu'il tombe sur lui, au détour d'un couloir, et qu'il lui est demandé de répondre à la question "où est-il?". Le médecin répond qu'il n'en sait rien mais, déçu par sa réponse ou peu convaincu par celle-ci, le Bounty sort un stylet de sa poche et le plante à la base du cou du médecin. Celui-ci s'effondre, mort, et du sang vert suinte de sa blessure. Le Bounty allume alors un feu pour faire disparaitre le cadavre et s'en va.

Au FBI, Mulder reçoit trois petites annonces l'informant qu'une personne recherche différents docteurs travaillant tous dans des cliniques d'avortement et ayant tous la même apparence : Landon Prince, Dale Gayhart et Harvey Buchanon. Le premier réflexe de Scully est de penser qu'il s'agit de triplés mais Mulder affirme que ce n'est pas le cas car ses recherches n'ont fair ressortir aucun lien de sang entre eux. Ils décident alors de se rendre à Scranton pour en apprendre plus et rencontrent un officier qui leur apprend que le Dr. Prince pratiquait léagelement des avortements, que rien n'entravait sa carrière professionnelle mais ajoute qu'aucun membre de sa famille ne s'est manifesté suite à son décès. Il les informe ensuite que, dans le cadre son enquête, il s'est intéressé au révérend Calvin Sistrunk qui avait menacé le défunt et attend que celui-ci comparaisse dans ses locaux. C'est chose faite peu après : Sistrunk ne montre aucune sympathie pour le Dr Prince, dit ne pas être coupable du meurtre du Dr Prince et indique avoir appris la nouvelle dans le journal local. Déterminés à vérifier le bien fondé de ses dires, Mulder et Scully se rendent dans les locaux du journal et se renseignent sur l'annonce : on leur apprend alors que l'homme qui l'a faite n'a laissé aucun détail supplménetaire. Scully demande alors à Mulder pourquoi ils poursuivent une affaire qui n'a ni queue ni tête mais Mulder affirme que cette affaire est sans conteste une affaire non classée. Il est intiment convaincu que d'autres sosies du Dr Prince existent et a trouvé une cohérence entre les différents crimes : les tueries se déplacent vers le Nord donc la prochaine victime doit vivre plus au Nord. Les agents appellent donc le numéro de téléphone donné dans l’annonce et apprennent que 24 personnes y ont répondu et qu'un autre sosie, nommée Dr Baker, a été aperçu à Syracuse. Mulder fait alors appel à un collègue, l'agent Weiss, pour qu'il protège ce dernier. Weiss accepte et indique qu'il le contactera dès qu'il l'aure trouvé. Weiss se rend au domicile de Baker mais, avant de frapper à la porte, il entend des voix à l’intérieur alors il regarde par la fenêtre. Il voit le Dr. Baker se disputer avec un homme et décide alors de se faufiler à l'intérieur en passant par la porte de derrière pour conserver un effet de surprise. La dispute des deux hommes porte sur l'échec d'un plan prévu de longue date puis, avant de pouvoir réagir, le Bounty (car c'est bien lui qui est présent avec le Dr Baker) donne un coup de styler à la base du cou de son collègue qui meurt sur le coup. Weiss arrive sur ces entrefaites et demande au Chasseur de baisser son arme avant que son regard ne soit attiré par le cadavre du médecin qui est en train de se décomposer en répandant une étrange substance verte (voilà pourquoi aucun corps n'avait jamais pu être retrouvé !). Reprenant ses esprits, l'agent tire sur son adversaire à 3 reprises mais l'homme ne meurt pas et se contente de tomber au sol : du sang vert et toxique s'échappe de ses blessures forçant l'agent à se cacher les yeux. Quelques instants plus tard, Mulder et Scully arrivent et retrouvent leur collègue dans la rue. Celui-ci leur certifie que la maison est vide et que le courrier n'a pas été relevé depuis au moins 2 semaines. Alors que Mulder tient à faire le tour du propriétaire, Weiss se dirige vers sa voiture et en ouvre le coffre. A l'intérieur se trouve le corps déshabillé du vrai agent Weiss : c'est le Bounty qui a pris son apparence, il a donc survécu à ses blessures et a emprunter le visage et l'identité de sa victime .

De retour à Washington, Mulder est convoqué par Skinner qui souhaite savoir ce qu'il faisait à Syracuse alors qu'aucune autorisation de mener une enquête en ce lieu n'a été accordée et qu'aucun rapport sur l'affaire ne lui a été remis. Mulder répond furieusement qu'il ne peut en produire faute d'élements à consigner et reproche à Skinner de ne pas comprendre les affaires non classées alors qu'il pensait que son supérieur était plus ouvert que Blevins. Skinner répond que si lui peut essayer de faire preuve d'ouverture d'esprit, ce n'est pas le cas de ses supérieurs ni de ses collègues surtout quand une mission non autorisée conduit au décès d'un agent fédéral. Mulder ne comprend pas et Skinner lui apprend alors la mort de l'agent Weiss. Mulder est très surpris et Skinner exige de lui un rapport complet dans la matinée et le contraint à fermer l'enquête. De retour à son bureau, Mulder informe Scully du décès de Weiss. Elle n’y croit pas puisqu’elle a vu Weiss sortir du domicile du Dr Baker, tout comme lui. Elle ajoute alors qu'elle a reçu, par courriel, la photo du Dr James Dickens, un autre sosie qui vit sur Washington. Mulder décide alors de passer prendre Scully chez elle et rencontre, dans son immeuble, un agent de la CIA : Ambrose Chapel. Il explique aux agents que les médecins sont des clones, crées à la suite d'une expérience soviétique basée sur le génome de jumeaux parfaitement identiques reprise ensuite par les USA, et que le premier d'entre eux est arrivé il y a une vingtaine d'années dans le pays. Par la suite, un escadron de clones russes débarque avant de gangrèner le système médical américain afin de pouvoir contaminer les réserves de plasma et ainsi empêcher une victoire occidentale en cas de guerre. Le projet de clonage a pour nom de code "Gregor". La CIA découvre l'affaire 1 an plus tôt et apprend dans la foulée qu'à la suite de la signature d'un pacte secret entre les Soviétiques et une personne d'origine américaine, il a été décidé que tous les clones devaient être élminés par un merecenaire russe en échange de la suppression de tous les documents reliés à l’ADN des clones. Les Gregor ont contacté les agents parce qu’ils savaient qu’ils dénonceraient le complot. Chapel sait que les clones les ont contactés car il est l’auteur de la petite annonce. Mulder avise Chapel qu’ils ont localisé Dickens. Ambrose dit qu’ils ont affaire à un meurtre autorisé par le gouvernement, et s’ils arrivent aux Gregors, peut-être que la vérité peut être enfin entendue.

A Germantown dans le Maryland, un clone Gregor semble attendre quelquu'un dans un entrepôt délabré où se trouvent des réservoirs remplis d'un fluide vert. Une femme dans un SUV arrive alors et l'embarque. Ils se rendent alors dans un appartement et, peu après, les 3 agents fédéraux arrivent et frappent à la porte. En voyant Chapel, Dickens saute par la fenêtre, se relève et s’enfuit. Mulder et Chapel courent après lui. Mulder se fait happer par une voiture, Scully qui le suivait de près s'arrête pour s'assurer qu'il va bien alors que Chapel continue de courser Dickens. Mulder l'assure qu'elle va bien et l'incite à suivre les deux hommes. Dans une ruelle, Chapel coince Dickens et reprend son vrai visage : celui du Bounty. Il tue le médecin dont le sang vert se répand. Scully arrive peu après et Chapel lui dit que l'homme lui a échappé en empruntant l'échelle de secours. En arrivant, Scully marche dans le sang de la victime. Elle l'enlève sans se poser plus de questions et rejoint Mulder. 

Le lendemain, Mulder dit à sa partenaire que si l'histoire de Chapel est vrai, il est nécessaire de la rendre publique. Scully est (comme d'habitude!) plus sceptique : elle ne comprend pas pourquoi un homme de la trempe de Chapel aurait besoin de leur aide et qu'elle ne saisit pas comment il a pu laisser le fuyard alors qu'il est super entraîné. Elle ajoute qu'elle le soupçonne d'être celui que fuyait Dickens et avance l'idée qu'il soit le meurtrier de Weiss : Mulder, bien sûr, n'est pas de cet avis et ils se disputent donc. Elle argue que le sang vert dans lequel elle a marché, juste à l'endroit où Dickens a disparu avec comme seul témoin Chapel, a détruit sa chaussure. Mulder, toujours peu convaincu, lui suggère de faire analyser le liquide et d'examiner le rapport d'autopsie de Weiss car la cause de sa mort est indeterminée. Le rapport indique qu'un agent coagulant lui a été injecté empêchant donc son sang de circuler correctement et l'épaississant au point qu'il ressemble à de la gelée. Mulder se rappelle alors que les Gregor avaient pour mission de contaminer le sang et qu'un plasma empoisonné pourrait être à l'origine du décès de Weiss. Au même instant, Mulder reçoit une convocation de Skinner. Ce dernier lui indique qu'une urgence familiale requiert sa présence au plus vite aurpès de ses parents. Mulder appelle alors son père et est surpris d'entendre sa mère décrocher (son père et sa mère ont divorcé et ne vivent plus ensemble) : elle lui passe son père qui lui dit avoir reçu un étrange coup de fil et l'incite à venir immédiatement. Scully l'informe alors avoir trouvé une adresse qui pourrait faire avancer leur enquête mais Mulder, anxieux, ne lui prête pas grande attention et s'en va. Scully se rend alors seule au 3243 Edmonton Street et y voit Chapel en train de détruire un laboratoire. Repérée par Chapel, elle parvient à s'enfuir et à rentrer chez elle : elle essaye alors de joindre Mulder mais tombe sur son répondeur. Elle lui laisse néanmoins un message indiquant qu'elle est en danger et qu'elle est suivie avant d'ajouter qu'elle doit lui parler de toute urgence pour lui communiquer des informations concernant l'enquête. 

Chez son père, à Martha's Vineyard, Mulder retrouve ses parents en compagnie d'une jeune femme qui dit être sa soeur disparue, Samantha. Celle-ci est ravie de les retrouver et explique qu'elle a été rendue par les aliens à l'âge de 9 ou 10 ans mais qu'elle souffrait d'amnésie. Elle a donc été placée dans une famille d'accueil et qu'une fois adulte elle a décidé de se soumettre à une hypnothérapie régressive afin de retrouver sa mémoire et les siens. Elle apprend ensuite à Mulder qu’elle est menacée par les mercenaires et que ceux-ci sont prêts à tuer tous ceux se mettant en travers de leur chemin. Elle l'informe qu'elle est la seule à pouvoir reconnaître le Bounty et qu'il doit se méfier de tout le monde. Inquiet pour Scully, Mulder essaye de la joindre mais elle est partie courir et n'est donc pas là quand il appelle. Elle monte dans un bus et essaye de le joindre mais tombe, une fois encore, sur son répondeur. Elle indique sa future position mais malheureusement pour elle, le Bounty est assis quelques sièges plus loin et entend sa conversation. Auparavant, elle décide de se rendre une nouvelle fois au 3243 Edmonton Street où elle découvre plusieurs autres sosies. Elle décide alors de les protéger et les confie à la police locale mais tous sont tués en prison. Mulder, après avoir eu le message de Dana, appelle à son hôtel mais le réceptionniste ne note pas le message qu'il laisse pour elle et ne lui transmet donc pas les informations cruciales concernant le Chasseur de primes. Plus tard, après avoir regagné son hôtel, Scully est réveillée par quelqu’un frappant à la porte : c’est Mulder. En même temps, elle reçoit un appel sur son cellulaire, c’est Mulder également. Elle ne sait plus lequel est le vrai...

