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#806 : Combattre le Passé

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Martin Wells, un procureur fédéral ami de Doggett, est présumé coupable du meurtre de sa femme. Cependant, celui-ci n'a étrangement aucun souvenir des circonstances dans lesquelles le drame s'est produit. De plus,  tandis que Dogget et Scully tentent de l'aider, il voit sans arrêt le temps de sa montre revenir en arrière jusqu'au jour fatidique du meurtre de sa femme, mais semble être le seul à s'en aperçevoir...

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Combattre le Passé

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Première diffusion en France

Photos promo

César O'Campo

César O'Campo

Martin Wells

Martin Wells

Scully et Doggett interrogent Wells

Scully et Doggett interrogent Wells

Wells et son avocate, Janet Wilson

Wells et son avocate, Janet Wilson

Plus de détails

Peter Markle

Steven Maeda
Daniel Arkin

Guest stars:
Jack Shearer (le juge Kinberg),

Cynthia Martells (le procureur Carter),

Bellamy Young (l'avocate Janet Wilson),

Derick Alexander (l'huissier),

Lee Duncan (Al Cawdry),

Kayla Henry (Haley Wells),

J. Patrick McCormack (Brent Tufeld)

, Joe Morton (Martin Wells),

Joanna Sanchez (Trina Galvez),

Guy Torry (Shorty),

Danny Trejo (Cesar Ocampo)...

Combattre le passé

Dans sa cellule en prison, Martin Wells se réveille et regarde une araignée sur sa toile. Maintenant, il doit être transférer de prison, mais dû à une immense foule de journalistes, Scully conseille aux gardiens de la prison de retarder le transfert, mais c'est impossible. À l'extérieur, Martin se fait tirer dessus par un homme barbu nommé, Al. Wells semble le connaître. Avant de s'évanouir, Martin regarde la montre de Scully, il est 8h20 et 44 secondes. La date est le 8 décembre 2001. Les yeux de Martin se ferment et le temps se met à reculer.

Dans sa cellule en prison, Martin Wells se réveille. Il ouvre son habillement pour voir s'il n'est pas blessé. Il voit toujours l'araignée sur sa toile. Scully et Doggett entre dans la cellule. Martin se précipite sur Doggett, mais Scully l'arrête et lui demande s'il reconnaît une carte magnétique. Martin dit oui car c'est celle qui lui permet d'entrer chez lui. Il demande à Scully de se présenter, il ne la connaît pas. Doggett et Scully se regardent surpris. John demande à Martin d'arrêter et de se taire. Il précise qu'il n'embarquera pas dans son jeu. Martin ne comprend pas ce qu'il fait en prison. Scully confie au prisonnier que la carte se trouvait dans une poubelle à côté d'un hôtel. Elle y a été déposée après le meurtre. Doggett dévoile son hypothèse : il a foncé à Baltimore, a commis le meurtre, est revenu à Washington, a jeté la carte, a ensuite dit qu'on lui avait volé et il a prétendu qu'à l'heure du meurtre, il était assis sagement à l'hôtel entrain de regarder la télévision. Martin ne comprend rien surtout ce qui concerne le meurtre. Alors, Doggett lui montre la photo de sa femme qui est décédée et ensanglantée. Il veut avoir des explications.

Marin traverse les corridors. Tout le monde le regarde. Il entre dans le tribunal et s'assoit au côté de son avocate, Janet, qui semble le connaître. Parmi la foule, Martin reconnaît Al, son beau-père. Wells confie à son avocate qu'Al lui a tiré dessus. Janet ne comprend pas du tout. Martin écoute le président de la cour qui déclare qu'ils sont le jeudi 7 décembre 2001. Martin est certain qu'ils sont le samedi. Voilà que le procès commence. Janet demande à ce que son client soit remis en liberté provisoirement afin qu'il puisse s'occuper de ses deux jeunes enfants. L'avocate de la Couronne, Me Carter, quant à elle, demande à ce que Wells ne soit pas remis en liberté. Le juge rejète la demande. Martin sera transféré dans une prison qui assurera sa sécurité. Martin s'objecte parce qu'il sait qu'il va être tuer par Al. Martin est sorti du tribunal pour insubordination.

Scully et Doggett viennent rencontrer Wells. C'est lui qui a demandé à les voir. Martin regarde John et lui demande si Scully travaille avec lui. John ne comprend pas pourquoi il pose cette question, après tout, il l'a rencontrée le jour avant. Son dernier souvenir remonte au coup de feu tiré par son beau-père Al. Doggett pense qu'il perd son temps alors il veut s'en aller, mais Martin l'arrête. Le prisonnier ne sait pas ce qui se passe. Il croit qu'il est victime de prémonition. Scully prend une chaise et s'assoit. Il le questionne sur d'autre souvenir. Voilà 3 jours, il est allé à une audience et est descendu à l'hôtel Strong. Il ne sait rien sur le meurtre de son épouse. Doggett ne comprend pas pourquoi il ne rappelle pas du meurtre. Martin affirme qu'il n'a pas tué sa femme Vicky. Scully révèle que s'il ne se souvient de rien, pourquoi il est si sûr qu'il n'a pas tué sa femme.

Martin est assis seul. Il a un flash, toutes les choses remontent le temps, un verre cassé reprend sa forme intacte, un homme qui est tombé sur le sol revient debout etc. (Note: Comme si on reculait sur notre magnétoscope). Martin devient fou. Il regarde encore l'araignée sur sa toile. Cette fois, il la prend et l'écrase.

Les deux petites filles de Wells, Courtney et Elli viennent rendre visite à leur père. Trina, une voisine, accompagne ses filles. Il est très content de les revoir, mais ses enfants ne débordent pas d'enthousiasme. Il les serre contre lui. Il explique à ses filles qu'il va bientôt revenir à la maison. Courtney révèle à son père qu'Al leur a dit qu'il n'allait jamais revenir à la maison. Elles sont tristes. Tout à coup, un autre flash, cette fois, avec plus de précision. Un homme tombe sur une table de vitre et casse par la même occasion un verre. Vicky est sur le sol et est effrayée. Martin demande à Trina de rapporter une chose qui est dans la chambre des filles.

Quelques temps plus tard, Janet arrive avec un ours en peluche rose dans les mains. Elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il ne lui a pas dit avant l'audience. Il répète qu'il ne l'a pas vu. Wells défait la peluche de l'enfant et sort une caméra vidéo. Il est certain que l'image du meurtrier est dessus. Janet doute que ce soit une bonne idée. Après tout, c'est comme si elle avait caché une preuve. Wells ouvre la caméra et regarde le film. Sa carte magnétique a été détectée à 4h17 et le meurtrier a tué Vicky à 6h20. Donc, tout s'est passé entre ces heures. Wells remonte la cassette et voit qu'il est sur le film. Alors cette preuve l'incrimine davantage.

Martin se réveille. L'araignée est toujours vivante. Un gardien vient à sa cellule. Il répète qu'il ne veut pas être transféré parce qu'il sait qu'il va être tué. Le gardien venait lui annoncer que ses avocats sont venus le voir. L'un d'entre eux, Brent Tufeld, lui présente celle qui sera son avocate, Janet. Wells lui dit qu'elle pourra présenter la cassette au juge, ce n'est pas un aveu après tout. Janet semble rien comprendre. C'est la première fois qu'elle le rencontre. Brent le questionne sur cette casette. Martin croyait qu'il venait pour cette raison, mais il vient seulement lui présenter Janet. Il essaie de rappeler à Janet qu'ils se sont vus le jour précédent pour l'audience de la remise en liberté. Brent lui spécifie qu'il verra le juge demain pour sa liberté provisoire. Wells est tout mêlé. Il demande la journée, ils sont mercredi. Il comprend alors qu'il vit la semaine à l'envers. Nous, c'est dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi etc. mais lui, c'est mercredi, mardi, lundi, dimanche. La carte magnétique n'a pas encore été trouvée.

