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#712 : Peur Bleue

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Dans la banlieue d'une ville des Etats-Unis, un monstre terrorise les habitants d'un quartier. Mulder et Scully enquêtent sous les yeux des caméras de l'émission télévisée "C.O.P.S.", et sont suivis lors de tous les interrogatoires et de l'inspection du voisinage. Tout laisse penser qu'il s'agirait d'une sorte de loup-garou qui se nourrirait des peurs de ses victimes...

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5 - 2 votes

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Peur Bleue

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Photos promo

Réunion de flics pour débattre de l'enquête sous l'oeil attentif des camaramen

Réunion de flics pour débattre de l'enquête sous l'oeil attentif des camaramen

2 agents, 2 émotions : l'ennui et la désinvolture

2 agents, 2 émotions : l'ennui et la désinvolture

Scully est furieuse d'être sous le feu des projecteurs

Scully est furieuse d'être sous le feu des projecteurs

Un couple gay qui va fournir des informations précieuses aux agents

Un couple gay qui va fournir des informations précieuses aux agents

Plus de détails

Michael W. Watkins

Chris Carter
Vince Gilligan

Guest stars:
Curtis C. (Edy),

María Celedonio (Chantara Gomez),

Daniel Emmett (le caméraman),

Dee Freeman (le sergent Paula Duthie),

Curtis Jackson (X-Cops / Eddy),

Judson Mills (le shérif adjoint Keith Wetzel),

J.W. Smith (Steve),

John Michael Vaughn (le preneur de son),

Perla Walter (la mexicaine)...

Information classée X :

- cet épisode est le seul de la série a avoir été tourné caméra à la main à la demande de Vince Gilligan qui rêvait de réaliser un épisode de ce genre depuis des années. L'accord lui a finalement été donné en 2000 car il n'était pas certain que la série soit reconduite pour une huitième saison : il a donc été décidé de lui donner carte blanche pour réaliser son rêve.

Peur bleue


Un avertissement écrit comme quoi l'épisode qui va être diffusé est un épisode d'X-Files apparaît à l'écran. L'accent est mis sur la discrétion des parents.
Le générique de Cops, avec des images de Mulder et Scully, commence. Bad boys bad boy, what cha gonna do, what cha gonna do when they come for you !!!!!?


Au volant de sa voiture, le shérif Wetzel parle de la pleine lune et de ses effets : il est filmé par une équipe de télé : celle de Cops (Cops est un reality show diffusé sur la Fox : une équipe de télévision suit pas à pas les "aventures" sur le terrain des policiers. Action, spectacle et suspense sont au rendez-vous !… Pour plus d'infos sur cette série : https://www.cops.com). Le point de vue que nous avons donc tout au long de l'épisode est celui du caméraman : on ne voit ou n'entend donc pas toujours tout :(

Century Station

Toujours au volant de sa voiture, Wetzel parle de ses rondes de surveillance de nuit.


Wetzel reçoit un appel sur sa radio : une femme pense avoir affaire à un monstre. Il se rend chez elle, essaye de lui parler en vain, mais elle est complètement paniquée et le met à la porte illico presto… Le shérif inspecte malgré tout le jardin, mais tout d'un coup, il revient en courant, paniqué, et hurle au caméraman de monter dans la voiture. Une fois dans la voiture, Wetzel appelle du renfort, mais une force que l'on ne voit pas à l'image casse toutes les vitres de la voiture, qui se met à faire des tonneaux sur elle-même, alors qu'elle ne roulait même pas.


De retour sur les lieux de "l'accident", on retrouve une équipe de policiers venue en aide au shérif et à l'équipe télé. Apparemment, le caméraman n'a rien puisqu'il film assidument tout ce qui se passe autour de lui.
Une policière demande à Wetzel ce qui s'est passé, et ce dernier lui dit qu'ils ont été attaqués, par un gang. Quand la policière lui demande plus d'explications, il dit qu'il n'a pas bien vu. Leur conversation est interrompue par un appel : deux suspects à pied ont été repérés non loin de là : tous les renforts arrivés sur les lieux, ainsi que l'équipe télé, se dirigent massivement vers les suspects en question. C'est un vrai capharnaüm : tout le monde crie dans tous les sens, les sirènes des voitures retentissent à tout va. Lorsqu'on découvre les suspects en question, on réalise qu'il s'agit en réalité de Mulder et Scully, qui essayent de couvrir le bruit en hurlant qu'ils sont du F.B.I.

Lorsque les policiers réalisent qu'ils disent vrai, ils les "relachent". Mulder leur apprend que lui et Scully travaillent sur la même affaire qu'eux. Ces derniers, suivis par la caméra, se rendent jusqu'à la porte de la femme qui avait initialement appelé les secours. Sous la poignée, ils remarquent les traces profondes de cinq griffes.
Mulder et Scully rejoignent le Shérif, qui est est en train de se faire soigner dans l'ambulance. Pendant toute la scène, à chaque fois que la caméra se tourne vers Scully, cette dernière a l'air particulièrement désagréable, et se cache derrière la porte de l'ambulance.
Mulder essaye de faire parler Wetzel, mais ce dernier ne semble pas décidé à décrire ce qu'il a vu...

La policière qui a interrogé le Shérif en arrivant sur les lieux rejoint le petit groupe auprès de l'ambulance. Elle dit à Mulder que la femme qui a appelé les secours n'était pas dans un état normal, mais ce dernier l'ignore : il lui fait remarquer que les meutres ont tous eu lieu des nuits de pleine lune, ce qui n'est pas sans lui rappeler quelque chose. Il se met à décrire une créature avec des yeux rouges qui brillent, de grandes dents et des griffes. Il sort alors de sa veste le portrait-robot du suspect du dernier crime pour le montrer au shérif : il s'agit d'un loup garou. Bien évidemment, tous ceux qui ont entendu la théorie de Mulder le prennent pour un illuminé. Mais ce dernier attrape le poignet du Shérif, qui semble avoir été mordu : il lui demande pendant combien de temps il avait encore l'intention de les cacher à l'équipe de secours. La caméra se tourne vers Scully pour étudier sa réaction : elle se recache derrière la porte de l'ambulance…
De son côté, Mulder insiste bien sur le fait qu'il est sérieux, et que le Shérif doit être isolé et mis sous surveillance permanente car ayant été attaqué par un loup-garou, il en deviendra un lui-même. Personne ne le prend au sérieux.

LA POLICIERE : Nom de *beep* mais de quoi vous parlez ?!!!

C'en est trop pour Scully, qui avec un sourire crispé demande à "l'agent Mulder" s'il veut bien lui parler cinq minutes : elle le prend par le bras et le tire derrière elle.
Le caméraman les suit partout, ce qui énerve grandement Scully, qui slalome dans tous les sens pour essayer de le dissuader de les suivre. Autant dire que ça ne marche pas !

MULDER : Quoi, qu'est-ce que tu veux ?
SCULLY : Qu'est-ce que je veux ? Mulder, as-tu remarqué que nous étions à la télévision ?
MULDER : Je ne pense pas que ce soit de la télé en direct Scully : elle vient de dire *beep* !
SCULLY : Peut-être, mais c'est une caméra, et elle filme. Elle filme tout ce que tu dis. Est-ce que tu l'as bien réalisé ? Je veux juste être certaine que nous sommes d'accord sur ce point.
MULDER : Je suis d'accord sur ce point Scully.

Scully continue sa tirade en disant à Mulder qu'ils sont sur une enquête, quelque chose de sérieux. Mulder a bien réalisé qu'il avait l'air d'un fou, mais pour lui, c'est l'occasion rêvée pour révéler la vérité aux millions de gens qui regarderont cet épisode de Cops.
Scully lui répond qu'elle ne veut pas avoir l'air d'une folle, ce que Mulder comprend. Il lui demande d'escorter le Shérif à l'hôpital, pendant que lui va rester sur les lieux pour faire avancer l'enquête. Scully aquiesce, mais avant, elle appelle Skinner, pour lui dire à quel point elle trouve anormal d'être persécutée dans son travail par une équipe de télé. Alors qu'elle attend que Skinner décroche, la caméra s'approche d'elle :

SCULLY : Les gars, lâchez-moi cinq minutes, ok ?