00:00:03,797 --> 00:00:07,300
J'ai vécu avec une croyance fragile,
basée sur le souvenir

00:00:07,467 --> 00:00:11,930
d'un événement que je ne pouvais
ni prouver ni expliquer.

00:00:12,097 --> 00:00:15,016
Quand j'avais 12 ans,
ma sœur m'a été arrachée.

00:00:15,183 --> 00:00:20,146
Arrachée à notre foyer par une force
qui selon moi était extraterrestre.

00:00:20,313 --> 00:00:23,692
Cette conviction m'a stimulé.
Je cherche des vérités

00:00:23,858 --> 00:00:26,778
aussi insaisissables
que ce souvenir lui-même.

00:00:26,945 --> 00:00:29,906
Une conviction si forte exige des sacrifices,

00:00:30,073 --> 00:00:32,158
mais j'ai accepté les risques.

00:00:32,325 --> 00:00:37,038
Pour ma carrière, ma réputation,
mes relations, pour la vie elle-même.

00:00:55,932 --> 00:00:58,017
Doucement !

00:00:59,060 --> 00:01:02,230
C'est un agent du FBI. Agent Mulder.

00:01:09,404 --> 00:01:11,906
Allez, on y va !

00:01:13,116 --> 00:01:14,534
Dépêchez-vous ! Hypothermie !

00:01:16,244 --> 00:01:18,246
Préparez-vous !

00:01:25,920 --> 00:01:27,172
Température : 30.

00:01:27,380 --> 00:01:28,757
Œil droit dilaté.

00:01:30,049 --> 00:01:30,675
Œil gauche dilaté.

00:01:30,759 --> 00:01:32,177
Mettons-le dans la baignoire,
sinon il va mourir.

00:01:33,720 --> 00:01:36,139
À trois... Un, deux, trois !

00:01:39,601 --> 00:01:41,186
L'agent Mulder est là ?

00:01:41,352 --> 00:01:44,397
- Il faut une autorisation.
- Je suis agent fédéral.

00:01:44,564 --> 00:01:46,483
Attendez. Montrez-nous votre badge.

00:01:46,649 --> 00:01:49,402
Pas le temps. Un homme va mourir.

00:01:50,695 --> 00:01:54,199
Ce qui m'est arrivé sur la glace
a justifié mes croyances.

00:01:54,365 --> 00:01:58,620
Je mourrai avec la certitude
que ma conviction était juste.

00:01:58,787 --> 00:02:00,872
Si la mort me révèle des secrets,

00:02:01,039 --> 00:02:05,126
j'aurai déjà la réponse
à la question qui m'a mené ici :

00:02:05,293 --> 00:02:08,755
l'existence d'une autre
intelligence que la nôtre.

00:02:08,922 --> 00:02:10,799
Ils sont parmi nous.

00:02:10,965 --> 00:02:12,759
La colonisation a commencé.

00:02:19,265 --> 00:02:22,060
Dana Scully, sa coéquipière.
Quel est son état ?

00:02:22,227 --> 00:02:23,728
Il souffre d'hypothermie.

00:02:24,229 --> 00:02:25,939
Non ! Sortez-le de là.

00:02:26,147 --> 00:02:27,565
Il va mourir !

00:02:27,774 --> 00:02:29,859
Si vous le gardez là, vous allez le tuer.

00:02:30,026 --> 00:02:31,736
Seul le froid le maintient en vie.

00:02:32,445 --> 00:02:33,780
Arrêt cardiaque !

00:02:34,239 --> 00:02:35,865
Donnez-moi une ampoule
d'adrénaline et une canule.

00:02:53,174 --> 00:02:55,760

00:03:00,932 --> 00:03:03,142

00:03:20,243 --> 00:03:22,787

00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:29,836

00:03:29,919 --> 00:03:31,004

00:03:33,673 --> 00:03:38,011
Venez voir, capitaine !
On dirait un OVNI. Là-haut !

00:03:45,101 --> 00:03:46,644
Il est là depuis 20 minutes.

00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:49,856
- Un hélicoptère ?
- Pas à cette vitesse.

00:03:50,607 --> 00:03:51,608
Il revient !

00:03:54,152 --> 00:03:55,320
Il va s'écraser.

00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:02,493
Machine arrière !

00:04:03,578 --> 00:04:05,163
Allons voir.

00:04:06,039 --> 00:04:08,541

00:04:14,589 --> 00:04:17,675
Voici deux jours,
l'équipage d'un brise-glace

00:04:17,842 --> 00:04:19,385
a cru voir un OVNI,

00:04:19,552 --> 00:04:22,221
qui a plongé dans la mer de Beaufort.

00:04:22,388 --> 00:04:23,389
Mais peu après,

00:04:23,598 --> 00:04:26,935
ils ont récupéré un pilote de chasse russe.

00:04:27,143 --> 00:04:31,022
Il a miraculeusement survécu
aux températures arctiques.

00:04:31,230 --> 00:04:36,069
L'homme a été aéroporté en Alaska
et son état s'est stabilisé.

00:04:36,277 --> 00:04:39,405
Alors que les autorités enquêtaient sur lui,

00:04:39,614 --> 00:04:44,118
il a quitté l'hôpital seul.
Il est introuvable depuis.

00:04:44,285 --> 00:04:46,537
De notre envoyé spécial...

00:04:56,130 --> 00:04:57,090
Où est-il ?

00:04:58,633 --> 00:04:59,968
Je ne sais pas !

00:05:39,924 --> 00:05:41,384
Je te cherchais.

00:05:41,551 --> 00:05:42,760
J'étais en bas.

00:05:42,927 --> 00:05:45,680
Quelqu'un a tiré sur
la Maison-Blanche, hier.

00:05:45,847 --> 00:05:50,309
Dans ce pays, même le président
est à la merci d'une fusillade.

00:05:51,060 --> 00:05:53,438
- Tu fais quoi ?
- Regarde cet e-mail.

00:05:53,813 --> 00:05:55,231
Trois avis de décès.

00:05:55,398 --> 00:05:59,027
- Envoyés par qui ?
- Par un inconnu qui me connaît.

00:05:59,402 --> 00:06:00,194
Pourquoi ?

00:06:00,361 --> 00:06:03,364
Les défunts sont le Dr Prince de Scranton,

00:06:04,782 --> 00:06:07,535
le Dr Gayhart de New York City

00:06:07,702 --> 00:06:10,496
et le Dr Buchanon de Tea Neck,
New Jersey.

00:06:10,705 --> 00:06:13,332
Les trois pratiquaient des avortements.

00:06:13,791 --> 00:06:15,668
Tués par des militants.

00:06:16,169 --> 00:06:17,128
Il semblerait.

00:06:17,295 --> 00:06:18,838
Pourquoi t'envoyer ça ?

00:06:19,005 --> 00:06:21,049
J'y ai réfléchi ce matin.

00:06:21,215 --> 00:06:22,550
Ta conclusion ?

00:06:23,176 --> 00:06:25,178
Voilà la dernière victime :

00:06:25,386 --> 00:06:27,013
Dr Landon Prince.

00:06:27,555 --> 00:06:29,974
Voilà les deux autres : Gayhart

00:06:30,683 --> 00:06:32,185
et Buchanon.

00:06:35,688 --> 00:06:36,856
- Des triplés ?
- Non.

00:06:37,065 --> 00:06:39,025
Aucune correspondance sanguine.

00:06:39,525 --> 00:06:41,360
En fait, aucune donnée sur eux.

00:06:41,569 --> 00:06:44,530
Comme s'ils n'avaient jamais existé.

00:06:47,408 --> 00:06:50,328
Le Dr Prince pratiquait
l'avortement légalement.

00:06:50,745 --> 00:06:54,040
Une activité assez risquée, de nos jours.

00:06:54,332 --> 00:06:56,501
Vous ne savez rien d'autre ?

00:06:56,709 --> 00:06:59,170
Un homme discret. Pas de famille.

00:06:59,337 --> 00:07:01,923
Vous avez arrêté un prêtre...

00:07:02,173 --> 00:07:03,883
Le révérend Calvin Sistrunk.

00:07:04,092 --> 00:07:06,260
Il a déjà menacé d'autres médecins.

00:07:07,178 --> 00:07:09,639
Il avait ça, quand on l'a arrêté.

00:07:10,264 --> 00:07:11,516

00:07:11,599 --> 00:07:12,725
On le fera inculper.

00:07:14,393 --> 00:07:16,270
Si vous trouvez le corps.

00:07:18,856 --> 00:07:20,358
Cela n'a pas été divulgué.

00:07:20,817 --> 00:07:22,693
Deux autres sont morts brûlés.

00:07:23,194 --> 00:07:24,445
Pas de cadavre.

00:07:24,612 --> 00:07:26,280
Il était dans l'immeuble.

00:07:26,531 --> 00:07:28,533
Sa voiture était sur le parking.

00:07:28,699 --> 00:07:30,910
On a trouvé ses clés sur les lieux.

00:07:31,536 --> 00:07:34,080
Et il a disparu depuis le crime.

00:07:34,247 --> 00:07:36,040
On ne trouvera peut-être que des os.

00:07:38,918 --> 00:07:40,002

00:07:40,837 --> 00:07:42,797
Révérend Sinstrunk...

00:07:43,089 --> 00:07:45,967
Les agents Scully et Mulder
veulent vous demander...

00:07:46,175 --> 00:07:49,262
si le Dr Prince brûle
en enfer pour ses crimes ?

00:07:50,847 --> 00:07:53,224
Si sa damnation est la volonté de Dieu ?

00:07:53,432 --> 00:07:54,976
C'est ce que vous pensez ?

00:07:55,476 --> 00:07:57,103
Question d'opinion.

00:07:57,436 --> 00:07:59,438
L'assassin du Dr Prince est lié

00:07:59,605 --> 00:08:02,191
à deux autres meurtres.
Qu'en pensez-vous ?

00:08:03,734 --> 00:08:08,447
Certains assument le meurtre
de vils pécheurs au nom de Dieu.

00:08:08,614 --> 00:08:10,241
Je ne suis pas de ceux-là.

00:08:10,449 --> 00:08:12,660
Êtes-vous allé à New York
ou dans le New Jersey ?

00:08:15,496 --> 00:08:17,165
Cette coupure vient d'où ?

00:08:19,167 --> 00:08:21,919
D'un journal. D'autres soldats de Dieu

00:08:22,128 --> 00:08:23,921
veulent que cet homme expie.

00:08:24,088 --> 00:08:25,089
Quel journal ?

00:08:25,464 --> 00:08:27,216
Celui de Binghamton.

00:08:27,758 --> 00:08:31,345
Oui, l'homme qui a mis
cette annonce a payé en liquide.

00:08:31,512 --> 00:08:32,889
Vous le reconnaîtriez ?

00:08:33,055 --> 00:08:34,140
Je pourrais.

00:08:35,558 --> 00:08:36,684
Ce n'est pas lui.

00:08:37,018 --> 00:08:38,477
Vous avez ses coordonnées ?

00:08:38,853 --> 00:08:40,980
Non. Il n'a rien voulu signer.

00:08:41,647 --> 00:08:44,942
Il a appelé pour que ça passe
une 2e semaine.