Dans la cours de la prison, d'autres prisonniers viennent rendre visite à Martin. L'un d'entre eux est un de ses anciens clients. Martin l'a jeté en prison pour trafic de drogue et recèle d'arme. Il s'enfonce dans la cours. Un autre prisonnier fonce sur lui le faisant tomber sur d'autres prisonniers qu'on préfère ne jamais connaître (si vous savez ce que je veux dire). Ils sont furieux. Un autre prisonnier, Cesar, approche de lui, il a un tatouage en forme d'araignée sur la main. Il le frappe au visage avec un couteau.

Doggett et Scully viennent lui rendre visite. Il a remarqué des faits et il doit en faire part aux agents. Il explique que le temps défile à l'envers chez lui. Il se souvient de ce qui va arriver le lendemain. Doggett a du mal à le croire. Il explique un fait, le jour précédent, il a écrasé une araignée et ce matin, lorsqu'il s'est levé, elle était toujours vivante. C'est normal puisque l'évènement n'était pas encore arrivé. Scully comprend qu'il n'a pas de souvenir du meurtre de sa femme qui a eu lieu dimanche. Donc pour lui, le meurtre va avoir lieu dans 3 jours. Martin dit qu'il ne peut pas se souvenir de quelque chose qui n'a pas eu lieu encore. Scully et Doggett restent muets. Scully conclue alors qu'ils vont être obligés de tout recommencer cette conversation demain. Doggett s'en va trouvant la situation absurde. Scully demande ce qui s'est produit pour que le temps change pour lui. Martin révèle que c'est à lui de s'occuper de cette affaire. Scully s'en va à son tour.

Janet vient rendre visite à Martin dans sa cellule. Elle lui donne un dossier qu'il lira tout seul. Façon gentille de la faire partir. Le prisonnier qu'il a envoyé en prison revient le voir et le regarde lire le dossier. Il accuse Wells d'essayer de trouver un vice de procédure. Ce n'est pas ce que chercher Wells, il veut découvrir la vérité. Le prisonnier s'en va en riant. Dans le dossier, il voit une enveloppe, il l'ouvre et voit des photos du corps de sa femme. Il se met à pleurer. Il cherche des preuves. Il a un autre flash, il voit la main de meurtrier, il a un tatouage en toile d'araignée dessus. Wells a son meurtrier, il se nomme Cesar.

Martin se réveille. Il n'a plus de cicatrice provoquée par le couteau. En fait, il est couché sur le divan de son salon. À la télévision, il écoute les nouvelles qui affirment que le meurtre de sa femme a eu lieu et que Martin est un suspect. Il a été interrogé le lundi. D'après l'annonceur, la police est entrain de rechercher la carte magnétique de Wells. Doggett entre. Wells est chez lui. Martin lui demande s'ils sont bien mardi, le lendemain du meurtre. Doggett reste muet face à cette question. Il révèle à John la description du meurtrier de sa femme. Doggett reste surpris puisque le jour précédent (lundi pour le monde à Doggett), Martin n'avait aucune idée du meurtrier. Il demande à Doggett s'appeler la prison de Baltimore pour dire qui est le meurtrier, surtout sa description (tatouage). Martin continue à regarder les nouvelles, Al est interrogé par les journalistes. Doggett revient près de Martin, aucun prisonnier suit la description et a été arrêté dans les 36 heures. Martin n'y comprend rien, il sait que le prisonnier est en prison présentement. Doggett lui confirme qu'il n'est pas en prison. Martin conclue qu'il va être arrêté durant la soirée du mardi ce qui est possible puisque l'avocat le voit le mercredi. Doggett est tout mêlé. Martin veut savoir pourquoi il remonte le temps. Il amène John chez lui, il a quelque chose à lui montrer.

Doggett et Martin arrivent. Doggett va dans la chambre des filles. Pendant ce temps, Wells fait le tour de l'appartement. Il a un flash en voyant la table du salon. Il voit le meurtrier sur le bord de tuer sa femme. Doggett arrive avec la peluche de la fille de Martin. Ils regardent tous les deux la cassette. Entre le meurtre de sa femme et la police, il se voit et seulement lui est entré entre les deux. Il ne comprend pas. Doggett regarde dans le miroir qui est sur la cassette, il y a du soleil. Celle-ci prouve qu'il est innocent. À
4 H 17, sa femme entre avant le meurtrier. Elle a été tuée lorsqu'il faisait encore nuit. Martin est arrivé après puisque le soleil était levé. Ils comprennent que la cassette a été mise en pause, mais ils ne savent pas à partir de quel endroit. Martin mentionne qu'un boîtier de télécommande a été mis près de l'entrée. Mais personne ne savait à quel endroit le boîtier était sauf lui et Vicky. Doggett lui demande s'il est vraiment sûr.

Doggett et Martin frappent à la porte de chez Trina, elle est effrayée. Lorsqu'elle ouvre, elle est surprise de voir Wells. Celui-ci lui dit qu'elle savait comment arrêter la caméra, elle l'a dit à l'assassin lorsqu'elle lui a donné sa carte d'accès. Doggett sent que le tueur est derrière la porte. Il est surpris qu'elle ne soit pas étonnée que Martin lui parle de la caméra. Il se met en place enfin de l'ouvrir rapidement et prend son arme. Lorsqu'il ouvre la porte, l'assassin est derrière. Doggett prend sa main, il y a une toile d'araignée dessus. Il l'arrête. Trina se défend en disant qu'elle n'avait pas le choix, il la menaçait.

Doggett sort de la salle d'interrogatoire et vient rejoindre Martin. L'homme s'appelle Cesar Ocampo et a un casier judiciaire bien fourni : agression et stupéfiant. Trina ne témoignera pas contre lui, elle a trop peur. Martin insiste pour aller lui parler. Justement, le prisonnier veut le voir.

Dans la salle, Martin lui demande pourquoi il a tué sa femme. Cesar lui dit que son nom doit lui dire quelque chose. Martin ne se souvient pas de lui. Au fait, ce n'est pas de lui qu'il faut qu'il se souvienne, mais plutôt du frère à Cesar, Hector Ocampo. Il a été arrêté pour recèle de stupéfiant. Martin se souvient maintenant. Hector a été emprisonné pour la vie, mais Wells a seulement fait son travail. Alors Cesar a été sa femme, ruiner la réputation de l'avocat juste parce qu'il a fait son travail en emprisonnant Hector. Cesar lui rappelle que le stupéfiant n'était pas à son frère et Martin le savait. Hector travaillait dans une boîte de nuit, mais il ne vendait plus de drogue. Martin a une suggestion, Cesar avoue le meurtre de Vicky et il rouvre le dossier de Hector, mais le problème, c'est qu'il est mort en se pendant dans sa cellule voilà 22 jours. Doggett entre et demande à parler à Martin.

Ils sortent. Martin est arrêté par la police parce que celle-ci a des preuves contre lui.