La caméra continue de filmer. Scully colle sa main dessus.

Pendant ce temps, Mulder et l'équipe de policiers se rendent à nouveau vers la maison. La femme est à la limite de l'hystérie et hurle tout ce qui lui passe par la tête en Espagnol : l'un des policiers traduit ce qu'elle décrit : un loup-garou.
Un dessinateur l'écoute et travaille sur le portrait robot de l'agresseur. Une fois le dessin terminé, on reconnaît Freddie Krueger...
Tout le monde s'apprête à quitter les lieux, mais le dessinateur demande à être escorté jusqu'à sa voiture : il est effrayé.

Scully descend de sa voiture et rejoint Mulder. Elle lui apprend que le Shérif a été relâché, parce que les "morsures" que Mulder avait décellées sur son poignet ne sont autres que des piqûres d'insectes. Elle insiste bien sur le fait que malgré tout, Mulder avait tiré des conclusions tout à fait légitimes par rapport aux preuves, en s'assurant que la caméra les filme bien.
Mulder lui demande ce que Skinner a dit de tout ça. Scully lui répond qu'il a dit que le F.B.I. n'a rien à cacher, ni eux non plus. De toutes façons, Mulder ne pense plus vraiment qu'il s'agisse d'un loup garou. A vrai dire, il ne sait plus trop à quoi ou à qui ils ont affaire.

Au même moment, les policiers sont appelés sur les lieux d'un crime. Mulder et Scully sautent dans leur voiture, et quand le caméraman fait mine de monter à l'arrière, Scully lui jette *the* look et lui ferme la portière au nez. On voit leur voiture s'éloigner.

Personne à terre
Sur les lieux du crime, les policiers trouvent le corps de Ricky, le dessinateur. Bien qu'il porte un gilet pare-balles, il a été assassiné à coups de griffures à travers ce dernier.


Sur les lieux du crime Scully raccroche son téléphone et dit à Mulder que Ricky venait d'appeler un dépanneur pour un problème de pneu crevé, et lui avait demandé de se dépêcher car il ne se sentait pas en sécurité.
En examinant un peu les lieux, elle retrouve un faux ongle de femme, recouvert de vernis rose, et le tend à Mulder

MULDER : Chouette couleur !
SCULLY : Regarde plutôt l'autre couleur : du rouge sang !

Les deux agents se rendent alors chez les témoins qui ont appelé les secours : il s'agit d'un couple gay. L'un d'entre eux, très coquet, essaye constamment de se mettre devant la caméra.
Ils disent à Mulder et Scully que cet ongle appartient à une prostituée qui travaille à l'angle de la rue, mais la seule chose qu'ils ont vue, c'est que l'homme hurlait, roulé en boule.

Quand les agents quittent les lieux, l'homme exibitioniste se met à chanter et à danser devant la caméra. Son ami lui demande d'arrêter.

Dans la voiture

MULDER : Bon apparemment, nous sommes donc à la recherche d'une femme dont la couleur des cheveux est assortie à celle de ses ongles : rose chewing-gum. Ce serait une chouette couleur pour toi Scully !

Scully pose sèchement le sachet contenant l'ongle devant elle. Mulder explique au caméraman qu'il n'est pas encore très certain de ce qu'ils recherchent, mais que dans tous les cas, il s'agit d'un phénomène paranormal.
Finalement, ils finissent par retrouver la prostituée aux cheveux roses. Son visage est caché par un flou. Elle est sur la défensive, et complètement paniquée, elle explique à Mulder et Scully qu'elle n'a rien fait, que c'est son petit ami qui a agi : il lui a dit que s'il la retrouvait et qu'elle ne lui donnait pas plus d'argent, il lui tordrait le cou.


Mulder et Scully laissent la prostituée dans la voiture de patrouille pour rejoindre l'équipe de policiers qui s'apprête à faire une descente dans un squat, pour retrouver le petit ami de cette dernière. Ils arrivent à lui soutirer un renseignement : le suspect a un tatouage sur le crâne.
La descente commence : au milieu de drogués, on remarque notamment un bébé qui hurle, et une femme nue. Mulder et Scully finissent par trouver la personne qu'ils recherchaient : le petit ami de la prostituée est mort d'overdose, par terre dans les toilettes, et ce depuis plusieurs jours.
Des coups de feux à répétition se font entendre à l'extérieur, mais quand les agents arrivent dehors, il n'y a plus rien. La prostituée est morte dans la voiture, le cou tordu. Wetzel est sur les lieux, l'air complètement perdu : il a essayé de tirer sur l'agresseur à plusieurs reprises, mais il a manqué sa cible. Il semble complètement paniqué.


Une balle abîmée est retrouvée sur le goudron : Mulder pense que le shérif a peut-être réussi à atteindre sa cible : il lui demande s'il s'est enfin décidé à lui parler. Wetzel raconte enfin ce qu'il pense avoir vu, mais insiste bien sur le fait que ce qu'il a vu ne peut être possible : il a vu un monstre dont son frère lui parlait quand il était petit, et qui le terrorisait : ce monstre avait des dards à la place des dents.

Mulder commence à tirer quelques conclusions sur l'affaire, et en fait part à Scully : la première victime prétendait qu'un loup garou était à ses trousses et portait des blessures qui allaient dans le sens de son témoignage. Le Shérif a vu la créature dont son frère lui parlait, et s'est retrouvé avec plusieurs piqûres d'insectes. Le dessinateur a réalisé le portrait robot de Freddie Krueger et est mort suite à des griffures mortelles. Selon Mulder, ils pourraient être après une entité qui prend la forme des pires cauchemards des personnes auxquelles elle s'attaque : il est possible que cette créature se nourisse de la peur.
Scully lui demande comment trouver cette créature, ce à quoi Mulder répond qu'il vaut mieux trouver comment elle choisit ses victimes : il semble qu'elle se répende comme une contagion : la peur d'une personne fait qu'elle devient la suivante sur la liste du prédateur...
Mulder résume le schéma suivi par la créature, et Scully réalise qu'il manque deux personnes dans la chaîne : le couple gay (Steve et Edie). Ils font partie de la chaîne mais n'ont pas été attaqués.

Mulder et Scully retournent rendre visite au couple en question : avant d'entrer dans la maison, ils entendent des cris : ils se précipitent à l'intérieur et y trouvent Steve et Edie en pleine scène de ménage : Edie se plaint du fait que Steve refuse de lui faire l'amour : Mulder et Scully essayent de les calmer, tout faisant en sorte de garder leur sérieux.
Il est flagrant que Scully se croit dans un mauvais film : elle ne fait pas grand chose, et part s'asseoir au fond du salon.

1H32 du matin
Mulder est toujours en train de parler aux deux hommes, puis réalise qu'ils ne sont pas en danger, tout simplement parce qu'ils n'ont pas peur.
Scully décide de faire l'autopsie de la prostituée : elle se rend à la morgue avec une équipe de télé, tandis que Mulder reste avec Wetzel et une autre équipe de télé.

2H47 du matin

Scully commence l'autopsie, mais est sans cesse interrompue par l'assistante, qui lui pose constamment des questions sur les rumeurs qui circulent autour de la mort de la prostituée. Scully tente de la rassurer en lui disant que les rumeurs sont fausses, mais l'assistante est effrayée, et demande à Scully pourquoi elle conduit cette autopsie si tôt le matin, et pourquoi elle est suivie par une équipe de télévision.
Scully lui répond en regardant la caméra avec un sourire forcé : "parce que le F.B.I. n'a rien à cacher…" L'assistante ne semble pas se calmer pour autant, et commence à parler de la rumeur selon laquelle la victime serait morte suite à une maladie extrêmement contagieuse, elle est persuadée qu'il est nécessaire de porter un masque, etc…
Scully lui affirme qu'elle se trompe, que la victime est morte parce qu'on lui a tordu le cou, pas à cause d'un virus. Tout d'un coup, l'assistante se met à suffoquer et à saigner abondamment du nez : elle s'effondre sur le sol. Scully se précipite vers elle et demande au caméraman d'appeler les secours.