00:08:45,109 --> 00:08:47,361
Mais il n'est pas venu payer.

00:08:49,488 --> 00:08:52,366
- Je le sens mal, Mulder.
- C'est-à-dire ?

00:08:52,533 --> 00:08:54,160
Ça semble absurde !

00:08:54,327 --> 00:08:58,664
On a trois victimes identiques,
pas de cadavres, un homme non suspect.

00:08:58,748 --> 00:09:00,583
On dirait un dossier non-classé.

00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:02,543
L'informateur est anonyme.

00:09:03,169 --> 00:09:05,087
On s'est déjà fait piéger.

00:09:07,256 --> 00:09:10,551
S'il voulait nous piéger, on en saurait plus.

00:09:10,718 --> 00:09:12,428
C'est une grosse affaire.

00:09:12,595 --> 00:09:14,722
On doit trouver les autres.

00:09:14,889 --> 00:09:18,017
- D'autres victimes ?
- Il faut les trouver.

00:09:18,226 --> 00:09:19,477
Il y a une logique.

00:09:19,644 --> 00:09:21,896
New Jersey, New York, Scranton...

00:09:22,063 --> 00:09:23,981
Puis une annonce à Binghamton

00:09:24,190 --> 00:09:26,400
avec un homme identique aux autres.

00:09:26,567 --> 00:09:29,487
Le tueur progresse vers le nord.

00:09:33,532 --> 00:09:37,161
- Le numéro est une boîte vocale ?
- Oui.

00:09:37,328 --> 00:09:39,121
Je peux l'avoir ?

00:09:39,288 --> 00:09:41,499
Il faut d'abord payer la facture.

00:09:47,088 --> 00:09:50,591
Faites le numéro, puis composez 12-36.

00:10:03,396 --> 00:10:05,940
Il y a 24 réponses à l'annonce.

00:10:07,858 --> 00:10:10,486
Quelqu'un a vu l'homme à Syracuse.

00:10:11,570 --> 00:10:12,530
C'est au nord.

00:10:15,700 --> 00:10:19,787
- Agent spécial Weiss.
- Mulder. J'ai besoin de votre aide.

00:10:19,954 --> 00:10:20,913
Je vous écoute.

00:10:21,080 --> 00:10:22,665
J'arrive avec l'agent Scully.

00:10:22,832 --> 00:10:27,044
Un habitant de votre secteur
est en danger : le Dr Aaron Baker.

00:10:27,211 --> 00:10:29,714
Il vit à Syracuse. Surveillez-le

00:10:29,922 --> 00:10:31,132
jusqu'à notre arrivée.

00:10:31,299 --> 00:10:34,844
Entendu. Je vous rappelle
dès que j'ai l'adresse.

00:10:37,346 --> 00:10:39,932
737, 26ème RUE

00:11:14,300 --> 00:11:15,801
L'opération est ratée.

00:11:31,317 --> 00:11:32,443
Lâchez votre arme !

00:11:32,985 --> 00:11:34,445
Lâchez-la !

00:12:15,444 --> 00:12:16,695
Agent Mulder...

00:12:17,279 --> 00:12:19,907
- Oui. Agent Weiss ?
- C'est moi.

00:12:20,616 --> 00:12:21,742
Baker est là ?

00:12:21,951 --> 00:12:24,578
Non, malheureusement. Il n'y a personne.

00:12:24,787 --> 00:12:26,163
La boîte à lettres déborde.

00:12:26,330 --> 00:12:28,999
Jetons quand même un coup d'œil.

00:12:29,375 --> 00:12:30,584
Aucun indice.

00:13:26,098 --> 00:13:27,475

00:13:28,517 --> 00:13:30,436
L'agent Mulder est arrivé.

00:13:30,603 --> 00:13:32,188

00:13:36,025 --> 00:13:37,985
Veuillez vous asseoir.

00:13:38,152 --> 00:13:39,820
Excusez-moi. J'arrive juste.

00:13:39,987 --> 00:13:41,572
- D'où ?
- De Syracuse.

00:13:41,739 --> 00:13:42,781
Vous y faisiez quoi ?

00:13:43,324 --> 00:13:45,493
Scully et moi suivions une piste.

00:13:45,784 --> 00:13:47,953
Quelqu'un a autorisé cette enquête ?

00:13:48,537 --> 00:13:49,246
Non, monsieur.

00:13:49,455 --> 00:13:51,957
- Vous avez fait un rapport ?
- Non.

00:13:52,666 --> 00:13:55,461
Il s'agit d'une affaire non-classée.

00:13:55,711 --> 00:13:59,715
Je vous rappelle que mes supérieurs
sont très stricts,

00:13:59,882 --> 00:14:02,468
surtout quand un agent meurt.

00:14:02,843 --> 00:14:03,677
Quoi ?

00:14:04,595 --> 00:14:06,347
L'agent Weiss !

00:14:06,514 --> 00:14:08,390
Son cadavre a été trouvé

00:14:08,599 --> 00:14:11,769
devant la maison où vous l'avez envoyé !

00:14:12,311 --> 00:14:14,355
Impossible ! Je lui ai parlé.

00:14:14,563 --> 00:14:17,316
- Je l'ai vu.
- Gardez ça pour votre rapport.

00:14:17,483 --> 00:14:20,444
On risque de le payer cher, vous et moi !

00:14:20,653 --> 00:14:23,656
Officielle ou non, l'enquête est terminée.

00:14:24,657 --> 00:14:27,785
Ne sous-estimez pas
la gravité de cette affaire.

00:14:27,952 --> 00:14:29,328
Un homme est mort.

00:14:33,958 --> 00:14:37,628
Je veux un rapport complet
sur mon bureau demain matin.

00:15:01,443 --> 00:15:03,070
Mulder, c'est moi.

00:15:04,905 --> 00:15:07,157
- Où es-tu ?
- Chez moi.

00:15:07,324 --> 00:15:09,451
L'agent Weiss est mort.

00:15:09,618 --> 00:15:11,870
- Quoi ?
- Skinner est fou furieux.

00:15:12,037 --> 00:15:14,081
On doit arrêter l'enquête.

00:15:15,332 --> 00:15:16,875
Je n'y comprends rien.

00:15:19,253 --> 00:15:22,590
- Tu as regardé tes e-mails ?
- Non. Pourquoi ?

00:15:22,756 --> 00:15:26,176
J'ai reçu un truc inquiétant.
Toi aussi, peut-être.

00:15:26,802 --> 00:15:27,928
C'est quoi ?

00:15:28,095 --> 00:15:30,556
Un scanner d'une photo numérique.

00:15:30,723 --> 00:15:32,349
Il ressemble aux autres.

00:15:32,516 --> 00:15:35,185
C'est le Dr James Dickens.

00:15:36,854 --> 00:15:38,814
Il est ici, à Washington.

00:15:39,189 --> 00:15:41,734
Ne bouge pas. Je passe te chercher.

00:16:05,049 --> 00:16:06,925
Je m'appelle Ambrose Chapel.

00:16:08,052 --> 00:16:09,887
Je travaille pour la CIA.

00:16:11,513 --> 00:16:13,932
Je veux vous parler de l'affaire.

00:16:15,684 --> 00:16:16,644
Laquelle ?

00:16:16,935 --> 00:16:18,896
Les meurtres de victimes identiques.

00:16:20,689 --> 00:16:23,359
Mon histoire va vous intéresser.

00:16:25,152 --> 00:16:27,404
On connaissait leur existence.

00:16:27,571 --> 00:16:29,907
Ça fait un an qu'on sait qu'ils sont là.

00:16:30,074 --> 00:16:31,450
Qui sont-ils ?

00:16:31,617 --> 00:16:33,786
Nos informations sont imprécises.

00:16:33,952 --> 00:16:35,371
Au début de la guerre froide,

00:16:35,537 --> 00:16:41,043
les Soviétiques ont découvert
une anomalie génétique sur des jumeaux.

00:16:41,502 --> 00:16:43,712
Ils ont pu isoler l'ADN

00:16:43,879 --> 00:16:47,549
qui donne les traits du visage,
la couleur des cheveux

00:16:47,716 --> 00:16:49,968
et ils ont réussi à le reproduire.

00:16:51,095 --> 00:16:52,930
Ces hommes sont des clones ?

00:16:53,263 --> 00:16:55,307
Selon toute apparence.

00:16:57,267 --> 00:16:58,352
Mode d'infiltration ?

00:16:59,728 --> 00:17:01,980
Ça s'appelait "Opération Gregor".

00:17:02,147 --> 00:17:04,024
Le nom donné à chaque clone.

00:17:04,191 --> 00:17:08,821
Le premier Gregor est arrivé vers
1970 avec un passeport allemand.

00:17:08,987 --> 00:17:11,031
Avec ce même document,

00:17:11,240 --> 00:17:13,951
ils ont fait entrer d'autres clones.

00:17:14,118 --> 00:17:18,455
Plusieurs ont obtenu
une haute fonction dans la médecine.

00:17:18,622 --> 00:17:19,623
Dans quel but ?

00:17:20,124 --> 00:17:24,878
En cas de guerre,
ils auraient été mobilisés à travers le pays

00:17:25,045 --> 00:17:27,131
pour contaminer les réserves de sang,

00:17:27,297 --> 00:17:29,800
saboter les usines pharmaceutiques.

00:17:29,967 --> 00:17:32,553
Bref, détruire notre système immunitaire.

00:17:33,262 --> 00:17:36,348
Puisque vous le savez,
pourquoi ne pas réagir ?

00:17:37,015 --> 00:17:39,560
La réponse est encore plus incroyable.

00:17:40,811 --> 00:17:43,814
Suite à un accord secret, les Gregor

00:17:44,022 --> 00:17:48,235
vont être systématiquement éliminés
par un espion russe.

00:17:49,111 --> 00:17:53,198
En échange,
l'opération sera passée sous silence

00:17:53,407 --> 00:17:55,284
et on obtiendra la formule.

00:17:55,951 --> 00:17:57,077
Quel est votre rôle ?

00:17:58,036 --> 00:18:01,498
Je rejette comme vous
la politique de dissimulation.

00:18:02,291 --> 00:18:03,917
Et ils vous ont contactés.

00:18:05,002 --> 00:18:07,171
- Qui ?
- Les Gregor.

00:18:08,213 --> 00:18:11,717
Vous passez pour quelqu'un
qui pourrait les protéger

00:18:11,925 --> 00:18:13,552
et révéler ces crimes.

00:18:16,305 --> 00:18:17,848
Comment le savez-vous ?

00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:21,310
Vous enquêtez sur ces morts.

00:18:26,315 --> 00:18:28,734
Et vous avez répondu à mon annonce.

00:18:29,943 --> 00:18:31,528

00:18:33,280 --> 00:18:35,699
Ces crimes sont couverts par l'État.

00:18:36,700 --> 00:18:40,496
Si nous trouvons ces hommes,
la vérité sera révélée.

00:18:44,124 --> 00:18:46,877
Nous savons où se trouve l'un d'eux.

00:19:19,409 --> 00:19:21,161
C'est bon, allons-y.

00:20:04,329 --> 00:20:05,247
Qui est-ce ?

00:20:05,414 --> 00:20:08,542
Agents Scully et Mulder, du FBI.

00:20:14,047 --> 00:20:14,882
- Dr Dickens ?
- Oui.

00:20:16,967 --> 00:20:18,719
Vous nous avez contacté.

00:20:21,847 --> 00:20:22,931
On peut entrer ?