Martin se réveille et est dans un hôtel. Il prend le téléphone chez lui. Il essaie de prévenir Vicky qu'elle va se faire tuer, mais c'est le répondeur. Il est 2 h 00 et Vicky se fait tuer à 4 h 00. Donc, il a une chance, il la prévient qu'elle doit se rendre chez ses parents jusqu'à son retour.

Ensuite, Martin se rend chez Doggett. Il lui demande son aide. Doggett est surpris que l'avocat soit là. Il le prévient que sa femme va se faire tuer dans 2 heures. Il doit appeler la police. Il a tous les renseignements sur le meurtrier, la police de Washington ne le croit pas c'est la raison pour laquelle il vient voir Doggett. Il n'a pas le temps d'expliquer pourquoi il sait tout du meurtrier, tout ce qu'il veut c'est que Doggett appelle. Doggett pense qu'il a tout organisé le meurtre de sa femme. Martin essaie de lui expliquer que tout ce qu'il lui arrive n'est pas un hasard. Il raconte l'histoire de Hector, c'est le seul moyen d'avoir une 2e chance. Doggett prend son téléphone.

Pendant ce temps, Martin se rend chez lui. Plusieurs policiers s'y trouvent. La table n'est pas cassée ce qui veut dire que sa femme n'est pas encore morte. Il est tout content et remercie les policiers.
Il cherche sa femme, mais elle n'est pas là. Les policiers se demandent ce qu'ils doivent chercher exactement. Martin les informe qu'un homme va entrer à 4 h 17 avec sa carte pour tuer sa femme. Il est maintenant 4 h 20. Martin ne comprend plus. Il veut savoir où est sa femme maintenant. Les policiers le rassurent en lui disant qu'ils vont circuler dans le voisinage. Ils s'en vont tous.

Martin prend le téléphone et appelle son beau-père, Al. Il apprend que sa femme n'est pas là. Il l'informe que Vicky est partie depuis 23 h 00. Il entend un bruit, il raccroche. Il prend un couteau de cuisine et attend le tueur. Lorsque la porte s'ouvre, c'est Vicky qui entre. Il la serre contre elle. Il l'informe qu'elle va se faire tuer, alors, il faut qu'ils partent au plus vite. À ce moment, quelqu'un essaie d'entrer dans la maison. Martin enferme sa femme dans leur chambre en lui disant d'appeler la police. Pendant ce temps, Martin attend le meurtrier avec le couteau, mais a sa grande surprise, il est déjà dans la maison. Il le croise dans le salon. Cesar se bat avec Martin. Vicky sort de la chambre et demande aux hommes d'arrêter. Le tueur prend un couteau et s'avance vers Vicky. Elle essaie de se défendre, mais elle est projetée sur la petite table de salon qui se fracasse. Martin essaie d'empêcher que Cesar tue sa femme, mais il est trop faible. Cesar prend son couteau et se prépare à tuer Vicky. Martin hurle. À ce moment, Cesar reçoit deux balles à la poitrine. C'est Doggett !!! Martin rampe vers sa femme, il est content. Scully arrive quelques secondes plus tard. Elle s'avance vers Cesar, il est mort. Doggett demande à Martin si c'était sa seconde chance. Martin acquiesce. Celui-ci regarde la montre de Scully, elle est arrêtée à 4 h 39 et 52 secondes. Ils sont le 4 décembre. Elle redémarre, mais dans le sens horaire cette fois.

Martin est en prison. Il dit en arrière-plan qu'une prison n'est pas des murs qui sont faits en ciment, mais ils sont plutôt faits en espoir détruit et de chose que les prisonniers n'ont pas su éviter. C'est une chance de revenir sur ses pas pour découvrir ce que le passé, c'est s'affronter soi-même. Être libéré de la prison, ce n'est pas se libérer de ce que l'on est. Soi-même, c'est la seule prison qu'on ne s'évade pas.


Source : X-Files 1013


(Close-up of a complete spider web, a small spider sitting in the middle. A radio sounds
from a distance.)

RADIO ANNOUNCER VOICE: Good morning. It is Friday, December 8, and you're
tuned in to WXOP, Baltimore's news radio serving all of Maryland and the greater
Chesapeake region, 24-7. We've got your Friday morning trouble spots: A two-car
pileup with a fatality, on the 97 at...

(Camera focuses on the face below it. The face belongs to an African-American man,
about 40, MARTIN WELLS. He is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and lying on a
prison bunk. There is a fresh scar on his right cheek. He sits up in confusion and touches
the wound gingerly. A buzzer sounds. The automatic door to his cell slides open and a
TALL GUARD enters.)

TALL GUARD: It's time.

(The GUARDS lead MARTIN WELLS down a hallway. SCULLY and DOGGETT are
waiting at the end of the hall. They both look tense. MARTIN WELLS recognizes


DOGGETT: Press got word you're taking him out the Groves Street exit. It looks like
Woodstock out there.

SCULLY: I suggest you postpone the transfer. We can get him out later once the
crowd disperses.

MARTIN WELLS: Transfer me where?

TALL GUARD: No, they'll camp out for days. We're going ahead with it.

MARTIN WELLS: John. John, what is going on?

(The door is opened and the GUARDS begin leading MARTIN WELLS to a prisoner
transfer truck. Reporters and news crews surround them.)

REPORTER: Mr. Wells! Mr. Wells! Why did you do it?

DOGGETT: All right, back up! Back up. Give him some room. Come on, clear out.
Back up.

(MARTIN WELLS recognizes an older AFRICAN-AMERICAN MAN at the edge of the
crowd and calls out to him hopefully.)


(With hatred in his eyes, the older man, AL CAWDRY, pulls out a gun and points it at

DOGGETT: Down! Weapon!

(Everyone falls to the ground, but it is too late for MARTIN WELLS. AL shoots and hits
MARTIN WELLS in the chest. The GUARDS wrestle AL to the ground. SCULLY
presses her fingers to MARTIN WELLS' neck to monitor his pulse.)

SCULLY: (sound distorted) Somebody call a medic!

(Sound of heartbeat. Everything in MARTIN WELLS' perspective slows. Heartbeat
slows. He looks at SCULLY's wristwatch, time, 8:20, 44 seconds, date, the 8th, and his
eyes close. The watch stops. Heartbeat stops. Then the watch begins moving

Opening Credits
Scully rocks … in three scenes.
Doggett is Manly.

(Black screen.)

8:23 AM

(MARTIN WELLS wakes up again on the prison bunk. The scar on his cheek looks
fresher than it did in the scene from the teaser. Remembering, panicked, he feels under
his t-shirt for a bullet wound. Nothing. He looks up and sees the spider just beginning
to spin her web. The buzzer sounds and the door slides open. SCULLY and DOGGETT


(SCULLY and DOGGETT are all business. SCULLY holds up an evidence bag
containing a key card.)

SCULLY: Do you recognize this, Mr. Wells? Have you seen it before?

MARTIN WELLS: Um... yes. Who are you?

(DOGGETT has no patience for the man who seems to know him. MARTIN WELLS is
very confused.)

DOGGETT: Don't even … Martin.

MARTIN WELLS: John, what am I doing here? I'm in this cell, I don't know where I
am or how I even got here and everyone's acting like...

DOGGETT: I swear to God, on top of everything else, do not play this with me. I will
not be party to some half-assed, 11th-hour insanity defense.