4H41 du matin
Mulder et le Shérif rejoignent Scully à la morgue, et cette dernière leur relate les événements. Mulder est de plus en plus persuadé que sa théorie est la bonne : l'assistante est bien morte suite aux effets du virus Hanta, pas parce qu'ils étaient réels, mais parce que ce virus consituait la pire peur de la femme. Pour lui, Scully n'a rien vu parce qu'elle n'avait peur pour sa vie. Tout se résume à une peur mortelle.
ils réalisent alors que le Shérif a disparu.

4H48 du matin

Wetzel entre dans la maison, accompagné d'une équipe télé. Des bruits sourds retentissent, comme si quelqu'un tapait violemment sur le mur. Le Shérif décide immédiatement d'aller appeler les renforts, mais quand ils essayent de sortir de la maison, la porte est bloquée. Peu de temps après, Mulder, Scully et une équipe de policiers repèrent la voiture du Shérif devant le squat et entrent dans la maison. Les martellements n'ont pas cessé, et Mulder et Scully cherchent d'où ils peuvent bien venir. Ils remontent jusqu'à la porte d'un placard. Quand ils l'ouvrent, ils découvrent les deux caméramen qui avaient suivi le Shérif, complètement terrifiés.
Scully leur referme la porte au nez, non sans les traiter de tout, et en insistant bien sur le fait qu'elle les déteste. C'est alors que les deux agents entendent des hurlements à l'étage : ils s'y précipitent, et se heurtent à une porte fermée, derrière laquelle se trouve visiblement Wetzel. Mulder essaye d'enfoncer la porte, mais comme il éprouve une certaine difficulté à la faire tomber, il crie au Shérif de ne pas avoir peur, car le "monstre" ne peut pas lui faire de mal s'il n'a pas peur. Mais le Shérif continue à hurler.

Enfin, Mulder réussit à enfoncer la porte, et lui et Scully trouvent Wetzel à terre. Il est gravement blessé, mais il est encore vivant. Tandis que le soleil se lève, les secours l'emmènent sur une civière.

Extérieur du Squat

SCULLY : Tu penses que le Shérif a réussi à arrêter cette chose, quelle qu'elle soit ?
MULDER : Peut-être qu'elle est partie, jusqu'à la prochaine pleine lune. Il y a tellement de peur dans le monde que si elle ne réapparaît pas à Willow Park, elle le fera ailleurs.
SCULLY : Tu n'as pas réussi à avoir les preuves que tu voulais Mulder...
MULDER : Hey, en réalité, cela dépend de comment ils montent le tout (il montre la caméra du doigt)
SCULLY : Celui-là va être difficile à écrire...

Source : Site Sure fine whatever


FOX PRESHOW WARNING VOICEOVER AND GRAPHIC: The following is a special episode of the "X-Files." Viewer discretion is advised.

(Episode is filmed completely in the COPS TV show style. Many very nice people watch and enjoy COPS. For those of you fortunate enough never to have seen an episode of COPS: A camera crew consisting of a camera man and a sound guy get in the back seat of a police car and follow along with the officer or officers for the duration of their shift filming EVERYTHING with a single handheld video camera. The effect is a video that is badly lit, shaky, and often hard to see and hear. The officers are for the most part NOT actors as evidenced by their rambling monologues to the camera. They are usually in a high crime area filled with criminals and crack whores who DON'T want to be on camera. There is usually a lot of screaming and cursing in many languages. If they decide that the evening is interesting enough for the masses, FOX edits the video, blurs out some faces and any bare sexual anatomy, "bleeps" out curse words, and sells advertising. Then, lucky us, on Saturday night they broadcast the results to us, the viewer. Episode opens with the classic reggae COPS theme song, "Bad Boys." The video consists of clips from the upcoming show set in LA as evidenced by the famous Hollywood sign. Looks just like the opening of COPS, except for a familiar tall dark-haired man and short red-haired woman who are also present in some of the shots.)


Bad Boys whatcha want, whatcha want?
Whatcha gonna do when Sheriff John Brown come for you?
Tell me, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Yeah Bad Boys, Bad Boys whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad Boys, Bad Boys whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
That soldier man naw give you no break
Not even you idren(?) naw give you no breaks
Bad Boys, Bad Boys whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad Boys, Bad Boys whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

COPS ANNOUNCER: Cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


(Shot of full moon over Los Angeles pans back down into a car. Camera crew is in OFFICER KEITH WETZEL's patrol car. He is young rookie officer. The cameraman is in the passenger seat. They are driving through a low-income neighborhood.)

WETZEL: I don't know what it is about a full moon. It's just something about it. People just go off the wall. I mean, these are some pretty scary neighborhoods to begin with.

WETZEL: I haven't been on the job that long myself but I've seen more than my fair share of crazy stuff. When the moon is full, it's just like times ten. I don't know, uh... I don't know. Maybe it's the tides or something. But irregardless, we're on the job and if that makes people breathe a little easier knowing we're out there. Be a little less nervous walking the streets at night, well, that's, that's a good feeling.

(The radio beeps and WETZEL looks at the readout on the cars dashboard computer. )

6:48 PM

WETZEL: Okay, we got a report of somebody lurking around the neighborhood making noise. Actually, I take that back. We got a report of a... "monster" lurking around the neighborhood? What the ...? (He looks into the camera and shakes his head.) Hey, it's a full moon. (car speeds up) A lot of drug activity in this district. We're probably looking at somebody rattling doorknobs trying to steal some money for a quick fix. Usually they're not the stealthiest of criminals so maybe we'll get lucky and sneak up on 'em.

(He pulls up in front of a house.)

WETZEL: (on radio) 2-12 Adam is 10-97.

DISPATCH: 2-12 Adam is 10-97 at 543 local.

(WETZEL and the camera crew get out of the car. WETZEL gets out his flashlight and looks around the area in front of the house and over the fence. He sees nothing and speaks quietly into his radio.)

WETZEL: 2-12 Adam to dispatch. I don't see anything. Can you let the lady inside her house know I'm out here?

DISPATCH: 2-12 Adam, copy your request. Calling now.

(WETZEL enters the fence and looks around the yard with his flashlight. He shines the light at a small cat.)

WETZEL: Think he was doing it? (waves the cat away) Psst!

(The cat wanders off. WETZEL goes up to the front door which has five large scratches near the doorknob. He shows them to the camera crew.)

WETZEL: A lot of scratches. Maybe a big dog. That's probably what she saw.

(WETZEL knocks at the door with his flashlight.)

WETZEL: Sheriff's Department.

(We hear a woman breathing heavily, she is terrified. A Hispanic woman, MRS. GUERRERO, opens the door a crack leaving the chain on. She speaks very rapid Spanish.)

MRS. GUERRERO: Is a claw monster! Mira... Matenlo! Matenlo! (Look ... Kill it ! Kill it!)

WETZEL: Calmate! No monstruo... (Calm down. It's not a monster.)

MRS. GUERRERO: It's a monster!

(She slams the door shut again.)

WETZEL: Senora!

MRS. GUERRERO: (from behind the door) Buscalo! (Look at it.)

(WETZEL turns back to the camera. He is nervous, but playing cool.)

WETZEL: Man, scared of something.

(He begins looking around the yard again. From behind the house, we hear a loud bang. WETZEL immediately runs around back.)

WETZEL: Hey, you there! You! Freeze! Sheriff's department! Freeze! Sheriff's department!

(The camera follows more slowly, taking time to film all the junk in the yard including a sink. We can hear WETZEL, but we can't see him. There is a loud clattering, then WETZEL comes tearing around the corner toward the camera crew, ala Han Solo pursued by the Storm Troopers in Star Wars. He is terrified, pushing the crew back.)

WETZEL: Run, run! To the car! Back to the car now! Now! Run! Run, *bleep* damn it, run!

(View of dirt. The cameraman has tripped and fallen down. WETZEL pauses briefly to help him up.)


WETZEL: Now, now! Come on! Get up! Get up! Back to the car! Come on! Run, run! Get in the car! Get in the car!

(They are running to the car, panting loudly.)