00:20:25,350 --> 00:20:27,686
Tout va bien. Ne craignez rien.

00:20:37,070 --> 00:20:39,114
J'appelle une ambulance.

00:20:41,992 --> 00:20:43,035
Il bouge.

00:20:44,328 --> 00:20:45,746
Il se redresse !

00:20:51,209 --> 00:20:52,502
Je rappellerai.

00:21:35,963 --> 00:21:39,341
- Ça va ?
- Oui. Mais j'ai le souffle coupé.

00:21:39,508 --> 00:21:42,177
Ne le perds pas ! Vas-y !

00:21:44,012 --> 00:21:45,263
Ça va ?

00:22:54,624 --> 00:22:56,960
- Disparu.
- Où ?

00:22:57,210 --> 00:23:00,338
Par l'escalier de secours.
Je n'ai pas pu l'attraper.

00:23:01,048 --> 00:23:03,258
Je vais voir sur le toit.

00:23:53,016 --> 00:23:54,684
Comment tu te sens ?

00:23:55,018 --> 00:23:57,229
J'aurais dû traverser dans les clous.

00:23:57,395 --> 00:23:58,855
Mieux que mon téléphone.

00:24:00,315 --> 00:24:02,359
On aurait dû laisser tomber.

00:24:02,859 --> 00:24:05,362
Si notre ami de la CIA dit la vérité,

00:24:05,529 --> 00:24:08,657
on va dévoiler
une monstrueuse conspiration.

00:24:08,865 --> 00:24:12,369
Notre "ami" est aussi peu crédible
que son histoire.

00:24:12,536 --> 00:24:15,497
Qu'en est-il du
"Ne faites confiance à personne" ?

00:24:16,164 --> 00:24:19,167
J'ai opté pour
"Faites confiance à tout le monde".

00:24:19,334 --> 00:24:21,253
J'ai vérifié ses antécédents.

00:24:21,419 --> 00:24:26,550
Ambrose Chapel a 17 ans de métier.
C'est un vrai pro, Scully.

00:24:29,427 --> 00:24:31,763
Alors pourquoi a-t-il besoin de nous ?

00:24:32,222 --> 00:24:34,933
Et pourquoi a-t-il laissé un fugitif

00:24:35,183 --> 00:24:36,726
s'échapper si facilement.

00:24:36,893 --> 00:24:40,605
Ce n'est pas nous, que ce docteur fuyait.
C'est Chapel.

00:24:40,856 --> 00:24:43,275
Il te rend paranoïaque, Scully.

00:24:43,525 --> 00:24:44,776
Paranoïaque ?

00:24:44,943 --> 00:24:48,530
Imagine que Chapel
ait tué l'agent de Syracuse.

00:24:48,738 --> 00:24:52,534
Je le mets dans mon rapport ?
Tu expliqueras ça toi-même.

00:24:52,701 --> 00:24:54,411
Ce n'est pas mon boulot.

00:24:54,911 --> 00:24:57,914
Tu mènes une enquête
aux limites de la folie

00:24:58,081 --> 00:25:01,251
et je dois te suivre ! Il y a des limites.

00:25:01,793 --> 00:25:03,587
3 hommes identiques sont morts.

00:25:03,753 --> 00:25:05,922
Un quatrième est dans la nature.

00:25:06,089 --> 00:25:09,759
Si c'est de la folie d'enquêter,
laisse tomber.

00:25:10,135 --> 00:25:12,637
Elle a provoqué la mort d'un agent.

00:25:12,888 --> 00:25:16,933
Ça fait partie des risques.
On les accepte ou on les refuse.

00:25:17,225 --> 00:25:19,436
Chacun fixe ses propres limites.

00:25:24,149 --> 00:25:26,443
Je dois te montrer quelque chose.

00:25:31,114 --> 00:25:33,241
Elles sont presque neuves.

00:25:35,577 --> 00:25:38,914
J'ai marché dans un truc
qui a percé la semelle.

00:25:39,080 --> 00:25:42,000
Je suis peut-être paranoïaque,

00:25:42,250 --> 00:25:45,795
mais c'était là où le docteur
a échappé à Chapel.

00:25:46,963 --> 00:25:49,466
Demande une analyse au labo.

00:25:49,966 --> 00:25:52,135
Et prépare une autopsie.

00:25:52,302 --> 00:25:53,136
Une autopsie ?

00:25:53,637 --> 00:25:57,641
En rédigeant mon rapport,
j'ai trouvé un truc intéressant.

00:25:57,807 --> 00:26:00,352
La cause de la mort de notre agent

00:26:00,518 --> 00:26:02,812
n'a toujours pas été établie.

00:26:05,482 --> 00:26:07,817
Ni au couteau, ni à l'arme à feu...

00:26:07,984 --> 00:26:11,321
Pas de trace de ligature
ou de strangulation.

00:26:11,488 --> 00:26:14,324
Aucune substance toxique dans le corps.

00:26:14,491 --> 00:26:17,035
Mais l'analyse de sang est étrange.

00:26:17,202 --> 00:26:18,328
Étrange ?

00:26:18,495 --> 00:26:19,871
Signes de polycythémie.

00:26:20,121 --> 00:26:22,624
Production excessive de cellules rouges.

00:26:22,791 --> 00:26:23,792
Très excessive ?

00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:25,126

00:26:25,293 --> 00:26:28,838
D'après le médecin,
le sang ressemblait à de la gelée.

00:26:29,005 --> 00:26:32,968
Comme s'il avait épaissi
ou coagulé avant la mort.

00:26:33,343 --> 00:26:34,344
À cause de quoi ?

00:26:34,511 --> 00:26:37,138
Peut-être par injection d'un produit,

00:26:37,305 --> 00:26:38,682
mais rien n'a été décelé.

00:26:39,891 --> 00:26:44,980
Chapel dit que ces docteurs peuvent
contaminer les réserves de sang ?

00:26:45,146 --> 00:26:48,191
Un contaminant a pu
servir à tuer cet homme.

00:26:50,193 --> 00:26:51,820
Je ne sais pas, Mulder.

00:26:53,822 --> 00:26:56,658
J'ai pris le sac du docteur
dans l'appartement.

00:26:57,409 --> 00:26:58,576
- Agent Mulder ?
- Oui.

00:26:58,743 --> 00:27:00,704
M. Skinner vous cherche.

00:27:00,870 --> 00:27:02,539

00:27:02,706 --> 00:27:05,709
Va chercher le sac. Trouve une explication.

00:27:05,875 --> 00:27:09,713
Tu n'as pas rendu ton rapport.
Que diras-tu à Skinner ?

00:27:10,588 --> 00:27:13,550
La vérité. J'ai été renversé par une voiture.

00:27:22,892 --> 00:27:25,395
Excusez-moi. Une autopsie...

00:27:25,562 --> 00:27:28,940
Je ne vous ai pas appelé pour ça.

00:27:29,107 --> 00:27:32,027
Votre père a appelé. Un problème familial.

00:27:35,071 --> 00:27:36,072

00:27:44,706 --> 00:27:46,249
Allô ?

00:27:46,374 --> 00:27:47,584
Maman ?

00:27:47,917 --> 00:27:49,919
Fox... C'est toi ?

00:27:50,086 --> 00:27:53,548
Je suis surpris.
Pourquoi es-tu chez papa ?

00:27:53,715 --> 00:27:54,924
Il va bien ?

00:27:55,091 --> 00:27:57,594
Oui. Je te le passe.

00:27:58,762 --> 00:28:00,889
- Allô ?
- Papa ?

00:28:02,057 --> 00:28:04,100
On m'a dit que c'était urgent.

00:28:04,267 --> 00:28:08,063
Oui. J'ai reçu un appel
très étrange cet après-midi.

00:28:08,229 --> 00:28:09,606
J'ai téléphoné à ta mère.

00:28:09,773 --> 00:28:12,108
Il faut que tu viennes très vite.

00:28:12,275 --> 00:28:14,110

00:28:14,277 --> 00:28:16,237
J'en saurai plus à ton arrivée.

00:28:16,404 --> 00:28:17,405
Pas grand-chose,

00:28:17,614 --> 00:28:19,449
mais j'ai trouvé une adresse.

00:28:20,158 --> 00:28:21,993
Vérifie-la. Je t'appelle.

00:28:22,160 --> 00:28:23,953
- Où vas-tu ?
- Chez moi.

00:29:51,875 --> 00:29:55,879
Fox Mulder. Laissez un message,
je vous rappellerai.

00:29:56,045 --> 00:29:59,215
Mulder, c'est moi.
J'ai besoin de te parler.

00:29:59,382 --> 00:30:02,177
J'ai de nouvelles informations.

00:30:02,343 --> 00:30:03,887
Je suis en danger.

00:30:04,554 --> 00:30:07,724
Je suis chez moi.
Je crois qu'on m'a suivie.

00:30:26,951 --> 00:30:29,412
Laisse un peu de temps à ta mère.

00:30:34,042 --> 00:30:35,418
Ce n'est pas urgent ?

00:30:48,097 --> 00:30:50,433
Elle voulait que tu viennes.

00:30:50,600 --> 00:30:52,602
C'est un moment difficile.

00:30:52,769 --> 00:30:55,396
Je te suis reconnaissant
d'être arrivé si vite.

00:30:55,605 --> 00:30:57,273
Qu'y a-t-il papa ?

00:30:58,816 --> 00:31:00,568
La certitude

00:31:01,778 --> 00:31:05,949
devient un réconfort qui permet d'avancer.

00:31:07,325 --> 00:31:11,955
Nous avons enfoui nos souvenirs,
quand notre vie a été détruite.

00:31:12,121 --> 00:31:13,957
On ne s'attendait pas...

00:31:14,249 --> 00:31:16,167
À qui maman parle-t-elle ?

00:31:19,254 --> 00:31:20,797
À ta sœur.

00:31:46,990 --> 00:31:48,491

00:31:59,168 --> 00:32:03,131
Après ces nuits sans sommeil,
mes yeux se ferment seuls.

00:32:03,339 --> 00:32:08,177
Tu es épuisée. Comme nous tous.
Il est plus de 5 h du matin.

00:32:08,344 --> 00:32:10,805
Deux heures de sommeil me suffiront.

00:32:13,808 --> 00:32:15,184
Essaie de dormir.

00:32:20,023 --> 00:32:22,859
- Fox...
- Oui, maman ?

00:32:23,526 --> 00:32:25,194
C'est bien elle...

00:32:27,864 --> 00:32:28,823
Non ?

00:32:31,576 --> 00:32:33,411
Qui d'autre peut-elle être ?

00:32:36,581 --> 00:32:38,166

00:33:26,964 --> 00:33:29,133
Trop tard pour jouer au Stratego ?

00:33:31,260 --> 00:33:32,553
22 ans trop tard.

00:33:37,141 --> 00:33:39,310
Papa n'a rien trouvé à dire.

00:33:39,477 --> 00:33:41,979
Il est resté immobile.

00:33:43,272 --> 00:33:44,941
C'est tellement incroyable.

00:33:47,151 --> 00:33:48,569
Par où commencer ?

00:33:53,491 --> 00:33:57,954
Je devais avoir 9 ou 10 ans
quand ils m'ont libérée.

00:33:58,746 --> 00:34:00,665
Je n'avais aucun souvenir.

00:34:00,832 --> 00:34:04,836
J'ai été placée dans une famille
qui m'a élevée comme sa fille.

00:34:06,421 --> 00:34:07,755
Qui étaient-ils ?

00:34:09,257 --> 00:34:12,635
Des étrangers,
mais j'avais oublié mes parents.