MARTIN WELLS: What? John …

DOGGETT: (furious) It's time to start telling me the truth!

(MARTIN WELLS stares at DOGGETT, confused. SCULLY is uncomfortable.)

SCULLY: This key card, Mr. Wells... you do recognize it. Is that correct?

MARTIN WELLS: Yes, it's the swipe card that they use at the apartment building. For
all I know, it's mine.

SCULLY: It is yours. It was found in the dumpster behind the Strand Hotel.

DOGGETT: You tossed it there, didn't you? You had just enough time to drive to
Baltimore and commit the murder.

MARTIN WELLS: Wait. Murder? What murder?

DOGGETT: (accusing) Then drive back to DC. Toss the key card. That way, you
could claim it was stolen. Make it look like you spent your whole night watching pay-
per-view in your hotel room. Right?


(He looks to SCULLY.)

MARTIN WELLS: What murder? What is he talking about?

DOGGETT: Well, maybe this will jog your memory, buddy.

(DOGGETT ruthlessly holds up a color photo of a young African-American woman,
brutally slashed to death with a knife. MARTIN WELLS recoils from the photo in
horror, dissolving into tears, hand over his mouth.)

MARTIN WELLS: Vicky. My wife. This isn't happening. This is not happening.

(DOGGETT backs away, not sure what to think of WELLS. The TALL GUARD enters
the cell.)

TALL GUARD: Court van is waiting.

(Black Screen.)

10:12 AM

(Courtroom. MARTIN WELLS is led through the courthouse in chains and orange
jumpsuit. He is seated with a young defense lawyer, JANET WILSON.)

JANET WILSON: All right... dignity. That is your strong suit. Play it. Don't lower
your eyes. It makes you look guilty.

JANET WILSON: Now, we drew Judge Kinberg. What's your relationship with him?


JANET WILSON: First-name basis. Excellent.

BAILIFF: All rise.

(All stand. As if out of habit, MARTIN WELLS is one of the first to stand.)

BAILIFF: I would remind the members of the gallery to turn off all cellular phones and
paging devices. Hear ye, hear ye. That all who have business before this court in the
State of Maryland draw near and be heard.

(MARTIN WELLS sees the man who shot him in the teaser sitting in the gallery. AL
glances at him, then looks away.)

MARTIN WELLS: (softly) Al?


MARTIN WELLS: He shot me.

JANET WILSON: Who? Your father-in-law? What are you talking about?

BAILIFF; Circuit court, Department 6-B is now in session, the Honorable Benjamin
Kinberg presiding. Thursday, the seventh day of December.

MARTIN WELLS: Thursday? It's not Thursday.


MARTIN WELLS: (insistent) It's Saturday. Yesterday was Friday and...

JANET WILSON: Today is Thursday. There's no court on Saturday. You know that.
(concerned) Martin, do you feel all right?

(JUDGE pounds gavel.)

JUDGE KINBERG: Case number 8ABX03: District v. Martin Wells. Charge of first-
degree murder.

(MARTIN WELLS winces.)

JUDGE BENJAMIN KINBERG: The defense has requested a hearing on bail?

JANET WILSON: (standing) Yes, your Honor, we have. As I'm sure you'd agree,
Mr. Wells' status as a prosecutor makes him a target. The court puts his life in danger by
keeping him in custody.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY CARTER: Your Honor, I have the assurances of the Baltimore
Department of Corrections that Mr. Wells' safety while in custody is not a concern.

JANET WILSON: Furthermore, as your Honor will certainly agree, Mr. Wells is an
upstanding citizen and a respected member of the Maryland Bar, held in high esteem by
all his peers.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY CARTER: Your Honor, with cold calculation, Martin Wells
brutally stabbed his wife in their own home. He poses a threat to the public and should
be denied bail.

(She holds up a bloody evidence document.)

JANET WILSON: He doesn't pose a threat to anyone, your Honor and he has two small
children who need him at home.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY CARTER: Why? Because their mom's not around.

JUDGE BENJAMIN KINBERG: (warning) Ms. Carter. (he looks at MARTIN
WELLS) Martin, I can't tell you how sorry I am to see you on that side of the aisle. I
hope you'll forgive me when I do exactly what you as a prosecutor, would demand. Bail
is denied. I will, however order Mr. Wells transferred to a more secure facility in the
interest of his safety.

MARTIN WELLS: Transferred? No, Ben. You can't do that. I can't be transferred.

(MARTIN WELLS stands and walks urgently toward the bench. He points back toward
AL sitting in the gallery.)

MARTIN WELLS: He'll kill me.


MARTIN WELLS: Tomorrow morning-- if today is really Thursday-- then tomorrow is
Friday, and that's when he's going to do it. He's going to shoot me as I'm being



MARTIN WELLS: You don't understand! It'll happen! It'll happen! Judge, listen to
me! Ben, it'll happen! He's going to kill me! Ben!

(The OFFICERS drag MARTIN WELLS out of the courtroom.)

(Interrogation room. MARTIN WELLS is sitting at one side of the room in an orange
prison jumpsuit. SCULLY and DOGGETT enter.)

SCULLY: Mr. Wells, we understand that you had an interesting morning in court.
What is it that you'd like to speak with us about?

MARTIN WELLS: You're John's partner?

(DOGGETT is irritated.)

DOGGETT: For god sakes, Martin. Agent Scully. You know that. You met her

MARTIN WELLS: Yesterday?

DOGGETT: Yeah. Yesterday. Wednesday.

MARTIN WELLS: Wednesday?

SCULLY: Are you saying that you don't remember? What is the last thing that you do

MARTIN WELLS: Being shot by my father-in-law.

DOGGETT: You're wasting our time.

(DOGGETT starts to leave, but turns again to listen to MARTIN WELLS. MARTIN
WELLS focuses mainly on SCULLY.)

MARTIN WELLS: Listen. I don't know what I experienced. But what if it was a
premonition? A glimpse of the future. I mean, you do hear about these kind of things.

SCULLY: Yes... You do.

(SCULLY is reluctant to believe, but is open to the possibility. She sits down.)

SCULLY: Mr. Wells, this shooting aside is there anything else that you remember
before that?

MARTIN WELLS: Um... I was in DC... uh... for a sentencing hearing. I was staying at
the Strand Hotel like you said.

SCULLY: That was three days ago, Mr. Wells. Are you telling us that you don't
remember anything else? Not the murder of your wife?


(DOGGETT doesn't believe a word.)

DOGGETT: Out of the blue. Charged with murder. You wake up one morning and
you can't remember a damn thing. Martin, you haven't offered us one scrap of evidence
to support your story. Now, as your friend, I'm going to listen to anything you have to
say, but I will not be lied to.

MARTIN WELLS: I'm not lying to you. You're talking to me about key cards. I'm
sitting in a jail cell. I don't understand any of this. But I did not... kill Vicky.

SCULLY: If you truly don't remember... then how can you be certain that you didn't?

(MEARTIN WELLS considers this in surprise and fear.)

(Later. MARTIN WELLS is sitting on his cell bunk. He has flashbacks of broken glass
flying back into shape, VICKIE gasping in fear and pain, and a bloody knife rising. He
blinks back to the present. He leans back against the wall, despondent. He sees the
spider walking across her almost finished web. In a fit of rage, he tears down the web
and stomps the little spider to death.)

(Later, in a visitation room, he sees two young girls being led through the hall of the jail.
An Hispanic woman, TRINA, their nanny, is with them. They all have visitor's passes.
He smiles happily and kneels to the floor, his arms open.)