CAMERAMAN: Holy ( bleep )!

WETZEL: Come on!

(Sound of panting as the crew gets in the back seat. WETZEL slams the door closed and gets back on the radio.)

WETZEL: (yelling on radio) 10-33, 10-33, 2-12 Adam needs assistance...

(Loud crash as the windows of the car are smashed in. Camera frantically pans around seeing nothing.)

WETZEL: (yelling on radio) I need assistance at the 500 block of Vogel! I need assistance! Ah! 999! 999... 9...!

(WETZEL keeps screaming as the car is violently flipped over. Stuff falls everywhere. The camera goes to static, then into ...)



(Sound of sirens wailing as other police cars arrive at the scene. Camera is working again as our cameraman climbs out of the back seat of the overturned police car. Other police run up as WETZEL, groaning, gets out. WETZEL's forehead is bleeding. A no-nonsense African-American woman, SERGEANT DUTHIE, is in charge.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Everybody all right? (to camera crew) Hey, you all right? You all right? *Bleep*, Keith. What was this?

(WETZEL is very nervous, very aware of the camera. There is something he is not telling.)

WETZEL: I was responding to a 921 at this house right here and... there was a prowler call and, uh ...

SERGEANT DUTHIE: You flipped it?

WETZEL: No, no. Hell, no, I didn't flip it. (glances at camera) It was... We were parked. The... we were attacked.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: By who? By gangbangers?



WETZEL: Yeah, I mean yeah, it was gangbangers.

(SERGEANT DUTHIE turns to the rest of the officers.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Okay, fan out and search.

WETZEL: (urgently) Hey, Sarge, you better double everybody up.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Hold on a minute. Everybody double up. Set me up a command post and check on that airship. (She turns back to WETZEL.) How many?

(He doesn't answer.)


WETZEL: You know, I didn't get a good look. Maybe...

(Radio interrupts.)

DISPATCH: (on radio) 417, suspects on foot just one block north of Holly!

SERGEANT DUTHIE: (yelling to the others) Armed suspects! Bring some units around on Holly Street!

(Sound of sirens wailing as several cars and many officers on foot run one block and around the corner back to MRS. GUERRERO's house. By the time the crew gets there, the officers have a man and a woman surrounded. It is MULDER and SCULLY. They have their hands up. MULDER is in jeans and leather jacket. SCULLY is Scully!Casual in some type of black pantsuit with tight black t-shirt and jacket. Lots of yelling and confusion and guns waving around. MULDER and SCULLY's guns are on the ground.)

OFFICER: Get your hands up!


OFFICER: I don't care! Get your hands up!


OFFICER: Turn around! Turn around!

(MULDER and SCULLY turn their backs to the officers.)

MULDER: I got I.D. In my back pocket.

SCULLY: We're investigating a case!

MULDER: Check the I.D.!

(All the officers are yelling.)

OFFICERS: Behind your head!

(MULDER and SCULLY put their hands behind their heads.)

MULDER: Check my I.D. in the back pocket.

(SERGEANT DUTHIE frisks MULDER, a male officer frisks SCULLY. Hmm. SERGEANT DUTHIE looks at MULDER's ID.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Hold it, they're FBI! Give 'em back their guns!

(SERGEANT DUTHIE hands MULDER back his badge. The camera is now very interested in MULDER and SCULLY.)

MULDER: Thank you.

SCULLY: We're investigating a case.


MULDER: Same case you're working on.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: So who we looking for?

MULDER: Not who, what.

(MULDER and SCULLY notice the camera crew. A "What the hell?" expression is on their faces. Very funny.)

SCULLY: Mulder, what the hell is going on here?

MULDER: I don't know.


(MULDER shows SCULLY the five long scratches on the door.)

MULDER: See the claw marks here? Someone tried to get in.

(MULDER and SCULLY go over to where WETZEL is being treated by an EMT in the back of an ambulance. Camera follows. SCULLY stays back, out of the camera's range.)

MULDER: Deputy? Deputy, can you describe for me what you saw?

WETZEL: (aware of the camera) Um, I mean, it was pretty dark. Umm. I didn't really see. I don't know. I don't know.

MULDER: Well, you must have seen something in order to run away from it, huh? You were responding to the same call we were-- of a monster prowling the neighborhood.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: We've been to this house before. The lady has a history of medication. Know what I mean?

(SCULLY realizes that the camera can see her and ducks quickly behind the tinted rear window of the ambulance.)

MULDER: Yeah, maybe, but she's not the only one seeing monsters. There's been half a dozen such sightings in this area in the past 60 days. Were you aware of that?


WETZEL: No. I mean...

MULDER: Yeah. Also, these sightings only occur on nights when there's a full moon which tells me something.


MULDER: What you saw was large, right? Maybe seven, eight feet tall when it stood up on its two legs? And it was covered in fur and had glowing red eyes and claws...

(MULDER has his hands up in a menacing clawlike gesture. SERGEANT DUTHIE is staring at him in disbelief.)

MULDER: Claws sharp enough to gouge the wood off that front door.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: You're not serious.

(SCULLY is watching MULDER, her arms crossed. The camera focuses on her. She ducks behind the tinted window again.)

MULDER: And dare I forget teeth. It bit you, didn't it? (grabs WETZEL's wrist) Look at that. Deputy, how long were you going to hide that from the E.M.T.S?

(SERGEANT DUTHIE looks at the red marks on WETZEL's wrist.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Where did you get that, Keith?

(SCULLY comes forward to look at the wounds then retreats again.)

WETZEL: I don't even know where that came from.

(Loud crash as the car is flipped back over.)

WETZEL: I mean, I didn't see anything that he's talking about.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Big teeth, eight feet tall? What the hell are you describing?

MULDER: (confidently) A werewolf.


MULDER: (points to the wrecked police car) It's what did that. It also attacked one Hyman Escalara 29 days ago during the last full moon. Hyman died of his wounds in Compton General Hospital but not before giving a detailed description of what attacked him. My partner and I are here to catch it.

(Camera back to SCULLY who turns her back with her hand covering her mouth.)

MULDER: Unfortunately though, Deputy, you've been bitten. The skin is broken. Werewolf lore pretty much universally holds that someone who's been bitten by such a creature is going to become such a creature himself, so...

WETZEL: Wait a minute. I mean, that's not what really happened, though.

MULDER: I'm sorry, but you're going to have to be isolated and kept under guard.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: With all due respect what the *bleep* are you talking about?

MULDER: I'm talking about preventing this man from becoming a danger to himself and to others.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Can I see your badge again?

SCULLY: (smiling sweetly) Agent Mulder, can we have a word a second.


(He lets SCULLY lead him a few feet away. The camera follows.)

MULDER: What is it?

SCULLY: "What is it"? Mulder, have you noticed that we're on television?

MULDER: I don't think it's live television, Scully. She just said *bleep*.

(The camera is right beside them again.)

SCULLY: But it's a camera and it's recording.

(SCULLY glares at the camera and pulls MULDER farther away. The camera follows.)

SCULLY: It's recording everything that you are saying. Do you understand that? I just want to make sure that you're clear on that.

MULDER: I'm clear on that, Scully.

SCULLY: My point being, Mulder, that we're on a case.

MULDER: This presents an opportunity. I feel we're very close here. The possibility of capturing concrete proof of the paranormal? Of a werewolf in front of a national audience, even an international audience? What's not to love?

SCULLY: Wh ...

(SCULLY realizes MULDER is looking at the camera which is right beside them again. Frustrated, SCULLY glances back again and pulls MULDER back the way they came. They are standing very close.)

SCULLY: Look, Mulder, you want to talk about werewolves to me you can knock yourself out. I may not agree with you but at least I'm not going to hold it against you but this... Mulder, this could ruin your career.

MULDER: (laughing) What career? Scully, I appreciate it. You don't want me looking foolish. I do. I appreciate that.

SCULLY: I don't want me looking foolish, Mulder.

(Sounds like the CAMERAMAN chuckles. MULDER looks at her a moment, aware of the camera once again right beside them.)

MULDER: Okay, fine. Well, do me a favor. Will you escort Deputy Wetzel to the hospital? Just keep an eye on him in case I'm right? Thank you.