00:34:13,594 --> 00:34:14,804
Et toi.

00:34:17,473 --> 00:34:19,809
Mais tu as fini par te souvenir...

00:34:20,935 --> 00:34:21,853
de nous.

00:34:24,355 --> 00:34:27,150
J'ai eu des problèmes,
il y a quelques années.

00:34:27,316 --> 00:34:30,653
Selon les médecins,
c'était de l'anxiété chronique.

00:34:32,029 --> 00:34:33,197
Rien ne me soulageait,

00:34:33,448 --> 00:34:34,615
j'ai touché le fond.

00:34:35,700 --> 00:34:39,328
Puis j'ai suivi une hypnothérapie
pour amnésique.

00:34:41,330 --> 00:34:44,000
Tout a commencé à me revenir.

00:34:46,169 --> 00:34:48,171

00:34:49,005 --> 00:34:50,548
les tests...

00:35:08,858 --> 00:35:10,485
Je suis en danger, Fox.

00:35:12,028 --> 00:35:12,987
Que veux-tu dire ?

00:35:13,488 --> 00:35:15,031
Tu as été contacté.

00:35:15,198 --> 00:35:17,575
Un homme pourchasse
mon père, le docteur.

00:35:21,204 --> 00:35:22,371
Ton père ?

00:35:24,040 --> 00:35:25,875
Mes parents adoptifs.

00:35:26,375 --> 00:35:28,711
Ils ne sont que des visiteurs.

00:35:29,045 --> 00:35:31,881
Ce qu'on appelle des extraterrestres.

00:35:34,717 --> 00:35:36,761
Un chasseur de primes veut les tuer.

00:35:37,386 --> 00:35:38,846
Tu as croisé cet homme.

00:35:39,263 --> 00:35:41,891
Il t'a menti et il a tué les autres.

00:35:43,059 --> 00:35:45,353
Il les tuera tous.

00:35:45,520 --> 00:35:47,230
Et ceux qui le gênent.

00:35:49,774 --> 00:35:51,859
Il viendra bientôt pour moi.

00:36:18,386 --> 00:36:19,554
Dana Scully.

00:36:19,762 --> 00:36:22,765
Laissez un message, je vous rappellerai.

00:36:24,475 --> 00:36:26,894
Scully, c'est Mulder. Décroche.

00:36:28,104 --> 00:36:31,274
Si tu es là, décroche. Je dois te parler.

00:36:34,402 --> 00:36:37,405
Ne fais pas confiance à l'agent de la CIA.

00:36:37,572 --> 00:36:40,283
Tu es peut-être en danger. Appelle-moi.

00:36:40,575 --> 00:36:42,159
Elle ne le reconnaîtra pas.

00:36:42,326 --> 00:36:44,787
Il a la capacité de se transformer.

00:36:44,954 --> 00:36:45,997
En quoi ?

00:36:46,455 --> 00:36:47,498
En n'importe qui.

00:36:47,999 --> 00:36:49,959
N'importe qui ? Tu plaisantes.

00:36:51,627 --> 00:36:54,130
Tu ne peux pas le reconnaître. Moi, si.

00:37:51,812 --> 00:37:54,649
Fox Mulder. Laissez un message.

00:37:55,650 --> 00:37:56,734
C'est moi.

00:37:56,901 --> 00:38:00,196
Je viens de sortir.
Je ne crois pas être suivie.

00:38:00,363 --> 00:38:04,992
Je vais loger au Vacation Village Motor
Lodge, sur la route 90 à Germantown.

00:38:05,159 --> 00:38:10,081
J'aurai bientôt des informations
capitales sur cette affaire.

00:39:59,315 --> 00:40:00,608
Attendez !

00:40:01,150 --> 00:40:03,444
Stop ! Agent fédéral !

00:40:05,112 --> 00:40:06,197
Les mains au mur.

00:40:07,656 --> 00:40:10,284
- Vite !
- Vous ne tirerez pas.

00:40:11,368 --> 00:40:14,705
Posez vos mains contre le mur.
Tout de suite !

00:40:16,999 --> 00:40:18,959
Vous ne pouvez pas nous blesser.

00:40:22,171 --> 00:40:23,464
Monsieur !

00:40:25,841 --> 00:40:27,218
Vous pouvez venir.

00:40:33,682 --> 00:40:38,813
Nous sommes les derniers.
Sans protection, nous sommes morts.

00:40:41,857 --> 00:40:44,693
Placez ces hommes
sous sécurité maximum.

00:40:44,860 --> 00:40:47,655
Pas de visites,
pas de journalistes, personne.

00:40:50,574 --> 00:40:53,327
Dites-moi... Qui sont ces types ?

00:40:53,494 --> 00:40:55,746
Je vous le dirai quand je le saurai.

00:41:24,358 --> 00:41:27,945
... des informations
capitales sur cette affaire.

00:41:30,865 --> 00:41:33,701
- Vacation village.
- Passez-moi Dana Scully.

00:41:34,243 --> 00:41:35,911
Un instant.

00:41:39,248 --> 00:41:42,042
Personne n'est inscrit sous ce nom.

00:41:42,209 --> 00:41:45,963
Dites-lui d'appeler Fox Mulder
dès son arrivée.

00:41:46,088 --> 00:41:48,507
- Fox Mulder.
- Fox Mulder.

00:41:48,591 --> 00:41:50,050
- Oui.
- Entendu.

00:41:57,558 --> 00:41:59,435
Pour qui était ce message ?

00:42:02,146 --> 00:42:04,064
Une chambre pour la nuit.

00:42:04,315 --> 00:42:06,275
Je vais voir ce que j'ai.

00:42:30,466 --> 00:42:33,093

00:42:56,200 --> 00:42:57,159
Qui est de service ?

00:42:57,660 --> 00:42:58,994
Moi, monsieur.

00:42:59,662 --> 00:43:01,622
Je vais parler aux prisonniers.

00:43:04,291 --> 00:43:06,961
Apportez-moi un café avec du sucre.

00:43:07,127 --> 00:43:10,047
- Je les surveille ?
- Allez chercher le café.

00:43:40,703 --> 00:43:43,038
- Qui est-ce ?
- Moi, Scully.

00:43:49,712 --> 00:43:52,339
- J'ai eu ton message.
- Où étais-tu ?

00:43:57,219 --> 00:43:58,929
C'est moi. Où es-tu ?

00:44:01,890 --> 00:44:03,559
Tu m'entends ?

00:44:13,861 --> 00:44:15,529

00:44:48,228 --> 00:44:49,146
C'est moi qui l'ai fait !

00:44:49,229 --> 00:44:50,230
Sous-titrage Visiontext : Stéphan Levine


Scene 1

A mist surrounds the sky. Mulder talks over the scene.

Mulder : I have lived with a fragile faith built on the ether of vague memories from an experience that I can neither prove nor explain.When I was twelve, my sister was taken from me, taken from our home by a force that I came to believe was extraterrestrial. [A light shines down from the mist] This belief sustained me, fueling a quest for truths that were as elusive as the memory itself. To believe as passionately as I did was not without sacrifice, but I always accepted the risks... to my career, my reputation, my relationships... to life itself...

A whirring sound grows louder as the light grows brighter. The light is coming from a helicopter. A man waves the helicopter down towards the landing pad as an army ambulance pulls up, sirens blaring. The back doors open up and man file out.

Man : Let's move out!

The men scream to each other and a few take Mulder out of the helicopter. He is in some kind of bodybag on a metal stretcher. They run in with a nurse who is carrying an IV.

Nurse : We need a frostbite bay, stat!

They run into the ER.

Doctor : All right, let's get ready, please! [The medical officials put an oxygen mask on him and cut off his clothes. Beeping and talking can be heard] Basal temp's eighty-six degrees.

Nurse : Right eye dilated. [She pulls up the other eyelid and shines a flashlight into his other eye] Left eye dilated.

Doctor : All right, people, let's get him into that tub or we're going to lose him. [The nurse looks back at his pulse] On three... one, two, three...

The doctor and some other people lift Mulder up. Scully runs in through the outside doors and is stopped by a security guard.

Security Guard #1 : Hold it...

Scully : An Agent Mulder was brought here tonight?

Security Guard #1 : This is an authorized area, military personnel only.

Scully : I'm a federal agent!

She tries to push past them but they stop her.

Security Guard #2 : Ma'am!

Security Guard #1 : Hold on, you're not going anywhere until we can see some I.D.

Scully : There's no time for this. [She shows her badge to both of them] A man is dying.

Mulder is put him into a frostbite tank. The warm water covers most of his body. He talks over the scene.

Mulder : What happened to me out on the ice has justified every belief. If I should die now, it would be with the certainty that my faith has been righteous. And if, through death, larger mysteries are revealed, I will have already learned the answer to the question that has driven me here... that there is intelligent life in the universe other than our own... that they are here among us... and that they have begun to colonize.

Scully bursts into the emergency room. The people are talking in the background. Scully looks at Mulder and holds up her badge.

Scully : I'm Dana Scully, I'm Agent Mulder's partner. What are his vitals?

The doctor walks over to her.

Doctor : He's suffering from extreme hypothermia.

Scully : No... you've got to get him out of the tub.

Doctor : He's dying, he's lost all his body heat.

Scully : You've got to listen to me! If you keep him in there, you're going to kill him! The cold is the only thing that's keeping him alive.

Mulder flatlines.

Nurse : His heart stopped!

Doctor : Give me one amp of epinephrine in a cannula!

Scene 2
Research Vessel Alta; Beaufort Sea, Arctic Circle, Two Weeks Earlier

The vessel moves along past icebergs jutting out of the water. A man climbs down from the upper look-out deck and opens up the door. The captain walks out.

Officer : You got to see this captain, we got a UFO or something buzzing us. [The captain puts on his hat and goes to the ladder] Right up here. [The captain climbs up the ladder to the deck. The man follows. Two men are standing with binoculars. A circular light is hovering in the distance] It's been just hovering up there for about twenty minutes.

Captain : Could be a helicopter.

Officer : Not the way it flew over us.

The man to their left stops looking through the binoculars.

Man : It's coming at us again.

The light grows larger and races by the side of the ship.

Officer : It's going to crash...

They watch as the light crashes into a distant iceberg, exploding in a fireball.

Captain : Reverse engines!

Deckhand : Reverse!

Captain : We're going after it.

Scene 3
Woman's Care Family Services And Clinic; Scranton, Pennsylvania

A doctor, Landon Prince walks down the hallway towards the lounge.

Woman : Thank you very much.

Nurse : You're welcome.

He walks into the lounge and pours himself a cup of coffee. Doctors and nurses are sitting around. The TV can be heard.

Anchorman : ...has been covering this story and files this report.

Reporter : Two days ago, the crew of an ice cutter working the arctic circle thought they had seen a UFO when a strange aircraft plunged into the Beaufort Sea. But a short time later, they recovered what is now believed to be a Russian fighter pilot from the icy water where he miraculously survived the extreme arctic temperatures. [Prince is paying attention now. On the TV, the crewmembers of the ship hoist the man up onto the boat with a pulley] The man was airlifted to a military hospital in Alaska where he was listed in stable condition. But while authorities have been trying to determine just who the pilot is, we've learned that he's apparently walked out of the hospital... [The camera shows a clear shot of the pilot's face. Prince's expression becomes ghostly]... and is now listed as missing. Reporting from our field...

Prince runs out of the lounge and down the hallway. He goes through the swinging doors and is grabbed by the pilot on TV, the Alien Bounty Hunter. The assassin slams the doctor up against the wall by the neck.