MARTIN WELLS: Courtney! Haley! Hey, guys! Oh! It's so good to see you.

(The girls, about 4 and 6, look at the floor and don't run to him. MARTIN WELLS is
confused and hurt.)

MARTIN WELLS: Wh...?! Come on! Come on, give Daddy a big hug.

TRINA: Hug your father, ninas.

(Obediently, the girls go to be hugged. He holds them tightly.)


(He looks up at TRINA.)

MARTIN WELLS: How are they holding up?

TRINA: (tears in her voice) Good. Good, Mr. Wells. They want to know when you're
coming home.

(MARTIN WELLS looks at his daughters.)

MARTIN WELLS: Oh. See, um... Daddy has some things that he has to do-- very,
very important things. That's why I have to be here right now, but then, guess what?
(smiles) I'll be coming home.

(The older girl, COURTNEY looks at the floor.)

COURTNEY: Grandpa says they won't let you come home.

(MARTIN WELLS is shocked and saddened by this. He hugs his girls close again.)


(MARTIN WELLS has another flashback of the glass reforming, Vickie gasping, and of
a broken strand of pearls bouncing up. He comes back to the present with a start. He
looks up at TRINA.)

MARTIN WELLS: Trina, I need you to get me something out of the apartment--
something from the girls' room.

(The defense lawyer, JANET WILSON, enters MARTIN WELLS' interrogation room.
A guard lets her in.)

JANET WILSON: Thank you.

(She hands him a pastel stuffed bear and closes the blinds. She is uncomfortable.)

JANET WILSON: Why didn't you mention this to me before the bail hearing?

MARTIN WELLS: I hadn't even met you before the bail hearing.

(She stares about him, confused. MARTIN WELLS digs through the animal's stuffing
and pulls out a hidden camera recorder.)

MARTIN WELLS: Nanny-cam.

JANET WILSON: Oh, Martin, I wish you'd talked to me about this before. I really
don't know if this is a great idea.

MARTIN WELLS: This tape may have the murderer on it.

JANET WILSON: Whatever happens to be on that tape you know that I am an officer of
the court. I have to share this with the prosecution.

MARTIN WELLS: You think I'm guilty?

(She starts to answer. He waves her silent.)

MARTIN WELLS: Let's... let's clear this up right now. Here. My apartment.

(She joins him to look at the small viewfinder window. He is playing it in fast reverse.
Police investigators are coming and going rapidly.)

MARTIN WELLS: That... That's the girls' room and this must be the police
investigation. What time did the … murder occur?

JANET WILSON: The official report has the police arriving at your apartment at 6:20
AM Monday morning. Your key card was used at 4:17.

MARTIN WELLS: Which means the killer is somewhere in-between.

JANET WILSON: Wait. There's your wife.

(MARTIN WELLS swallows his emotion at the sight of VICKIE running her hand
tiredly through her hair as she leans against the door of the girls' room late at night.)

MARTIN WELLS: Um... we must have missed something. Right there.

(He rewinds and fast forwards again through the police footage. Just before the police
arrive, he stops at a figure in the doorway. The figure is familiar.)

JANET WILSON: Martin, that's you.

(JANET WILSON walks away. MARTIN WELLS stares at the image of himself for a
moment, then lowers the camera.)

(Commercial 1.)

(Morning. The sounds of a prison wake MARTIN WELLS up. He rubs his head and
rises. He looks at the bunk above him. There is no cut on his face. The spider is
crawling around, looking for the best place to build her web. The door slides open. The
TALL GUARD steps into the cell.)

MARTIN WELLS: (defiantly) I'm not going.

TALL GUARD: How's that?

MARTIN WELLS: I told you. This is the day. If I go, I'll get shot. You cannot
transfer me.

TALL GUARD: I don't plan to. Your lawyers want to see you.

(MARTIN WELLS is led into an interrogation room where his lawyer, BRENT
TUFELD, 50's, is waiting for him. He is speaking quietly to JANET WILSON.)

BRENT TUFELD: There's my favorite client. Martin, you holding up all right?

(They shake hands.)

MARTIN WELLS: Brent, uh... I've been better.

BRENT TUFELD: We're going to beat this thing. Guaranteed. Martin, I have here one
of the finest criminal defense specialists in the country. I want you to meet...


MARTIN WELLS: We met. I've been thinking all night about the tape and I don't see
you having to turn it over to the prosecution.

JANET WILSON: I'm sorry?

MARTIN WELLS: I obviously showed you that tape in a good faith effort to clear my
name, not as an admission of guilt.

JANET WILSON: (confused) Um... Mr. Wells, I'm Janet Wilson. I don't think we've


BRENT TUFELD: Martin, what is all this about a videotape?

MARTIN WELLS: The... Nanny-cam tape.


MARTIN WELLS: (to TUFELD) That's why you're here, right?

BRENT TUFELD: I'm here to introduce you to your new attorney.

MARTIN WELLS: (to JANET WILSON) We met yesterday at the bail hearing.
Don't you remember?

BRENT TUFELD: Martin, the bail hearing is set for tomorrow.

MARTIN WELLS: What day is this? What... day of the week... is this?

BRENT TUFELD: Wednesday. Wednesday the sixth.

MARTIN WELLS: Yesterday you told me it was Thursday. The day before that it was
Friday. (realizing) It's backwards. Everything's going backwards.

(The LAWYERS are confused and concerned.)

BRENT TUFELD: Martin, I think we should have you speak to someone. You're
under a hell of a lot of stress. Being locked up in this cesspool really doesn't help.

JANET WILSON: We can have you out of here by tomorrow afternoon. The
prosecution's case is weak to say the least. They have no physical evidence tying you to
the crime scene.

BRENT TUFELD: Plus, they don't have the key card that was used to access your
apartment building.

MARTIN WELLS: (breathing sharply, to himself) The key card...

JANET WILSON: (confidently) Without it, they've got nothing.

(Prison exercise yard. Several prisoners are playing basketball. A large African
American prisoner sees MARTIN WELLS walking through the yard. He leans down and
whispers something to an evil looking HISPANIC MAN who is lifting weights. The
HISPANIC MAN takes notice. A YOUNG BLACK MAN, SHORTY, sees the look and

SHORTY: Oh, yeah. (laugh) Somebody likes you, my brother.

(MARTIN WELLS is not amused.)

SHORTY: (sarcastically) Come on, man. I'm just messing with you. What, you ain't
got no sense of humor, Counselor?

MARTIN WELLS: Do I know you?

SHORTY: No, you don't know me. Damn sure put me in here, though.

(MARTIN WELLS recognizes him.)

MARTIN WELLS: Possession with intent. And concealed weapon.

SHORTY: Mm-hmm. That concealed weapon was a pipe wrench. I was on my way to
my baby's mama's house to unstick the Pepsi caps from out her garbage disposer, but I
told you all that! "Concealed weapon" added six months to my sentence, man. You
remember my name?

MARTIN WELLS: (avoiding his eyes) No, I don't remember your name. All I needed
to know about you was that you broke the law.

SHORTY: I broke the law. Well, then, I guess that makes you "Wife Killer, Esq."

(MARTIN WELLS turns to face him, angrily. SHORTY laughs without humor.
MARTIN WELLS walks away through the yard. As he passes a table where some
prisoners are playing dominoes, a GANGBANGER hits him from behind, making him
knock the dominoes to the ground. One of the DOMINO PLAYING GANGBANGERS
glares at MARTIN WELLS.)