(Without waiting for an answer, MULDER pats her on the shoulder and starts into the house.)

SCULLY: I'm gonna call Skinner, Mulder.

MULDER: (unconcerned) Okay.

SCULLY: I'm sure he's going to want to say a couple of words about this.

(As MULDER enters the house, SCULLY dials her cell phone. The camera gets very close to her. She looks at them.)

SCULLY: Guys, give it a rest, huh?

(They don't leave. SCULLY places her hand over the lens.)


(Inside MRS. GUERRERO's house. One of the pictures on the wall is different depending how you view it. It fades from Jesus to the Last Supper. MRS. GUERRERO is still hysterical. An officer, DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA is trying to talk to her.)

MRS. GUERRERO: Por favor, me tiene que creer. Lo vi con mis propios ojos. Mire, paso por ahi. Yo lo vi. Paso por ahi, por la ventana. Lo vi por la ventana de mi cocina. (Please, I have to think. I saw it with my own eyes. Look, it passed over there. I saw it. It passed over there at the window. I saw it at my kitchen window.)

Deputy Juan Molina

(Both MRS. GUERRERO and DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA are talking at the same time. She is hysterical.)

MRS. GUERRERO: Por favor, hagan algo.

(Please, do something.)


(Calm down.)

MRS. GUERRERO: No me digan que me calme. Hagan algo, por favor

(Don't tell me to calm down. Do something, please.)

(DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA turns back to MULDER and the other officers.)

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: She says... I guess she's calling it a "claw monster" ... was trying to break into the house and get her. It was big and had claws pretty much. She's going on and on.

MULDER: Yeah, all right. Tell her to describe it in detail to the sketch artist. Will you work with her?

(RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST is a white twenty-something guy with fuzzy dreadlocks.)

RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST: (dubiously) "Claw monster"?

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Just do it, Ricky.


(RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST goes to sit at the table with MRS. GUERRERO and DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA. Two cats are eating on the table.)

(MULDER goes back to the scratches on the door.)

MULDER: Look at that. Excuse me. Look at this. It's like five claw marks. Just like the human hand has five fingers. Pretty much the same spread, too.

(MULDER places his hand over the marks, lining up his fingers.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Agent, you seriously believe we're looking for some kind of a...?

MULDER: I'll show you. This... this is what Hyman Escalara described just before succumbing to his injuries.

(MULDER unfolds a sketch of a werewolf from his jacket pocket.)

MULDER: Ten to one that's what Mrs. Guerrero's going to describe, too.

(DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA speaks some Spanish, then calls to MULDER.)

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: Sir? Sir? We got your suspect.

(RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST has finished the drawing. He rips it out his notebook. It is a representation of Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy Kreuger, complete with the knives on his fingers. MRS. GUERRERO points to the picture.)

MRS. GUERRERO: Claw monster. Claw monster.

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: Claw monster. Boy, you know, they kill him in every movie and he just keeps coming back. (chuckles and heads for the door.) I'm sorry.

MULDER: (looking at the drawing) This is strange.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: (impatient) Gracias, Mrs. Guerrero. (to MULDER) We're looking for gangbangers.

(MULDER wants to talk to her, but she walks away.)

RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST: (very nervous) You don't think it's some guy dressed up like Freddy Krueger, do you?

(MULDER shrugs.)

RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST: Can somebody walk me to my car? It's dark out and I'm parked up the street.

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: Come on, Ricky, I'll walk you to your car.

RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST: Can I return this vest later?

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: Yeah, you can return the vest later, Ricky.

MULDER: This is what she was seeing?

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: That's what she's saying. That's the claw monster, man.

(The other officers have left the house. MRS. GUERRERO stops MULDER at the doorway. She is pleading.)

MRS. GUERRERO: You catch?

MULDER: Catch him?

MRS. GUERRERO: (sobbing) Si, si. You catch.

(MULDER nods, not knowing what else to do.)

8:41 PM

(Sound of winch whirring as WETZEL's car is loaded onto a tow truck. SCULLY drives up followed by a police car. She gets out.)

MULDER: How's Deputy Wetzel?

(SCULLY is subdued, not looking at the camera. She nods back to where WETZEL is getting out of the patrol car.)

MULDER: You let him get released?

SCULLY: Well... those weren't teeth marks, Mulder. They turned out to be insect bites...


SCULLY: Individual welts or stings of some sort. Together, they just looked like a larger pattern especially when we want them to... (peripherally glances at the camera) ... although it was an understandable conclusion that I'm sure anybody would have made.

(MULDER looks down at her and begins to smile.)

MULDER: (grinning) So, what did Skinner say?

SCULLY: He said that the FBI has nothing to hide... and neither do we.

MULDER: Well, if it makes you feel any better, Scully, I'm not entirely convinced that we're looking for a werewolf anymore.

SCULLY: (surprised) Oh. All right, good.

MULDER: No, something else. I'm not sure what. Some other kind of creature, though. That I'm sure of.

(Camera jerks away briefly at the sound of activity nearby. MULDER stops an officer running past them.)

MULDER: Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?

OFFICER; Six blocks from here-- could be what we're looking for.

DISPATCH: (on radio) 800 block of Belmont.

(MULDER and SCULLY run to their car. As SCULLY is getting in the passenger side, the camera crew starts to get in the back seat. SCULLY stops them by slamming the back door closed again. She glares at them.)

SCULLY: No. You go with someone else.

DISPATCH: (on radio) We have a 9-29, man down on the corner of Belmont and Fisher.


(They all make their way to the scene. SCULLY runs up to the front. RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST is lying in a crumpled heap in front of a closed liquor store. He has five slash marks across his chest.)

SCULLY: Guys, watch out. I'm a doctor.

DEPUTY JUAN MOLINA: Oh, man, it's Ricky.

(SCULLY gingerly presses at the unconscious RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST's chest. Blood seeps out of the wounds. Even the vest didn't protect him.)

MULDER: That's what I was afraid of, Scully.

(Fade to a grainy image of the X-Files logo lit by police lights.)


(Another shot of the moon. RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST is on a stretcher. He is being loaded into an ambulance. WETZEL is talking to the camera.)

WETZEL: Well, when a fellow officer goes down in the line of duty or even if this... or even if it's not a fellow officer-- if it's just somebody working part-time with the department in a, uh, support, um... a-arti-artistic capacity, uh, like R... like Ricky, there-- we all feel it. Uh... Back there is every cop's worst nightmare... But that's when you got to cowboy up and give 150%... catch the bad guys.


(MULDER and SCULLY are looking around the area where RICKY THE SKETCH ARTIST was wounded.)

SCULLY: Last call from this phone was made to the Road Club-- Ricky Koehler requesting roadside assistance for his flat tire. He asked them to hurry. He said he didn't feel safe.

(SCULLY notices that MULDER is looking at the sketch of Freddy Kreuger.)

SCULLY: What's that?

MULDER: Our suspect, apparently.

(SCULLY laughs shortly and glances at the camera.)

MULDER: Slash marks match up pretty well, wouldn't you say?

(SCULLY finds a fake pink fingernail on the ground.)

SCULLY: Somebody lost a nail.

MULDER: Nice color.

SCULLY: Check out this color, Mulder-- blood red.

MULDER: (to the other officers) Hey, uh... who called 911 on this?


(Later. SERGEANT DUTHIE knocks at a door. Other officers and MULDER and SCULLY are with her.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Hey, Steve and Edy-- Sergeant Paula.

MULDER: *The* Steve and Edy?

(MULDER smiles at SCULLY.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: (smiling) They're good folks. They usually call us if there's trouble in the neighborhood.

(STEVE and EDY answer the door. They are both VERY gay, black men in their 40s. STEVE is a little shorter and seems a little "tamer" than EDY. EDY is very feminine and very excited to see the cameras. MULDER has trouble not laughing throughout the scene.)

STEVE: Ooh...

EDY: Oh, my God, look at this. Look at all these people, Lord.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: (friendly) How are you two doing this evening?

STEVE: Uh, uh, we're fine.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Can y'all tell us what happened out here this evening?