Alien Bounty Hunter : Where is he?

Landon Prince : I don't know!

The Bounty Hunter pushes him down onto the ground and kneels over him. He pulls his head back and takes out a small metallic tube, called a gimlet. A long, sharp point shoots out of the front of the tube and the Bounty Hunter poises to strike down with it. The doctor struggles against his attacker, but to no avail. The assassin shoves the point into the back of the doctor's neck, which leaks a green fluid and bubbles. The Bounty Hunter then gets up and rips off the cover to the electric box, which sparks and catches fire. The room burning behind him, he walks out nonchalantly as the alarm rings and the hallway fills with smoke.

Scene 4
X-Files Office; FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Mulder is leaning over his desk when Scully comes in and takes off her coat.

Mulder : I have been looking for you.

Scully : I was just down the street. Someone fired more shots at the White House last night.

Mulder : You got to wonder about a country where even the President has to worry about drive-by shootings.

He walks over to his computer and sits down. She stands next to him.

Scully : What are you working on?

Mulder : I found these in my e-mail this morning... three obituaries.

Scully : Sent by whom?

Mulder : Nobody I know but obviously somebody who knows me.

He clicks on a few keys and the text box expands on the monitor.

Scully : Why?

Mulder : The deceased are Doctor Landon Prince of Scranton, Pennsylvania... [He expands another box] Doctor Dale Gayhart of New York City... [He brings up the third obituary]... and Doctor Harvey Buchanon of Tea Neck, New Jersey. All worked in abortion clinics. They died in separate arson fires.

Scully : Sounds like the work of militant right-to-lifers.

Mulder : Sounds like it.

Scully : Why would somebody send them to you?

Mulder : It's taken me all morning to figure that out.

Scully : What did you find?

Mulder walks over to his desk and hands Scully a picture of Prince.

Mulder : This is the latest victim, Doctor Landon Prince. And these are the other two victims... Doctors Gayhart... [He hands her another picture. The man is identical to Prince in every respect]... and Buchanon.

She is given a third picture of another identical man.

Scully : Triplets?

Mulder : Nope. I can't find any blood connection between them. In fact, I can't find any records on them at all. It's as if before they died, they never existed.

Scully : What?

Scene 5
Scranton, Pennsylvania

Mulder and Scully are standing with the federal marshall, who is looking over a folder.

Federal Marshall : Doctor Prince performs legal, clinical abortions which seems to be having its own share of occupational hazards these days.

Mulder : You don't know anything else about him?

Federal Marshall : Nah, he went about his work quietly. None of his family's come forward.

Scully : What about the man you arrested, this, uh, preacher?

Federal Marshall : Reverend Calvin Sistrunk. He's got a motive, he's threatened these abortion docs before. He was carrying this when we arrested him. [He hands Mulder a clip from a newspaper with an advertisement that has a picture of Prince and reads "Do you know this man? Call (212) 555-2884."] We're hoping for an indictment.

Mulder : As soon as you locate Doctor Prince's remains.

Federal Marshall : Yes... but that fact hasn't been released.

Mulder : Well, there have been two identical fire deaths. Neither body has been found.

Federal Marshall : We're quite certain he was in the building. His car was in the parking lot. We found his keys in the stairwell where the fire was started. He's been missing since the incident. Could be we'll just be finding teeth and bone.

The door opens behind Scully and an officer leads in Reverend Sistrunk.

Calvin Sistrunk : Good afternoon.

He sits down.

Federal Marshall : Reverend Sistrunk... these are Agents Scully and Mulder. They want to ask you...

Calvin Sistrunk : ...if Doctor Prince burns in hell's fire for his murder of the unborn? If his damnation is God's will?

Mulder : Is that what you think, Reverend?

Calvin Sistrunk : I guess it's a question of opinion.

Mulder : Well, it's my opinion that whoever killed Doctor Prince will also be linked to two other murders. How do you feel about that?

Calvin Sistrunk : There are those who endorse the killing of the heathen sinner in God's name, but I, sir, am not one of them.

Mulder : Have you been to New York or New Jersey in the past two weeks?

Calvin Sistrunk : No, sir.

Mulder shows him the advertisement.

Mulder : This clipping, where'd you get it?

Calvin Sistrunk : From the newspaper. Obviously, there are more of God's soldiers seeking this man for judgement.

Mulder : Which newspaper?

Calvin Sistrunk : The local paper, up in Binghamton.

Scene 6
Globe And Mail; Binghamton, N.Y.

The woman at the desk is looking at the advertisement.

Woman : Oh, yeah. I remember this one. The man who placed this payed cash.

Scully : Would you recognize his face?

Woman : I might. [Scully shows her a mugshot of Sistrunk.] No. That's not him.

Mulder : Do you have a record of his name or address?

Woman : No, we don't. He wouldn't sign anything. In fact, he called and asked to place that ad a second week, so we did but he never came back to pay.

Mulder : Thank you.

Woman : Sure.

The agents walk away.

Scully : I've got a bad feeling about this case, Mulder.

Mulder : What do you mean?

Scully : Well, nothing about it makes sense. We've got three deaths of identical victims, no bodies, a virtual non-suspect...

Mulder : Sounds just like an X-File.

Scully : You don't even know who sent you that information. I mean, we've been set up before.

Mulder looks at a map. He goes over to it, Scully following.

Mulder : If somebody really wanted to set us up, would they give us this little to go on? There's something bigger here, Scully. I'd be willing to bet there are more of these guys out there.

Scully : More victims?

Mulder : Unless we get to them first. The deaths follow a pattern... New Jersey, New York, Scranton... [He puts his finger on the map and moves it to the next city as he says the name]... and then an ad is placed here in Binghamton looking for a man exactly like the others. The killer's moving in a northernly direction. [He looks over at the woman] Uh, eh, uh... excuse me? Excuse me. [She looks at him and they walk over to her] The, uh, number in the ad, is th... would that be a voice mail?

Woman : Yes, it is.

Mulder : How, how would you access that?

Woman : Well, you'd start by paying the bill. [Mulder looks at Scully and takes out his wallet. He gives Scully the ad, who walks over to the phone. Mulder gives the woman his credit card.] Dial the number, then press twelve-thirty six.

Scully does so. The woman walks to the back. Mulder paces a little.

Scully : There's twenty four messages responding to the ad. The first caller has seen the man in the photo in Syracuse.

Scully takes a pen and pad out.

Mulder : That's north.

Scene 7
FBI Field Office;  Syracuse, N.Y.

Agent Barrett Weiss picks up the phone.

Barrett Weiss : Special Agent Weiss.

Mulder : Yeah, this is Agent Mulder. I need to enlist your help.

Barrett Weiss : Shoot.

He takes out a pen and starts to write down what Mulder says. Cut to Mulder and Scully, who are walking out of the post office.

Mulder : I'm heading your way with Agent Scully. We have reason to believe a man in your area may be in danger. His name is Doctor Aaron Baker, he's living somewhere in Syracuse. We need you to find him and sit on him... [They get to their car. Cut back to Syracuse.]... until we get there.

Barrett Weiss : You got it. I'll call you back with an address as soon as I track him down.

Scene 8
737 26th Street - Syracuse, N.Y.

Weiss pulls up to the house, looks at his paper, then goes to the front door. He is about to knock when he hears talking.

Aaron Baker : There were years, years when our people did get along, where we could share in the entire planet. [Weiss looks through the window] But you seem to be...you seem to be unwilling to share. [A man puts his hand on Baker's shoulder] I don't understand, I don't understand! You did not fail...

Weiss starts back down the stairs. The Bounty Hunter throws Baker against the wall, holding him by the throat.

Alien Bounty Hunter : Your plans will not succeed.

Weiss walks around to the back door. The Bounty Hunter slams Baker's face into the wall and flicks open his gimlet. As Weiss continues to sneak around the house, Baker falls to the floor, dead. Weiss slams open the door and points his gun at the Bounty Hunter, much to the assassin's surprise.

Barrett Weiss : Federal agent, drop your weapon! I said drop it! [He hears a bubbling and looks down to see Baker's body turn into a green liquid, bubbling and oozing. The "body" starts to deteriorate. Weiss is reasonably confused] What the hell... [The assassin raises his hand to throw the gimlet but Weiss shoots him three times in the chest. The assassin does not move, merely leaks the same green liquid that Baker and Prince had. Weiss stares at him in awe until he starts gagging and choking. He screams, holding his head. Mulder and Scully pull up to the house. They walk up the porch and knock on the door. Agent Weiss comes up behind them] Agent Mulder?

Mulder : Yes, Agent Weiss?

Weiss takes out his badge.

Barrett Weiss : Yes, sir.

Mulder : Did you find Doctor Baker?

Barrett Weiss : No, I'm afraid not. No one's home. There's two weeks worth of mail in the mailbox.

Mulder : Uh, we may already be too late but we should take a look around anyway.

Barrett Weiss : Not much to see.

Mulder and Scully walk around the house. Weiss puts his badge away and walks back to his car. Opening the trunk, he looks at the real Barrett Weiss, dead, naked except for his underwear, bound and gagged. His eyes, nose and mouth are inflammed. "Weiss" looks around, then his facial features and body mass change to that of the Alien Bounty Hunter's. The Bounty Hunter throws the keys down on the dead agent, then closes the trunk and walks away.

Scene 9
FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Skinner, sitting at his desk, pushes a button on the phone and the secretary is heard on the other end.

Secretary : Agent Mulder has arrived.

Skinner : Send him right in. [Mulder walks in] Agent Mulder, please have a seat.

Mulder : Sorry I'm late, I just flew in.

Skinner : From?

Mulder : Syracuse.

He sits down.

Skinner : Where you were doing what?

Mulder : Agent Scully and I were following up a lead on a case.

Skinner : Did anyone authorize this investigation, Agent Mulder?

Mulder : No, sir.

Skinner : Do you have paperwork on this case?

Mulder : No, sir. I'd assumed we had an understanding with respect to the X-Files.

Skinner : I'm sure it doesn't surprise you, Agent Mulder, that the people I have to answer to aren't quite so understanding. Particularly when one of their field agents is found dead.

Mulder : What?

Skinner stands.

Skinner : Special Agent Barrett Weiss. [He tosses a photograph at Mulder of Weiss' body] Out of the Syracuse office. His body was found stuffed in the trunk of a car in front of a house that you sent him to.

Mulder looks at the photograph in disbelief.

Mulder : It's impossible... I spoke to Agent Weiss, I saw him at the house.

Skinner pounds his fists on the desk and gets in Mulder's face.

Skinner : Save it, Agent Mulder, save it for your report because until this matter is cleared up, your butt and mine are in a sling and your investigation, official or otherwise, is terminated.

Mulder : Sir...

Skinner : Don't underestimate the seriousness of this matter, Agent Mulder. A man is dead. [Mulder stares down towards the floor as Skinner sits down] I want a full accounting on my desk in the morning.

Mulder nods and walks out.

Scene 10
X-Files Office; FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Mulder walks into the office to the phone's ringing. He throws his jacket across the room and picks up the phone, sitting down.

Mulder : Mulder.

Scully : Mulder, it's me.

Mulder : Where are you?

Cut to Scully, who is sitting at her desk in front of her computer, her glasses on.

Scully : I'm at home.

Mulder : Agent Weiss is dead, Scully.

Scully : What?

Mulder : Somebody killed him and Skinner hit the roof. We're being grounded until he gets a full accounting. [Cut back to Mulder] I just wish I knew what the hell was going on.