DOMINO PLAYING GANGBANGER: Yo! Pick 'em up you stumbling bitch.


(Reluctantly, MARTIN WELLS kneels down and begins picking up the dominoes. He
turns to see the HISPANIC MAN beside him. There is a spider web tattoo on one of his
hands in which he is concealing a blade. MARTIN WELLS falls back and screams in
pain as the SPIDER-MAN slashes him across the face. MARTIN WELLS rolls on the
ground and cries in agony as the other prisoners walk around him, the code of silence in
full effect.)

(Interrogation room. MARTIN WELLS, fresh cut on his face, greets DOGGETT and
SCULLY as they enter. DOGGETT winces at the sight of the cut.)

DOGGETT: Aw, geez, Martin. Your face.

MARTIN WELLS: It's all right. Appreciate your coming to see me. Agent Scully, I
especially wanted to talk to you.

(SCULLY shakes his hand.)

SCULLY: It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry it's not under better circumstances.

MARTIN WELLS: This is the day we meet... something is happening to me...
something I need to try to explain to you, to you both. I'm moving backward in time.
Every morning I wake up, it's the day before. For me, yesterday was Thursday, the day
before that was Friday, only it's all new to me. Every single morning I wake up, I can
only remember what's happened the following day.

(SCULLY thinks about it.)

DOGGETT: Agent Scully, would you mind taking a closer look at his injuries, maybe
check his scalp?

MARTIN WELLS: I know this all sounds crazy. But I'm telling you the truth. This
cut, for instance. It was on my cheek when I woke up yesterday. I woke up this
morning, it wasn't there. But then this afternoon I got cut. I killed a spider in my cell
yesterday. First thing this morning, I woke up, it's back again. Because it happened the
day before. I haven't actually killed it yet.

SCULLY: Mr. Wells, are you saying that you don't remember the day that your wife
was murdered? I'm talking about two days ago, Monday.

MARTIN WELLS: No, I don't... remember it, because for me, it hasn't happened yet.

SCULLY: You do realize that you're not going to be able to prove this, right? I mean,
if, uh... if tomorrow is really the day before today, then we won't have had this

DOGGETT: Oh, for crying out loud.

SCULLY: It means you're going to have to tell us all over again.

DOGGETT: Yeah, well, uh... make sure I skip that freaking meeting.

(In disgust, DOGGETT leaves the cell.)

SCULLY: Mr. Wells, let's say that, that all this is true. Why do you think it's

MARTIN WELLS: I don't know. There has to be a reason.

SCULLY: What reason?

MARTIN WELLS: Something... I'm meant to understand? Although I don't know
what it could be.

SCULLY: Maybe you already have the answer within you.

(SCULLY leaves and the door closes. MARTIN WELLS considers.)

(JANET WILSON stands outside MARTIN WELLS' cell as he prepares to open a thick
file that has been delivered to him through the door. She is worried about him.)

JANET WILSON: I'd really prefer to stay while you do this. Martin. I can take you
through the chain of evidence.

MARTIN WELLS: I think I've done this before, thank you, Ms. Wilson.

(Reluctantly, she leaves. MARTIN WELLS opens the file on his wife's murder.
SHORTY, broom in hand, walks by the cell.)

SHORTY: Mmm-hmm, looking for some loopholes, huh? Yeah, man, get yourself out
of here. They just praying that you find that one little technicality so they can let you go.

MARTIN WELLS: I'm not looking for technicalities.

SHORTY: Well, what are you looking for, brother?

MARTIN WELLS: The truth.

SHORTY: The truth? (laughs) You better stick to the technicalities! The truth is
going to keep you in here and make you somebody's bitch, that's what the truth's going to
do. So put on that engineering hat, Casey Jones, because you've got a whole lot of trains
to be pulling...

(He laughs and imitates train whistle and chugging as he walks away.)

SHORTY: The truth!

(Breathing heavily, MARTIN WELLS pulls out the photos of the murder. He sobs as he
forces himself to look at the images of his dead wife.)

(Flashback of the glass reforming, blood seeping back into his dead wife, the bloody
knife held by a man with a spider web tattooed on his hand.)

MARTIN WELLS: (gasping through his pain) I know who did it.

(Commercial 2.)

(Black Screen)

8:42 AM

(MARTIN WELLS wakes up disoriented on a couch in a modestly nice house. He has
sheets and a pillow. He see that the TV is on, but muted. He rushes to the remote and
turns the volume up. A news report, WKPZ, channel 9 is showing footage of MARTIN
WELLS, eyes down, being taken away in the back of a police car.)

TV REPORTER: ...claims he arrived home from a business trip to discover the body of
his wife in their living room. Apparently, Wells is now in seclusion at the home of a
friend. Baltimore police are giving no indication whether he is a suspect in the murder or
if there are indeed any suspects at this time. However, Channel 9 News has learned
police are focusing their investigation on the whereabouts of an electronic key card, much
like this one. The card in question belongs to Martin Wells. It was used by the killer to
enter the Calvert House apartment building through the garage entrance. Wells claims no
knowledge of the whereabouts of his key card...

(DOGGETT enters the front door holding two styrofoam cups of coffee. He is such a
manly man that he won't even make coffee. He hands one to MARTIN WELLS.)

DOGGETT: Not something you want to wake up to.

TV REPORTER: ...and suggests it may have been stolen.

(MARTIN WELLS clicks the sound off again.)

DOGGETT: How you feeling?

MARTIN WELLS: Disconnected from reality, but I guess I'd better get used to it. Oh,
um... thank you. I assume you... let me spend the night here, right? Thank you.

DOGGETT: Like I said, no problem.

(MARTIN WELLS begins putting on his shoes.)

MARTIN WELLS: So that makes today... Tuesday, the day after the murder. John... I
know who did it now.

(DOGGETT sits and stares at him, perhaps surprised at how calm and rational MARTIN
WELLS is.)

DOGGETT: You know who killed Vicky?

MARTIN WELLS: Mmm. Latino, maybe 40, five-ten, 185 pounds. He's got a tattoo of
a spiderweb on his left hand.

DOGGETT: Martin, last night you told me you had no idea who did this.

MARTIN WELLS: Yeah, now I do. Well, trust me. I mean, I-I don't know his name
but you can find him in the Baltimore city lockup. Call them. They can ID him based on
what I just told you.

(DOGGETT goes to the kitchen phone and calls. MARTIN WELLS turns the volume
back up. AL CAWDRY, the father-in-law, is now begin interviewed.)

Al Cawdry: I just want to say my daughter was an exceptional person... (pause) ...One
who was loved by everyone who knew her.

TV Reporter: Sir, have the police identified any suspects in your daughter's death?

Al Cawdry:: They're not telling us much.

TV Reporter: What about rumors that your son-in-law is the prime suspect? What are
your thoughts on that?

(AL CAWDRY begins to cry, and cannot answer.)

TV Reporter: Reporting from the Calvert House Apartments this is Brian Blakeley.
Back to you in the studio.

(MARTIN WELLS lowers his own eyes in pain, and turns the volume down again as
DOGGETT hangs up and come back to the living room.)

DOGGETT: No prisoner fitting that description has been processed in the past 36

MARTIN WELLS: He's in there. He's got to be there.

DOGGETT: Sorry, Martin, he's not.