EDY: Not with me looking like this, mm-mmm. Now, you should know better than that, Sergeant Paula.

(EDY runs back into the house.)

STEVE: Like she going to run from a camera. Lookit here... we heard all this screaming. Peeked out the window and this boy with crazy hair was having a conniption fit all rolled up there by the phone.

SCULLY: You didn't see his-his attacker?

(STEVE is looking approvingly at MULDER/DUCHOVNY.)

STEVE: Mmm... Mm-mmm.

(MULDER/DUCHOVNY smiles. EDY comes to the door. He is now wearing a turban and brightly colored robe.)

EDY: (dramatically) I'm ready for my close-up.

STEVE: Oh, ain't nobody care about your scabby ass. (pats MULDER's shoulder) This is police business. Now, I didn't see... (to SCULLY) What you say-- "attacker"? No, he was just kind of all rolled up and yelling.

EDY: (playing for the camera) Mm-hmm. Mmm

(MULDER shows them the pictures of the werewolf and Freddy Kreuger.).

MULDER: Did you see anything... that looked like this?

STEVE: Ooh, stop.

MULDER: Or this?

STEVE: Ooh, excuse me?

EDY: That's going to give me nightmares.

SCULLY: So, you didn't see anything at all?

EDY: Mm-mmm, no, mm-mmm.

SCULLY: Did you, uh, did you see a woman?

(SCULLY holds up the bagged fingernail.)

EDY: Mmm... M...

BOTH: Mm-hmm.

EDY: Chantara. I know that skanky-ass color anywhere.

STEVE: Sure do. Chantara.

EDY: Mm-hmm.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Chantara the streetwalker?

EDY: Mm-hmm.

STEVE: She work the corner.

EDY: Mm-hmm.

STEVE: She on the pipe...

EDY: Oh, yeah.

STEVE: So, we don't associate, you know what I'm saying?

EDY: Mm-mmm, mm-mmm, no.

MULDER: (trying not to laugh) Well-well, we should may... we should go tal... we'll go talk to Chantara, then.

STEVE: Well, I wish you would. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's right. Mm-hmm.

(The officers and MULDER and SCULLY leave. The camera stays a minute with STEVE and EDY.)

EDY: Hey, hey... When am I going to get my own TV show? (singing) If I didn't care ...

STEVE: Oh, she's showing off now.

EDY: (singing) ... more than words can say

STEVE: (pushing EDY back into the house) Stop. Get in the house. Stop. Get back.

EDY: (singing) If I didn't care

STEVE: (to camera) Would you excuse us? Excuse... Stop it.

EDY: (singing) Would I feel this way?

STEVE: Bye, y'all. Bye.

(STEVE gets EDY inside and closes the door.)


(Camera crew is in the back seat of MULDER and SCULLY's car as they drive slowly through the neighborhood. MULDER hands SCULLY the blurred picture of CHANTARA GOMEZ.)

MULDER: So, apparently, we're on the lookout for someone whose hair matches her fingernails-- bubblegum pink. (smiles and glances over at SCULLY) That'd be a good color for you, Scully.

(A pause. She glances at the picture and sets it on the dashboard. Her lack of response speaks volumes.)

MULDER: (over his shoulder to the camera) I'd have to say that at, uh, this point in the investigation I'm-I'm usually a little more secure in-in what it is we're actually investigating but we've had so many conflicting eyewitness reports that it's-it's hard to ascertain exactly what it is we're looking for... (Pause. Camera focuses on MULDER's fingers tapping the steering wheel. Fuel gauge is low.) But the crimes we are investigating are-are paranormal. Uh, I can say that... with absolute conviction um, an-and the nature of these crimes they're-they're-they're notoriously hard to quantify on any kind of regular scientific level as Agent Scully will tell you.

SCULLY: (dryly, not looking up) Oh, yeah.

MULDER: Yeah, which-which in it... in it... in its own way i-is a... is a kind of a validation if you think about it, in and of itself, uh, but-but, you know, that's-that's our job. That's why they pay us the big bucks.

(SCULLY sees a streetwalker, CHANTARA GOMEZ, running unsteadily down the street. She is wearing a pink shirt, pleather miniskirt, fishnet stockings, very high heels and a faux fur jacket. She also has very long, very pink hair.)

SCULLY: Bubblegum pink.

(They pull up close to her.)

SCULLY: Don't run! FBI.

MULDER: Chantara Gomez? Chantara Gomez.

SCULLY: FBI. Chantara! Go...

(MULDER chuckles at the way poor CHANTARA GOMEZ is running in her heels. They get out of the car and go to her, followed by the camera crew.)

SCULLY: Don't run. It's okay. It's okay. It's all right.

MULDER: Chantara Gomez?

(CHANTARA GOMEZ is crying and shaking. She is afraid.)

SCULLY: Can I see your hands please?

CHANTARA GOMEZ: I didn't do nothing!

SCULLY: May I see your hands, please? It's okay. Let me see your hands, please.

MULDER: Show her your hands.

(CHANTARA GOMEZ cries harder, but allows SCULLY to look at her fingernails, one of which is missing. SCULLY shows her the evidence bag containing the bloody fingernail.)

SCULLY: Earlier this evening, a man was attacked. He was badly slashed and you realize this places you at the crime scene.

MULDER: Fisher and Belmont-- that's your usual hang, isn't it, Chantara?

CHANTARA GOMEZ: Look, I heard screaming, okay? And I went and I tried to help this guy and when I heard the sirens, I just ran away, okay? I didn't do nothing!

MULDER: All right, look, I believe you. I think you saw something. You witnessed something. Tell me what it is.


SCULLY: You can tell us, Chantara.

(She continues to cry.)

SCULLY: Come on, Chantara.

(MULDER speaks gently and tries to stand protectively between CHANTARA GOMEZ and the camera.)

MULDER: Chantara... if you're afraid that what you tell us we're not going to believe it, don't be 'cause whatever it is you saw tonight... whatever it is, whatever you think you saw however strange or terrifying or bizarre, you are not going to surprise me, okay?

CHANTARA GOMEZ: You'll protect me from Chuco?

MULDER: Who's Chuco?

CHANTARA GOMEZ: Mi novio. He's the one who cut that guy up, not me! I didn't do anything!

MULDER: I'm s... I'm sorry, what?

SCULLY: "Mi novio"-- her boyfriend.

MULDER: No, no, I-I got that.

CHANTARA GOMEZ: Look, he's been chasing me for a week, okay? He said he was going to twist my neck off like a little chicken if I didn't give him more money.

MULDER: (to camera) Chuco.

CHANTARA GOMEZ: Chuco Munoz-- the cops know who he is.


11:08 PM

(Street in front of a dilapidated house. Lots of officers getting ready for an assault. In the background is the garbled sound of a radio transmission.)

OFFICER: This is my favorite part of the job-- knocking down crack houses.

WETZEL: I heard that.

(CHANTARA GOMEZ, even more upset now, is sitting in the back seat of one of the police SUVs. SERGEANT DUTHIE is talking to her. SCULLY and WETZEL are with her.)

CHANTARA GOMEZ: I don't understand. I told you everything. Why can't I just go now?

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Chantara. Chantara! First of all, you are not out of the woods yet ...

CHANTARA GOMEZ: I just want to go home.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: ... as far as possible accessory charges.

CHANTARA GOMEZ: Chuco's the one you want.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: So, the sooner we find him and sort this out the sooner, I hope, we can let you go.

CHANTARA GOMEZ: He's going to kill me! He told me he was going to twist my neck off like a chicken.

SCULLY: Chantara, no one's going to kill you.

CHANTARA GOMEZ: (hitting the seat in frustration) He's going to kill me!

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Chantara, look ar... look around you! You see all the deputies here? You see? No one is going to get you. Now, what's more, Deputy Wetzel here is going to keep an eye on you while we go and put the cuffs on Chuco. No one is going to get you.


DISPATCH: (on radio) 76. Roger. 9-1-1 Davidson, 0-9-9-6, checking N.C.I.C.