Cut to Scully, who looks at the computer screen.

Scully : Have you checked your e-mail this morning, Mulder?

Mulder : No, why?

Scully : Because I received something unsettling and I wondered if you'd gotten it too.

Cut to Mulder, who starts typing on his computer.

Mulder : What is it?

Scully : It's a digitally scanned photograph. There's another one, Mulder. [A picture slowly comes up of another identical doctor] His name is Doctor James Dickens. [Cut to Scully] And Mulder?

Mulder : Yeah?

Scully : He's right here in Washington.

The e-mail message on her computer next to the picture reads:

"Mail 485723
DATE: -- Image enclosed
TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]

Dr. James Dickens, Washington D.C."

Cut to Mulder.

Mulder : Stay where you are, Scully, I'll be right there to pick you up.

He hangs up.

Scene 11
Scully's House; Washington, D.C.

Mulder pulls up and sees someone standing on the porch. They pass each other on the walkway and the man looks back.

Ambrose Chapel : Agent Mulder? [Mulder looks back] My name is Ambrose Chapel. [He walks up to Mulder, showing his badge] I work with the Central Intelligence Agency. I need to talk to you about the case you're working on.

Mulder looks at his badge.

Mulder : What case is that?

Ambrose Chapel : The murder of certain identical victims. I have a story to tell, Agent Mulder. Believe me, you want to hear it. [Inside, Scully and Chapel are sitting across from each other. Mulder is standing away from them] We've known of their existence for a decade. We had no idea they were in the country until last year.

Scully : Who are they?

Ambrose Chapel : We're working on vague intelligence reports but it appears early in the Cold War, Soviet scientists stumbled onto genetic anomaly in sets of identical twins. They were able to isolate the specific DNA material that gave the twins their facial features, hair color, texture... and they were able to reproduce it.

Mulder is behind Scully now, having walked around during Chapel's rant.

Scully : Are you saying these men are clones?

Ambrose Chapel : By all outward appearances.

Scully and Mulder look at each other.

Mulder : How did they get here?

Ambrose Chapel : The program went by the codename "Gregor"... the name given to every clone. We believe the original Gregor came here sometime in the mid-70's on a German passport. Using that same document, they were able to bring a small cadre of clones into the country. Several of which have obtained strategic positions in the medical establishment.

Mulder : For what purpose?

Ambrose Chapel : In the event of war, they would mobilize simultaneously at different facilities across the U.S. to contaminate blood supplies, sabotage pharmaceutical factories... essentially destroy the country's immune system.

He takes a sip of water.

Scully : If you've known about this for a year, why hasn't anything been done?

Ambrose Chapel : Well, this is where the story gets perhaps even more incredible. In a secret agreement, someone is allowing the Gregors to be systematically eliminated by a man who I believe is a Russian spy killer in exchange for the absolute suppression of the program's existence and to obtain the science that created it.

Mulder : What's your business in this?

Ambrose Chapel : I believe we share similar sentiments on our government's policies of denial which is why they've been trying to contact you.

Scully : Who?

Ambrose Chapel : The Gregors. You've obviously got a reputation as someone who might protect them and bring these misdeeds to light.

Mulder looks at Scully.

Mulder : What makes you think we've been contacted?

Ambrose Chapel : Your inquiries into their deaths... [Chapel pulls out a piece of paper and Mulder picks it up] And your response to the ad I placed. [On the paper is a copy of the same advertisement as in the newspaper. Mulder sits down] We're talking state-sanctioned murder. If we can find them first, maybe the truth can be known.

Mulder and Scully look at each other.

Mulder : We know where one of these man may be.

Chapel smiles and nods slightly.

Scene 12
Germantown, Maryland

A van is running outside. Dickens takes his briefcase off of a machine and looks at four large green vats. He pushes a few buttons and walks out. The name on the door is "3243 Edmonton." He gets in the van and looks at a young woman in the driver's seat.

James Dickens : Okay, let's go.

They drive off.

Scene 13
Dickens' Apartment

The van pulls up the apartment complex. They walk in and Dickens puts down his briefcase. Outside, Mulder, Scully and Chapel get out of a car. Dickens is hanging up his labcoat as someone knocks on the door.

James Dickens : Who is it?

Scully : Agents Scully and Mulder, we're with the F.B.I.

The woman grabs her coat and walks out of the room. Dickens opens the door and sees the two agents.

Mulder : Doctor Dickens?

James Dickens : Yes?

Mulder : I believe you've been trying to contact us.

James Dickens : Uh...

Chapel steps into view and glares at the doctor.

Scully : May we come in, Doctor Dickens?

James Dickens : Um...

He starts to back away from the door, staring at Chapel in fright.

Mulder : It's okay, sir, there's nothing to be afraid of!

Dickens turns and runs across the room. Mulder chases him. He jumps out the window and lands on the ground from about four stories up. The three look out the window at Dickens' body.

Scully : I'll call the paramedics...

She runs off. Dickens stirs.

Mulder : He's moving... he's getting up!

Dickens stands up, adjusts his glasses, and starts running. Mulder and Chapel walk away from the window.

Scully : I'll call you back. [She hangs up and goes to the window to see Dickens running down the street, followed by Chapel and Mulder. Mulder runs directly after him, but Chapel stops and turns right. Scully runs out the door as the woman watches her from behind the curtains. Dickens runs out into the street and Mulder follows. An oncoming car honks and crashes into Mulder, sending him flying up into the windshield, which cracks. Mulder rolls down off the hood and lands in the street, groaning and grabbing his side. Scully runs up to him and kneels down. He sits up.] You okay?

Mulder whispers as he talks...

Mulder : Okay. I just got the wind knocked out of me. Don't lose him! Go!

Scully : Okay...

She runs off as the driver gets out of the car and goes to Mulder.

Man : Are you all right?

Dickens runs down an alley and looks at the fence in front of him. He looks back to see Chapel standing at the entranceway. Chapel slowly stalks towards him. Dickens looks around and sees a fire escape. He climbs up onto the dumpster and pulls down the ladder, a look of terror on his face. Chapel reaches up and grabs Dickens foot. Dickens gasps and is pulled down, but Chapel's face is no longer there, replaced by the Alien Bounty Hunter's. Scully runs down the alley and looks around, seeing no one. She takes out her gun and walks slowly down the alley. A man groans and she looks towards the dumpster, where Chapel stands up from behind it. She sighs in relief and lowers her gun.

Ambrose Chapel : He's gone.

Scully : Where?

Ambrose Chapel : He blindsided me. Went up the fire escape before I could grab him. I'm going to go see if I can find a way up on the roof.

He walks away. Scully watches him, warily, then looks around, walking to behind the dumpster. She steps in something and looks down to see a puddle of green liquid. She tries to wipe it off her foot and walks away. The puddle, clearly in the shape of a fallen body, starts to bubble and fizz as it turns into gas.

Scene 14
X-Files Office; FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Mulder is walking to his desk as Scully walks in.

Scully : How are you feeling?

Mulder : Like I should've used the crosswalk. A lot better than my phone.

He sits down and waves his decimated cellular phone. She takes off her coat and puts down her briefcase.

Scully : Maybe we should've dropped this case when you were told.

Mulder : Scully, if what our friend from the C.I.A. says is true, this could blow the lid off one of the biggest national security conspiracies ever.

Scully : Our friend from the C.I.A. is about as unbelievable as his story... as is everything about this case. I mean, whatever happened to "trust no one," Mulder?

Mulder : Oh, I changed it to "trust everyone." I didn't tell you? [He stands and pulls out a folder from a stack.] I ran a full background check on this guy. Ambrose Chapel is a seventeen-year veteran, special intelligence clearance. He's the real thing, Scully.

He hands her the folder. She opens it and looks at it. There is a picture clipped onto the file.

Scully : Why would a man with his experience need our help... and how could he let a man that he's been looking so hard for slip away so easily? You know, that doctor wasn't running away from us, Mulder, he was running away from Agent Chapel.

Mulder : I think you're being overly paranoid about him, Scully.

Scully : Paranoid. Have you stopped to consider that maybe it was Agent Chapel who killed that field agent in Syracuse?

Mulder walks to his desk.

Mulder : Is that what you want me to put on my report to Skinner? Because I would be more than happy to have you explain that to him.

Scully : Damn it, Mulder, that is not my job. [She throws down the folder] You'll pursue a case at the expense of everything, to the point of insanity, and expect me to follow you. There has to be somewhere to draw the line.

Mulder : Three identical men are dead. A fourth identical man is alive and on the lam. If the pursuit of this case seems like insanity to you, feel free to step away from it.

Scully : An F.B.I. agent died because of our pursuit of this case.

Mulder : Those are the risks we take. You either accept them or you don't. We all draw our own lines.

He sits down. Scully stares at him, then looks away.

Scully : I have to show you something. [She reaches into her briefcase and pulls out a shoe with a part of the sole melted off] I got these a week ago. [She hands the shoe to Mulder and sits down on his desk] I stepped in something last night that ate clean through the sole. Now, maybe I'm being paranoid, but it was in the exact spot where this man Chapel said the doctor escaped.

Mulder is pushing a pencil through the hole.

Mulder : Why don't you send it to our lab guys for analysis? [He hands the shoe back] And while you're at it, why don't you arrange for an autopsy bay?

Scully : An autopsy bay?

Mulder : In putting together my report for Skinner, I came across something I think you'll appreciate. Whoever killed that field agent in Syracuse was so clever, no clear cause of death can be established.

Scully looks at him in disbelief.

Scene 15
Autopsy Bay; FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Agent Weiss is layed out on an examining table with a sheet over him. Scully is reading off of a clipboard. Mulder is standing off to the side.

Scully : There's no penetrating knife or gunshot wounds. No ligature marks or abrasions from strangulation. The toxicologocial is clean... and the blood work... well, the blood work is strange.

Mulder looks over her shoulder at the file.

Mulder : Strange how?

Scully : Well, there's evidence of polycythemia, excessive production of red blood cells.

Mulder walks around to the other side of Weiss.

Mulder : How excessive?

Scully : Extremely. The doctor who made this report has it in here that the blood was curdled like jelly. As if something caused the blood to thicken or clot prior to death.

Mulder : Due to what?

Scully : Possibly a coagulating agent introduced into the body, but it would've shown up on the toxicological.

Mulder walks back over.

Mulder : Didn't Agent Chapel say something about these doctors being able to contaminate the blood supply? Couldn't one of those contaminants have been used to kill this man?

Scully : I don't know, Mulder, I... there was a doctor's bag I took as evidence from the apartment.

A man walks in.

Man : Agent Mulder?

Mulder : Yeah?

Man : Assistant Director Skinner's been looking for you.

Mulder : All right, I'll be right there. [The man walks out] Check the bag. See if you can find anything that'll connect.

Scully : Well, Skinner's going to want to know why you didn't file your report. What're you going to say?

Mulder : Just the truth. I got hit by a car.

He smiles and walks out.

Scene 16
Walter Skinner's Office; FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Skinner is writing at his desk when Mulder walks in, carrying a folder.

Mulder : I'm sorry this is so late. I had trouble with the, uh, data from the, uh, autopsy...

Skinner walks over to him.

Skinner : That's not why I called you in here, Agent Mulder. Uh... your father's been trying to reach you. There's been a family emergency.

Mulder looks at him, surprised.

Mulder : Thank you.

He walks out.

Scene 17
X-Files Office; FBI Headquarters; Washington, D.C.