MARTIN WELLS: It must be too soon. He must not get arrested until later today--
Tuesday. That's how he could have been with me in lockup on Wednesday.

DOGGETT: Martin, you have seriously lost me. If you're trying to admit something to
me or to yourself, I want you to just come out with it.

MARTIN WELLS: There's a reason all this is happening. Maybe I already have the

DOGGETT: Well, how's that?

MARTIN WELLS: There's something in my apartment that you need to see, John.

(DOGGETT is skeptical.)

(Black Screen.)

11:18 AM

(Very nice, expensive high-rise apartment. DOGGETT and MARTIN WELLS enter.)

DOGGETT: Where is it?

MARTIN WELLS: Uh, the girls' bedroom, right there.

(While DOGGETT goes to look in the room to the left, MARTIN WELLS slowly walks
into the living room. Crime scene investigators have left their marks all over the place.
MARTIN WELLS looks down at the shattered coffee table. In flashback, he sees the
murder in reverse. The glass and table reassemble as VICKY rises screaming, pearls
rising, bloody knife descending. He is jerked back to the present as DOGGETT enters
carrying the stuffed animal containing the NannyCam.)

DOGGETT: Is this it?

(Later, the DOGGETT and MARTIN WELLS watch the tape on a small TV/VCR

MARTIN WELLS: My daughters were at their grandparents'... thank god. Their
bedroom door was open with a clear view of the front hallway. The nanny-cam is
motion-activated so it should have caught anyone coming in or out of the house.

(Police investigators come and go quickly as the tape rewinds. DOGGETT stops it when
MARTIN WELLS appears in the door.)

MARTIN WELLS: There I am. Nobody else on the tape between my wife and the
police. I don't understand it.

DOGGETT: I'd say this makes you look more innocent than guilty. Look, there-- in
the mirror...

(DOGGETT points to a bright reflection in the dresser mirror.)

DOGGETT: ...the sun. Your wife comes home before the murderer enters the building
at 4:17 AM. Her time of death is fixed shortly after that, well before sunrise. You came
home later... when the sun was already up.

MARTIN WELLS: The killer turned off the tape.

DOGGETT: The only question is how?

MARTIN WELLS: There's a remote control for the nanny-cam. It's in a drawer by the
front door but nobody else knew about it except for... Vicky... and me.

DOGGETT: Are you sure about that?

(MARTIN WELLS thinks.)

12:36 PM

(Small house on a lower income residential street. MARTIN WELLS knock at the door.
DOGGETT step up and pounds much more forcefully on the door. Oh, so manly!)

DOGGETT: FBI! I saw your curtains move. I know you're in there.

(TRINA, the nanny for MARTIN WELLS' daughters nervously opens the door, the
security chain still in place.)

TRINA: M-Mr. Wells, I...

MARTIN WELLS: Trina, you knew about the Nanny-cam, didn't you? You told the
killer about it. You must have given him my key card, too.

TRINA: Mr. Wells, I-I-I wasn't even there that night.

(DOGGETT has placed his palm against the center of the door. He unholsters his gun.)

DOGGETT: First thing you're supposed to say is: "What nanny-cam?"

(DOGGETT kicks the door open. TRINA screams and falls back. The HISPANIC
SPIDERWEB MAN was standing behind the door holding a knife. He falls to the floor
and DOGGETT punches him and restrains him. DOGGETT holds the tattooed hand up
for MARTIN WELLS to see.)

DOGGETT: Is this your guy?


TRINA: (crying hysterically) I'm so sorry, Mr. Wells. He said he'd hurt my family.
He made me give him your key card.

(MARTIN WELLS won't look at her. TRINA sobs. MARTIN WELLS stares at the
man on the floor.)

(Police station. MARTIN WELLS watches through a window as DOGGETT interviews
the SPIDERWEB MAN. DOGGETT comes out of the room.)

DOGGETT: His name is Cesar Ocampo. He's got a full sheet-- assault and narcotics.
He knows the drill. He's a clam.

MARTIN WELLS: We'll have Trina's testimony against him.

DOGGETT: Or maybe we won't. He's got her so scared we can't count on her.

MARTIN WELLS: John, let me go in and talk to him. Please.


DOGGETT: He says he only wants to talk to you.

(MARTIN WELLS enters the interrogation room.)


CESAR OCAMPO: You don't know? You got my name, my record, and you can't
figure it out?

MARTIN WELLS: Cesar Ocampo-- I don't know you. I never prosecuted you.

CESAR OCAMPO: Hector Ocampo, my brother.

MARTIN WELLS: What was the charge?

CESAR OCAMPO: Possession with intent. $50 worth of rock. It was his third strike,

MARTIN WELLS: Yeah, I remember. I did my job.

CESAR OCAMPO: You sent him up for life!

MARTIN WELLS: I did my job! I do it ten times a week every week of the year... and
for this, my wife was murdered? You take away my dignity, my reputation, my life,
because your dirtbag brother is where he belongs?!

CESAR OCAMPO: Brady V. Maryland. Hey, you know what I'm talking about.
Brady V. The State of Maryland. Prosecution's got to turn over exonerating evidence.
You had the word of three people that wasn't Hector's rock. It was in a jacket that wasn't
even his, left beside him in the club. You knew that. You knew that and you suppressed
the evidence.

MARTIN WELLS: Are you trying to tell me that your brother is not a drug dealer?

CESAR OCAMPO: My brother was a busboy when you sent him up. He had two
strikes on him. He wasn't dealing no more. You sent him up for who he used to be...
and 'cause it was easy. You broke the law.

(MARTIN WELLS considers.)

MARTIN WELLS: I tell you what we'll do. You're going to be convicted of my wife's
murder one way or another. Plead out now and I'll look into your brother's case. Maybe
I'll find a way to recommend a reduced sentence. Time served. You want justice? So do

CESAR OCAMPO: My brother is dead. Hung himself in a jail cell a couple weeks

(DOGGETT: opens the door to the interrogation room.)

DOGGETT: Martin... A word.

(MARTIN WELLS looks back at CESAR OCAMPO, then follows DOGGETT back into
the hall. Two other investigators are waiting.)

DOGGETT: I'm sorry, Martin. I tried to talk them out of it, but they think they have a

HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Sir, turn around, please.

(The HOMICIDE DETECTIVE begins cuffing a resigned MARTIN WELLS and leading
him away.)

HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Martin Wells, you are under arrest for the murder of Vicky
Wells. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.

(DOGGETT watches them go.)

(Commercial 3.)

2:07 AM

(Dark hotel room. MARTIN WELLS wakes up suddenly. He rubs his face, looks around
the room. Remains of room service sit near the bed. Clock reads 2:08. MARTIN
WELLS picks up the phone and dials.)

MARTIN WELLS: Come on, honey, pick up.

(Ringing continues. MARTIN WELLS is getting more frantic.)


VICKY WELLS: (voice on phone) Hey, there.

(At the sound of her voice, MARTIN WELLS sighs in relief.)

MARTIN WELLS: (on phone) Vicky...

(He tenses again when he realizes that it is the machine.)

VICKY WELLS: (voice on phone) This is the Wells' residence, home of Martin,
Vicky, Courtney and Haley. We can't come to the phone right now. So, please leave a

MARTIN WELLS: (on phone) Honey, this is Martin. Pick up the phone. Vicky, pick
up the phone. Pick up the phone!

(He lowers the phone to his lap.)

MARTIN WELLS: It's not 4:00 yet.