(SCULLY crosses over to MULDER who is standing beside their car with vests. She takes off her jacket, puts on a bullet-proof vest, then replaces her jacket. SCULLY shows him the blurred wanted flyer for MUNOZ.)

SCULLY: Chuco Munoz, the man himself. Only distinguishing feature is a tattoo on his skull.

MULDER: He's not our guy.

SCULLY: What do you mean?

MULDER: I don't care how bad his rep is, he can't turn over a squad car.

SCULLY: Yeah, well, maybe not by himself but he's probably got friends, right?

MULDER: No, there's something else going on.

(A leaf falls on the car.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Let's hit it.

(More garbled radio transmission. The officers break down the door and enter the crack house. MULDER and SCULLY are with them. Mass confusion ensues.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Go, go, go! Go, go! Hands above your head! Put your hands above your head! Go, go, go!

(Several stoned individuals are lying around in different parts of the house. Candles lit in nearly every room, trash everywhere. Someone picks up a crying baby. Lots of shouting. Camera moves to a room with a man on his knees, hands behind his head.)

OFFICER1: Have you seen Chuco Munoz?

ANGRY CRACKHEAD; *Bleep* you, mother-*long bleep*!

OFFICER 2: Move it! Move it!

(Someone else arrests a topless woman in the kitchen. Her breasts are, of course, blurred for our protection. More shouting.)

OFFICER 3: Where are they? Put your hands where I can see them. Where I can see them.

CALM CRACKHEAD: Take your *bleep* hands off me!

DISPATCH: (on radio) 2-13 Lincoln, we are...


SERGEANT DUTHIE: Agents? Agents, in here.

(They enter a bathroom. A man with a tattooed, shaved head, CHUCO MUNOZ, is lying dead on the floor. SCULLY examines him.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Hey, what happened, huh? Wake up. What happened to your friend in there?

MAN: What's going on?

SERGEANT DUTHIE: Looks like he O.D.'D.

MULDER: Yeah, but how long ago?

SCULLY: Couple of days, maybe a week. He didn't attack Ricky Koehler, that's for sure.

(They hear many gunshots fired outside in quick succession.


(Lots of shouting and more gunshots as they all run back outside.)

DISPATCH: (on radio) 2-12 Adam, be advised that you're a 9-23.

(More gunshots. They reach WETZEL who is firing his gun, obviously terrified.)


SERGEANT DUTHIE: What? What? What? What you got? What you shooting at? What are you shooting at?! Keith, what are you doing?!

(WETZEL looks disoriented.)

WETZEL: It just came back. It was here.


WETZEL: (very upset) It was... It was here. Oh, man. I heard her screaming and I-I-I tried to. I tried to stop it. I swear to you, I tried. I did everything I could do.


WETZEL: I did everything I could do.

(MULDER goes over to the SUV where they left CHANTARA GOMEZ. He looks inside with his flashlight, then walks away. SCULLY follows him.)

SCULLY: What is it, Mulder? What? (she looks in the car) Oh.

(From the position of her blurred face it appears CHANTARA's head has been twisted to the side. Fade to logo.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: (voice) Call it in.

OFFICER: (voice) 2-12 boy, I have a possible 9-27.


(Later. Outside the crackhouse. Another shot of the moon with a helicopter flying past it.)

SERGEANT DUTHIE: I wish someone would explain to me what the hell is going on here. It just doesn't make sense. Keith Wetzel may be a little green but he is a solid deputy-- a squared-away individual. Nothing could have gotten past him and killed that woman.

OFFICER: There's no sign of what he was shooting at. (shows them a crushed bullet) This was all we found. Nine millimeter. It's our issue.

SCULLY: Where'd you find that?

OFFICER: It was lying in the middle of the street. Doesn't look like a ricochet.

MULDER: Maybe Wetzel hit what he was aiming at. Excuse me.

(MULDER and SCULLY cross over to where WETZEL is standing, his head bowed. Other bullets are marked where they fell.)

MULDER: Hey, Deputy. You ready to talk to me now? You and I both know you saw something. We're way past claiming you didn't.

WETZEL: I only know what I thought I saw.

MULDER: Well, describe it for me.

(WETZEL turns his back to the camera.)

WETZEL: (deep breath) The wasp man.

MULDER: The wasp man?

(Camera swings around to the side of MULDER and WETZEL.)

WETZEL: It's ridicu... (glances nervously at the camera) It's ridiculous. The scary stories my older brother used to tell me when I was a kid about a monster with a head like a wasp and a mouthful of stingers instead of teeth. He said that it would come get me in my sleep and that... and that it would sting me to death. (He rubs his bandaged wrist.)

MULDER: So you're saying that the, uh, the wasp man attacked you both times here, and earlier in the patrol car?

WETZEL: I - I'm not saying that that's what it was, okay? I mean... they didn't see it. (indicates camera crew) It's not on the videotape. This... this can't be real.

MULDER: I think maybe it can. Just... just relax a minute. Excuse me. Scully?

(MULDER walks SCULLY a few paces away.)

MULDER: We came on this case looking for a werewolf, right?

SCULLY: Well, you did, that's correct.

MULDER: Hyman Escalara claimed he was attacked by a werewolf and the wounds that he sustained would seem to bear that out, right? And then, Wetzel over here sees a wasp man with stingers for teeth and he gets a bite mark that you say is irrefutably insect-like, right?

SCULLY: Mulder, that's not exactly... (sighs)

MULDER: And then another eyewitness claims she sees Freddy Krueger. Scully, what if we're dealing with one creature, one entity that, when it attacks, appears to you as your worst nightmare? Fear. Maybe that's what this thing feeds on.

SCULLY: Okay, well, for the sake of this argument...


SCULLY: ...How would one catch something like that?

MULDER: (thinking) Probably by... by figuring out how it chooses its prey. I mean, there... It seems to spread like a contagion, doesn't it? One person's fear becomes the next. There's a definite chain of victims. Tonight it went from Mrs. Guerrero to Wetzel and the sketch artist and then from the sketch artist to Chantara Gomez and then...

SCULLY: Chantara Gomez back to Wetzel.

MULDER: Right.

SCULLY: But you're missing someone, Mulder.


SCULLY: Edy. Steve and Edy. They're a part of this chain, too and, and according to your theory they would have been attacked, right?

(They look at each other.)


11:48 PM

(MULDER is following SCULLY up to STEVE and EDY's front door. He speaks over his shoulder to the camera.)

MULDER: Well, we're back at the home of Steve and Edy. Thought we'd check on them because they seem to fit a victim profile.

SCULLY: (confused) I'm sorry. Are you talking to me?

(MULDER nods with embarrassment at the crew. SCULLY barely glances at them. As they get to the door, they hear screaming from inside. MULDER breaks open the door with his shoulder and he and SCULLY rush in. They run through the beaded doorway into the kitchen and find STEVE and EDY, wearing only underwear, yelling at each other. EDY is in tears and appears to be slashing at STEVE with a knife or scissors. STEVE yells at MULDER and SCULLY.)

STEVE: ...What the hell is this?! What the hell is this?!


(Short time later. Things are quieter. Sort of. EDY is crying and wailing at STEVE who is sitting on the couch. MULDER is standing between them.)

SCULLY: Steve, are you going to be all right?

STEVE: I'm all right.

EDY: Somebody ask me if I'm all right. I'm the victim. I'm the victim here. He don't treat me right. You'd better appreciate me or I'll walk out that door.

STEVE: The hell you would.

MULDER: We're not here to get involved in any kind of personal...

EDY: He treats my mama with disrespect. He treats me with disrespect.

STEVE: Oh, shut up!

MULDER: We're not here to get involved in personal problems.

EDY: (to STEVE) You-- you, shut up.

MULDER: Settle down.

EDY: (sobbing to MULDER) He won't make love to me!

MULDER: (no idea what to say) Oh. Uh...

STEVE: I should have never touched you!

(This sends EDY into another hysterical bout of sobbing.)

EDY: Oh, no! No...

SCULLY: (calmly) Look, you guys, Steve, Edy. The reason why we are here is because we are concerned about your safety. We're concerned about your lives. You witnessed a violent attack right across the street from your house.

STEVE: So you say. I just saw a rolled up boy with crazy hair.