Mulder is on the phone, it is ringing. A woman picks up.

Mrs. Mulder : Hello?

Mulder : Mom?

Mrs. Mulder : Fox. Is that you?

Mulder : Yeah, I, I didn't expect you to answer. Wha, what are you doing at Dad's? Is he all right?

Mrs. Mulder : Yes. Let me put him on.

William Mulder : Hello?

Mulder : Dad? [He sits down] I got a message there was a family emergency.

William Mulder : Yes, I received a very strange phone call this afternoon. I called your mother. We think it's important that you come up here as soon as possible.

Mulder : Can you tell me what this is about?

William Mulder : I'll know more when you get here.

He hangs up. Mulder, confused, hangs up as Scully walks in, carrying the briefcase.

Scully : I didn't find anything much to go on but we've got an address.

Mulder gets up.

Mulder : Check it out, I'll call you as soon as I can.

Scully : Where you going?

Mulder : Home.

Mulder grabs his coat and leaves. Scully looks at the tag on the briefcase which reads:

"NAME: Dr. James Dickens
ADDRESS: 3243 Edmonton Street.
CITY: Germantown."

Scene 18
3243 Edmonton Street

Scully pulls up in front of the building, which looks to be one in a series of warehouses. She opens the door slowly and walks in, her gun in hand. She steps in something and looks down to see a lot more of the same green liquid on the floor. She keeps walking through it nonetheless and sees the giant room with the four large vats of the green liquid. One is pushed over with a resounding crash by Agent Chapel, better known as the Alien Bounty Hunter. The room is in complete shambles. The small bags with tubes attached that were in the vats litter the floor. Chapel looks down at one and steps on it, watching the green liquid pour out and smiling to himself. He hears footsteps and turns to see Scully's shadow moving back down the hall. Following the shadow, he sees the outer door close. He walks out just as Scully speeds away.

Scene 19
Scully's House; Washington, D.C.

Scully paces back and forth, the phone to her ear. Mulder's machine picks up.

Mulder On Machine : Hello, this is Fox Mulder. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

It beeps.

Scully : Mulder, it's me. I need to talk to you immediately. I've got some new information on this case. [She walks over to the window and looks through the blinds. She sees a gray car parked outside.] Mulder, I think I'm in danger. I'm in my apartment and I think I've been followed.

She hangs up.

Scene 20
Martha's Vineyard; West Tisbury, Massachusetts

Mulder gets out of his car and runs up the walkway to the front porch. His father sits in a chair off to the side.

William Mulder : Your mother needs some time.

Fox looks at him as he lights a cigarette.

Mulder : You said it was an emergency.

William stands and walks over to him. Fox goes to hug him but William extends his hand. Fox shakes it, disappointed.

William Mulder : She wanted you to come. It's a difficult time. I appreciate your coming on such short notice.

Mulder : What is it, Dad?

William takes a puff of his cigarette.

William Mulder : The certainty... becomes a comfort that allows you to move on. [Fox looks through the window and sees his mother, crying, talking to someone] We bury our memories so deep after all that has been destroyed... never expecting...

Mulder : Who is Mom talking to?

William takes another drag off his cigarette.

William Mulder : Your sister.

Mulder looks in the window, then back at his father in disbelief. He runs into the house. The door slams shut behind him as he walks into the living room. His mother and the woman stand up. Samantha walks up to Mulder, and it is the same woman that we saw with Dickens.

Samantha Mulder : Fox.

She nods. Mulder just stares blankly at her. At sunrise, Fox's mother is in bed and Fox closes the shades.

Mrs. Mulder : After all those sleepless nights, now I can hardly keep my eyes open.

He fluffs her pillow. He lays her down and tucks her in.

Mulder : You're exhausted. We all are. It's after 5:30.

Mrs. Mulder : Oh, I just need a couple of hours.

He turns off the lamp and kisses her forehead.

Mulder : Try and get some sleep.

He walks over and closes the other shades. She sits up.

Mrs. Mulder : Fox...

Mulder : Yeah, Mom?

Mrs. Mulder : It is really her... [She stares at him, waiting for a response] Isn't it?

Mulder : I... I don't see who else it could be. [They stare at each other] Now go to sleep.

Mulder walks out on the front porch and closes his eyes. The birds chirp and he looks to his right. Samantha is sitting in the chair, draped in a blanket. She smiles brightly.

Samantha Mulder : Is it too late for a game of Stratego?

Fox laughs.

Mulder : It's twenty-two years too late.

He walks towards her.

Samantha Mulder : I don't think Dad can think of anything to say. He just... sat here.

Mulder : So much has happened. Where do you begin?

She stands and looks out into the yard.

Samantha Mulder : I must have been nine or ten when I was returned. I had no memory. I was placed with a family who raised me as a daughter.

Mulder : Who were they?

Samantha Mulder : I knew they weren't my parents but I didn't remember Mom or Dad..or you.

Mulder : But you came to remember... us.

Samantha Mulder : I started having trouble several years ago. It was diagnosed as free-floating anxiety. Nothing worked for me. I hit rock bottom... until I underwent regression hypno-therapy. And it all started coming back... [She starts to cry] The abductions, the tests... [They hug and Mulder looks about to cry as well] I'm in danger, Fox.

Mulder : What do you mean?

Samantha Mulder : You've been contacted. You know there's a man hunting my father and the other doctors.

Mulder : Your f... your father.

Samantha Mulder : My adoptive parents. They're only visitors here... what people would call "aliens." A bounty hunter's been sent to kill them. You've met this man. His lies to you have caused others like my father to die. He won't stop until he's killed them all and anyone who tries to stop him. He'll come for me soon.

Scene 21
Scully's Apartment; Washington, D.C.

Scully walks out of her bathroom, running suit on, takes her fanny-pack, and leaves. She closes the door and the phone rings a few seconds later. The machine picks up.

Scully On Machine : Hi, this is Dana Scully.

Scene 22
Mulder's Apartment Washington, D.C.

Mulder is on the other end.

Scully On Machine : Please, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

The machine beeps.

Mulder : Hey, Scully, it's Mulder, pick up the phone. Okay, if you're screening, pick up the phone, I need to talk to you. [He sighs] All right, do not under any circumstances trust the C.I.A. agent. Your life may be in danger, now call me.

He hangs up. Samantha sits, watching him.

Samantha Mulder : She may not be able to recognize him. [She stands] He has the ability to disguise himself.

Mulder : Disguise himself how?

Samantha Mulder : As anyone.

Mulder : As anyone? You got to be kidding.

Samantha Mulder : No. You can't recognize him, but I can.

Scene 23
Bus Stop

Scully runs up to a bus stop as the bus pulls up. She gets in, deposits her change, and looks around. Not seeing Chapel, she pulls off her hood and sits down in the back of the bus. She looks at all the men and pulls her cellular out of her fanny-pack. She dials a number.

Mulder On Machine : Hello, this is Fox Mulder. Leave a message, please.

It beeps.

Scully : Mulder, it's me. I just left my aparment and I don't think I've been followed. I'm going to be staying at the Vacation Village Motor Lodge off the I-90 in Germantown. Now, by the time you reach me, I should have some very important information for you regarding this case.

She hangs up. A few seats down, watching her, is the Alien Bounty Hunter.

Scene 24
3243 Edmonton Street

Scully sneaks over to the building she was in before and takes out a small gun with a long metal stick in the front. She puts the stick into the keylock and pulls the trigger. The door unlocks. She slowly opens the door to the room and sees the lab is still in shambles. She splashes through the liquid on the floor and bends down at one point, looking at one of the small bags with the tubes attached. Picking up the tube, she sees a small alien-shaped figure in the bag. She stares at it. After a few seconds, it moves. She stands up, looking at it in awe as a man, looking exactly the same as the other clones before, looks at her through the barrels off to the side. She hears him moving around and looks at him. He starts running. She puts down the bag and gives chase.

Scully : Wait. [She takes out her gun and he stops at a wall] Stop! Federal Agent! Put your hands against the wall. Do it!

Gregor Clone #1 : You won't shoot me.

Scully : Put you hands against the wall... now.

He turns around.

Gregor Clone #1 : You cannot harm us.

Scully : Sir...

The wall turns out to be a sliding door, which he moves to reveal a stairway and a few hallways.

Gregor Clone #1 : It's all right. [Two more clones walk down the stairs and another comes in from the right] We are the last remaining. Unless you protect us, we are already dead.

She stares in amazement. Later, there are police cars swarming outside. Scully is walking with another agent.

Scully : These men are to be held in maximum security protective custody. No visitors, no press, no anybody... okay?

FBI Agent : Yeah. Can I ask? Who are these guys?

Scully : I'll let you know when I figure it out myself.

She walks away. He gets into one of the cars. There is a Gregor in different back seats to each car. Scully walks over to the first one, who looks back at her as they drive off. From the rooftops, the Alien Bounty Hunter watches Scully.

Scene 25
Mulder's Apartment; Washington, D.C.

Mulder plays back his machine. Samantha stands off to the side.

Scully On Machine : ...I should have some very important information for you regarding this case.

It beeps. He dials a number. It rings.

Man : Vacation Village.

Mulder : Yeah, I need to speak to Dana Scully, please.

Cut to the Vacation Village Motorlodge in Germantown.

Man : Just a moment. [He scans down the guest list. Cut back to Mulder's apartment] I'm sorry, there's no one registered by that name.

Mulder : All right, I need her to call Fox Mulder as soon as she checks in, okay? Fox Mulder.

Man : Fox Mulder.

Mulder : Yes.

Cut to the Vacation Village Motorlodge.

Man : Will do. [He hangs up and picks up a pencil and pad. The pencil tip breaks off] Now who's this message for?

Scully walks in.

Scully : I'd like a single for one night, please.

Man : Uh... see what I got.

Scully walks into her room and chainlocks the door. She goes into bathroom and starts running a shower. She grabs a towel and closes the door. The cellular phone inside her fanny-pack rings.

Scene 26
Federal Stockade; Tileston, Virginia; 7:05 PM

A guard walks down the hallway past the jail cells. A Gregor is seated in each one. He opens the door at the end and looks at another one. The federal marshall walks in.

FBI Agent : Whose post is this?

Guard #1 : Mine, sir, we're on changeover.

FBI Agent : I'm going to talk to the prisoners. [They walk over to the door] Oh, you want to get me a coffee... sugar and milk, no cream.

The guard hands him the keys.

Guard #1 : Do you want me to keep an eye open?

FBI Agent : No, just get me the coffee.

Guard #1 : Yes, sir.

The marshall unlocks the door and walks in. The guard locks the door behind him. The marshall walks over to the first clone's cell. He is sitting a pensive state but slowly looks up at the marshall. The marshall turns his hand around to reveal the Bounty Hunter's gimlet. It flicks open. The marshall is obviously the Bounty Hunter in disguise.

Scene 27
Vacation Village Motorlodge; Germantown, Maryland

The time is 11:21. Scully is asleep. There is a knock on the door and she wakes up. Turning on the lamp, she gets out of bed.

Scully : Who is it?

Mulder : Scully, it's me. [She pulls back the curtain slightly and looks out the window. She walks over and opens the door] I got your message.

Scully : Where've you been? [Her cellular phone rings] Hang on... [She walks away from Mulder and picks it up] Scully.

Mulder : [on phone] Scully, it's me, where are you? [Scully's body becomes tense] Scully? Are you there? [She slowly turns to see Mulder closing the door] Scully?

Her breathing becomes heavy as she stares at the Mulder standing in front of her.


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