(He holds the phone to his mouth again.)

MARTIN WELLS: Vicky, please, when you get this, get out of the apartment, go to
your parents' house and wait for me to call. I'm on my way back to the city.

(He hangs up and goes to leave the hotel.)

(Later. MARTIN WELLS knocks loudly at DOGGETT's front door. DOGGETT,
having just woken up, turns on a table lamp and opens the door. He is wearing what
looks like a Marine or FBI dark t-shirt. A dog barks from a yard nearby.)

MARTIN WELLS: John, I need your help.

DOGGETT: Martin?

(He lets MARTIN WELLS in and shuts the door.)

MARTIN WELLS: Vicky's going to be murdered inside of two hours.

DOGGETT: (confused) Vicky? You mean your wife?

MARTIN WELLS: I called the Baltimore police but I can't tell if they thought I was a
crank. I need you to call them. Now, I can describe the suspect, his name... everything.

DOGGETT: Well, how do you know all this?

MARTIN WELLS: I haven't got time to explain it. You wouldn't believe it anyway.

DOGGETT: Now, Martin, you see, now, that's a bad sign because it's two-something in
the morning. I haven't seen you in three years. You got to give me something more to go

MARTIN WELLS: This is all happening for a reason. I... I'm being given a second

DOGGETT: A second chance to do what?

MARTIN WELLS: I prosecuted a man named Hector Ocampo. I suppressed evidence.
See, he was innocent of the crime he was charged with.

DOGGETT: Martin, anything you say to me...

MARTIN WELLS: … you have to report. (impatient) I put him away, he died in
prison, his brother wants revenge, and it is as simple as that.

DOGGETT: You could be disbarred for what you're telling me. You could go to
prison, lose everything; do you understand?

MARTIN WELLS: I understand that I can save Vicky.

DOGGETT: Hold on a minute.

(DOGGETT picks the phone up and dials. He watches as MARTIN WELLS runs back
out the door.)

(MARTIN WELLS gets into his car and drives rapidly on wet streets through the dark
city. He arrives at the apartment building in Baltimore. Several flashing police cars are
sitting out front. Panicked, MARTIN WELLS runs upstairs to his apartment. He sighs in
relief. Everything is intact. Two COPS are in the living room.)

MARTIN WELLS: You got here in time.

LEAD COP: Are you Martin Wells?


(MARTIN WELLS looks around the apartment.)

MARTIN WELLS: Vicky? Vicky?

LEAD COP: There's nobody here. We checked. What exactly are we looking for?

MARTIN WELLS: My wife's going to be attacked here tonight. It happens... the
killer's going to use my key card to enter at 4:17.

LEAD COP: It's 4:20 now.

MARTIN WELLS: I don't understand. Where is she?

LEAD COP: Tell you what. We'll take a few sweeps through the neighborhood... keep
our eyes peeled. We're a phone call away if you need us.

(The two COPS leave. MARTIN WELLS thinks a moment, then presses one of the
speed dials on the phone.)

MARTIN WELLS: Come on. Come on!

AL CAWDRY: (on phone) Hello?

MARTIN WELLS: (on phone) Al, it's Martin.

AL CAWDRY: (on phone) Martin? What time is it?

MARTIN WELLS: (on phone) Al... (he clears his throat) … is-is Vicky there?

AL CAWDRY: (on phone) No. The kids are here. Vicky left hours ago.

(MARTIN WELLS looks up in fear at the sound of someone at the door.)

AL CAWDRY: (on phone) Isn't she home yet?

(The doorknob moves.)

AL CAWDRY: (on phone) Martin?

(MARTIN WELLS hang up the phone. [CarriK: Why not just leave the connection
open?] He gets a chef's knife from the kitchen and stands behind the front door. It opens
and he raises the knife threateningly. VICKIE screams. He lowers the knife in relief.
She gasps as they calm down.)

VICKY WELLS: Martin, you scared the hell out of me!!

(He hugs her tightly.)

VICKY WELLS: Honey, why aren't you in DC? What the...

MARTIN WELLS: Where have you been?

VICKY WELLS: I-I got a flat on the way back from my... Honey, you're scaring me.
What's wrong?

MARTIN WELLS: We're in trouble. We have to get out of here right now.


(MARTIN WELLS turns to lead her out of the apartment, but stops when he sees the
knob moving again.):

MARTIN WELLS: (whisper) Vicky! Get in the bedroom. Lock the door. You call
the cops and don't come out till I say it's over.

(She doesn't understand, but lets him push her back toward the bedroom. He turns off
the light and closes the door behind her.)

(MARTIN WELLS cautiously makes his way back to the front door. It is half open. No
sign of who ever has come in. He slowly walks to the girls' bedroom. It is empty. He
walks back into the living room. CESAR OCAMPO attacks him from behind and
MARTIN WELLS drops the knife. The two men fight. CESAR OCAMPO knocks
MARTIN WELLS to the ground then kicks him viciously as MARTIN WELLS futilely
tries to get to his knife. VICKY WELLS has come out of the bedroom. She screams.)

VICKY WELLS: Oh, my god, Martin!

(CESAR OCAMPO grabs the knife and runs toward VICKY.)

VICKY WELLS: Martin! No!!!

(CESAR OCAMPO grabs VICKY, breaking her necklace. The pearls fall as he knocks
her to the floor, shattering the coffee table. She screams. MARTIN WELLS is badly
hurt. He can only watch as CESAR OCAMPO picks up the knife and prepares to slit
VICKY's throat.)


(VICKY looks desperately at MARTIN WELLS.)


(MARTIN WELLS can do nothing.)


MARTIN WELLS: (desperately screaming) No!

(Sound of two gunshots. CESAR OCAMPO falls to the floor revealing DOGGETT, gun
out, standing in the doorway. SCULLY enters behind him. VICKY is sobbing. She and
MARTIN WELLS grasp hands and then cling desperately to each other.)

(SCULLY kneels down and checks CESAR OCAMPO. The prognosis is not good.)

DOGGETT: You said something about a second chance. Was this it?

(MARTIN WELLS nods. VICKY sobs. MARTIN WELLS looks at SCULLY's Omega
watch. It is stopped at 4:39:52. Date is the 4th. As he watches, it begins ticking forward


(Clock reads 12:16. MARTIN WELLS is sitting in a prison cell staring at the wall.)

MARTIN WELLS: (voiceover) The passage of time in prisons is not in a cell of brick
and mortar but in one of hopes dashed and tragedies unaverted. How precious, then, the
chance to go back only to discover that in facing the past you must face up to yourself...
that exiting the prison of time doesn't free you from the prison of your own character...
one from which there is no escape.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 45 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

26.11.2023 vers 13h

24.12.2021 vers 11h

30.08.2021 vers 21h

09.05.2021 vers 09h

07.04.2021 vers 12h

18.08.2020 vers 09h

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Locksley, 14.05.2024 à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

sossodu42, Avant-hier à 15:17

Des thèmes vous attendent pour être choisi pour le futur design de HPI. Merci pour vos votes

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 16:31

Nouveau sondage sur les Guests de la nouvelle saison de Doctor Who, passez voir le Docteur pour voter

mamynicky, Avant-hier à 20:13

Hello la citadelle ! La 3ème saison des Bridgerton est enfin arrivée sur Netflix ! Venez nous parler des épisodes que vous avez vu.

mamynicky, Avant-hier à 20:16

Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

Viens chatter !