MULDER: Well, take our word for it. Because of your proximity to the attack we think you may be targeted as well.

EDY: Why? Because we called the police?

(MULDER crosses over and tries to calm EDY down. EDY is now seated at the dining room table.)

MULDER: (emphatically) No, no. That's not why. That's not why. I can't really explain it exactly, but it's... I think the key is to remain unemotional, okay? Try to stay calm. Try to keep your heart rate down. Try to keep your adrenaline down. Just try to relax. Just... Oh, you got it. You got it.

STEVE: Good luck!

EDY: (throws his handkerchief at STEVE) Oh, you!

MULDER: I think maybe we should stay up for a little while. Let's just... let's just re-lax.

(EDY is still sobbing. MULDER suppresses a laugh and looks at SCULLY. SCULLY looks resigned and heads for the couch as MULDER sits at the table with EDY.)

MULDER: (perhaps telling himself also) Just relax.

(Camera pans over a smiling portrait of EDY.)


1:32 AM

(Moon shot. Later. STEVE and EDY's house. There is the sound of a toilet flushing and MULDER reenters the room. SCULLY is sitting on the couch looking exhausted. Soundman gets back behind the camera.)

STEVE: Mr. Mulder? Look here. I got to go to bed.

MULDER: How you doing, Edy? You still upset?

EDY: I'm scared.

MULDER: You're scared?

EDY: (sobbing) I'm scared he gonna leave me.

(STEVE gets up and walks over to EDY and embraces him. All is okay and calm.)

STEVE: (to EDY) No, no, no, no.

SCULLY: Think we should take them to a motel?

STEVE: We don't need no hotel. We've been living in this house for 17 years. Ain't nobody going to chase us out.

EDY: Mm-mm.

MULDER: You're not afraid?

STEVE: Now, I didn't say that. I said, ain't nobody going to chase us out.

EDY: Mm-mm.

(MULDER and SCULLY exit the house. Another camera team arrives with WETZEL. SCULLY looks at them with horror.)

SCULLY: Oh, God. More of you?

WETZEL: We any closer to an arrest?

SCULLY: I'm afraid not. Mulder, what next?

MULDER: Well, I'd say we should station a couple of deputies out here but I don't think it's coming back here. We're just playing catch-up with this thing. It doesn't do what you'd expect. And, uh, well, we've got four or five hours till the moon sets. The attacks only occur on the full moon then we're out of luck.

SCULLY: Well, I want to examine Chantara Gomez.

MULDER: For a possible contagion?

SCULLY: Your "contagion of fear"?




SCULLY: But if I can't figure out what this thing was at least I can figure out what it wasn't.

(MULDER, man-in-charge, hands her the car key.)

MULDER: All right. Make it fast. Fill that tank up with gas.

(SCULLY shoulders tense slightly as she heads for the car. This will be discussed later. MULDER turns to WETZEL.)

MULDER: Uh, Deputy, you're the only person who's seen this twice so I'd like to ride with you, if you don't mind.

WETZEL: Let's go.

MULDER: Thanks.

(One of the camera crews gets into the back seat of WETZEL's car with WETZEL and MULDER. The other crew follows SCULLY to her car. There is a pause as she glares at them. She reluctantly says nothing however, and they get in the backseat.)

(Inside WETZEL's car. MULDER's eating, possibly sunflower seeds, while he talks to WETZEL.)

WETZEL: You really believe me, huh? You really believe I saw what I thought I saw?

MULDER: Yeah, I believe you.


MULDER: Why do I believe you?

WETZEL: Yeah. I mean, what proof do you have what I'm saying is real? I mean, it's not... it's not on the video tape.

MULDER: The camera doesn't always tell the whole story.

WETZEL: And what about your partner? Does she believe me?

(There is a pause.)

MULDER: I don't think she thinks you're lying.

WETZEL: Yeah, but what? Maybe I'm crazy? You know, I've been on the job 18 months-- all I ever wanted to do. Right out of the gate, I get some kind of rep like I'm crazy? I mean, you know how cops are. How's somebody supposed to live that down?

MULDER: I don't know. Uh, I guess just do good work.

WETZEL: It's a hard enough job already, you know? You want to help people but it's like the freaking Wild West out here. You know people hate you? Every shift, I go out thinking... (he waves for some pedestrians to cross in front of the car) Go ahead. ...I go out thinking, "You know, there's somebody out there who wants to take me out. Am I going to run into him tonight?" And it's hard to have a fast-track career in law enforcement when everybody thinks you're nuts.

MULDER: Tell me about it.



(Autopsy bay. SCULLY and the CORONER'S ASSISTANT, a nervous woman of about 30, are conducting the autopsy of CHANTARA GOMEZ. The body is blurred. Close up of instrument tray.)

SCULLY: Chantara Gomez, age 31, apparent cause of death is the fracturing of the second and third cervical vertebrae. There are contusions consistent with, uh, choking or throttling uh, by very powerful hands.

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: People are saying her pimp killed her from beyond the grave. (SCULLY gives her a look.) That's the story going around. It's crazy, huh?

(SCULLY picks up the Very Large Camera and begins taking pictures of the body.)

SCULLY: Well, let's see if we can put that story to rest, shall we?

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: The other thing I heard was, uh... something about contagion? Like with this body?

SCULLY: (taking pictures) That's... that's completely inaccurate. This, uh, investigation is... is... We're moving towards an apparent chain of victims and I seriously doubt that we're going to find anything that looks like a contagious pathology here.

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: Because, I mean, if we were we should be taking precautions. If the body could be contagious, you... We're not even wearing masks.

SCULLY: (confident) Look, this is obviously a murder, here. I mean, this woman died of a broken neck, right? Not the hantavirus.

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: (startled) Who said anything about the hantavirus?

(SCULLY is still calmly examining the body, getting irritated with the other woman who is just standing, looking scared.)

SCULLY: Nobody. I just... I was, um... It was a figure of speech.

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: It's just, the reason I asked is why is it so urgent TO DO AN AUTOPSY AT 3:00 in the morning? I mean, that kind of rush-- it's just unheard of.

SCULLY: (examining the body) We're trying to look for the killer.

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: Well, we got murder victims stacked three-deep in the freezer. Plus you got this camera crew reporting everything. Why?

(Long pause as SCULLY looks up at the camera. She smiles "pleasantly," - read "painfully" - the picture perfect agent. The FBI Public Relations department would be proud.)

SCULLY: (to the camera) Because the FBI has nothing to hide.

(She goes back to the body.)

SCULLY: Look, there is no ulterior motive here. It's just... Are you going to help me out here, or what?


SCULLY: Thank you.

CORONER'S ASSISTANT: Why did you mention the hantavirus?

SCULLY: Look, I...

(The CORONER'S ASSISTANT suddenly sneezes twice and looks down at blood on her fingers. Blood is trickling from her nose.)


(The CORONER'S ASSISTANT falls gasping to the floor. SCULLY kneels down next to her. The Camera Crew comes closer. SCULLY yells at them.)

SCULLY: Call 911. Call 911! 911!

(They don't move.)

SCULLY: Get out of here! Come on!

(Fade to grainy logo and ...)


4:41 AM

(Moon shot. Autopsy bay, later. MULDER and SERGEANT DUTHIE have joined SCULLY. Camera shows the blood still on the floor. SCULLY is very frustrated. Her hair looks great, though.)

SCULLY: It's not the hantavirus. It looks for all the world like the hantavirus but I can promise you that it's not. Well, I mean, she-she exhibited all the symptoms-- the hemorrhagic fever, the severe chills, acute shock. But, I mean, the thing is that they all developed in a matter of seconds. And the hantavirus doesn't kill that fast. I mean, no virus in the world kills that fast.

MULDER: You were talking about the hantavirus right before she died? Why?

SCULLY: Because she kept bringing it up. I mean, it was like the power of suggestion, Mulder. She was-she was standing there. She was saying that she was afraid of contagion and then all of a sudden, she just...

MULDER: She was afraid. She was afraid... and her fear killed her in the worst possible way that she could imagine.

SERGEANT DUTHIE: What do you mean by that?

Kikavu ?

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