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#10.06 : La vérité est ailleurs - 2e partie

L'enquête menée conjointement par Scully, Mulder et Tad O'Malley a des conséquences plus graves que prévu. Bientôt, la panique s'empare de la population lorsque des personnes sont atteintes de graves maladies aux quatre coins du pays. Scully tente d'en identifier la cause et de trouver un remède. Cependant, Mulder se retrouve confronté à l'individu qu'il soupçonne d'être derrière cette affaire. L'une des solutions à cette situation dramatique pourrait se trouver dans le passé de Mulder et Scully. Le destin de leurs compatriotes est désormais entre leurs mains...



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My Struggle II

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La vérité est ailleurs - 2e partie

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My struggle, part 2 - Trailer (VO)

My struggle, part 2 - Trailer (VO)


Scully retrouve Mulder, gravement malade, et un OVNI arrive (VO)

Scully retrouve Mulder, gravement malade, et un OVNI arrive (VO)


Monica Reyes devient l'informatrice de Scully (VOST)

Monica Reyes devient l'informatrice de Scully (VOST)


Photos promo

Le Fumeur est de retour !

Le Fumeur est de retour !

Monica Reyes refait surface

Monica Reyes refait surface

Est-ce que l'invasion tant attendue serait en train de se produire?

Est-ce que l'invasion tant attendue serait en train de se produire?

Qu'est-il arrivée à Mulder?

Qu'est-il arrivée à Mulder?

Scully est un alien?

Scully est un alien?

Scully et Reyes

Scully et Reyes

Scully en compagnie des agents Einstein et Miller

Scully en compagnie des agents Einstein et Miller


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France (inédit)
Jeudi 10.03.2016 à 21:50
2.62m / 12.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 22.02.2016 à 20:00
7.60m / 2.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Chris Carter

Chris Carter

Guest stars:

William B. Davis (L'Homme à la cigarette)

Annabeth Gish (agent Monica Reyes)

Joel McHale (Tad O'Malley)

Robbie Amell (agent Miller)

Lauren Ambrose (agent Einstein)

Julian Christopher (Dr. Oscar Griffiths)

Aliza Vellani (L'infirmière Sandeep)

Information classée X :

- le seul moyen de sauver la population américaine réside dans le patrimoine génétique particulier de Scully. L'ADN alien est, contre toute attente, le seul moyen de stopper la pandémie qui annonce la fin du monde et l'invasion de la Terre par les Gris.

- première réapparition du personnage de Monica Reyes dans le revival

- Erreur : dans l'épisode, il est indiqué que Spartanburg se situe en Caroline du Nord or la ville se situe en Caroline du Sud ! L'erreur est rectifiée dans l'épisode suivant. 

Six semaines se sont écoulées depuis que Mulder et Scully sont retournés travailler aux affaires non classées et ont rencontré Tad O'Malley. Ce dernier, qui avait pourtant arrêté son émission suite aux accusations que Sveta avait formulées à son encontre, a relancé son programme complotiste sur sa chaîne internet (cf La vérité est ailleurs - partie 1). Un matin, en arrivant au Service des affaires non classées, elle constate que Mulder s'est volatilisé et que la dernière chose qu'il ait faite ait été de regarder le nouveau podcast de Tad O'Malley. Elle regarde l'extrait dans lequel le présentateur indique que de l'ADN alien serait présent dans le patrimoine génétique de tous les Américains. Soudain, alors qu'elle regarde l'extrait vidéo, nous la voyons se figer comme si elle perdait conscience d'elle-même avant de revenir à la réalité quand le téléphone de Mulder sonne : c'est Tad O'Malley qui cherche à joindre Fox. En reconnaissant la voix de Scully, il la somme de le rejoindre au plus vite chez Mulder. A son arrivée au domicile de son partenaire, elle constate que la maison est un champ de bataille : il indique avoir trouvé la demeure dans cet état et ne pas savoir où est Mulder avec lequel il avait pourtant rendez-vous.

Inquiète, Scully retourne au FBI où elle avertit Skinner et l'agent Einstein (apparue dans Babylon) de l’absence de Mulder et du lien qu'elle peut entretenir avec le dernier post d'O Malley. Einstein refuse de croire en une telle théorie qui n'a pas de fondement scientifique et argue que personne ne peut exploiter l'ADN du peuple américain. Scully la corrige en affirmant le contraire. Les deux femmes se rendent ensuite à l'hôpital Our Lady of Sorrow, où Scully semble continuer à travailler occasionnellement, pour pratiquer des tests visant à vérifier les assertions d'O'Malley. Elles y font la rencontre d'un militaire, qui a l'air déboussolé, et constatent que les urgences sont blindées. L'infirmière Sandeep confirme qu'il y a un afflux de personnes inexplicable à l'hôpital ce jour-là. Elle se rendent au laboratoire d'analyses pour que Dana effetcue un prélèvement sanguin sur Einstein afin de le comparer avec le sien. L'agent s'étonne que Scully ait eu besoin et envie de séquencer son génome. Scully lui répond que son passé l'a poussée à entreprendre une telle démarche et ajoute qu'enfant elle a été vaccinée contre la variole, tout comme elle. Einstein comprend qu'elle est en train de suggérer que le vaccin contre la variole ne contenait pas que des médicaments destinés à la soigner (cf Opération presse-papier, Tout ne doit pas mourir, Fight the future - film 1) et semble sceptique notamment parce que cela irait à l'encontre de tous les principes de la confiance publique en l'état. Scully approuve. L'agent Miller, le partenaire d'Einstein (apparu dans Babylon) arrive au laboratoire : il a été envoyé par Skinner qui lui a demandé d'aider à rechercher Mulder. Il leur montre un nouvel extrait vidéo de la toute dernière émission de Tad O'Malley : le présentateur y interview le Dr Rubell qui annonce qu'une vague de contagions sans précédent va bientôt déferler sur le pays. Il ajoute qu'une très grande variété de maladies mortelles vont faire leur apparition et profiteront des failles du système immunitaire des Américains pour se multiplier et se diffuser créant ainsi une pandémie. Scully comprend tout à coup que le processus a déjà commencé et se précipite à la recherche de l'infirmière Sandeep. Quand elle la trouve, elle lui dit que le soldat qu'elle lui a confié plus tôt est atteint par l'anthrax et explique à ses collègues que l'origine de la contagion réside dans les vaccins  qui leur ont été injectés avant leur départ pour l'Irak. Ils ne sont pas efficaces car les systèmes immunitaires sont déjà affaiblis à cause des précédents vaccins contaminés injectés à la population dont celui contre la variole. Einstein ne veut pas y croire et lui demande d'attendre le résultat de ses tests mais Dana est sûre d'elle. Elle tente alors, une nouvelle fois, de joindre Mulder : sans succès.

L'agent Mulder est très mal en point. Il semble malade et blessé. Il a quitté Washington pour la Caroline du Nord, pour une raison qui nous est inconnue, et refuse de répondre aux divers appels que lui passent Skinner et Scully. L'agent Miller, qui fouille sont ordinateur aux bureau des affaires non classées, parvient pourtant à le localiser dans la ville de Spartanbug grâce à l'application de localisation des mobiles qu'il a installée sur son ordinateur et n'a pas pensé à désactiver. 

A l'hôpital Our Lady of Sorrows, Dana et Eistein constatent que le nombre de patients porteurs de maladies augmente et que cela semble toucher principalement les militaires. L'agent Einstein le fait remarquer à sa collègue qui ne parvient pas à l'expliquer. Dana reçoit alors un appel mystérieux de la part d'une femme qui dit pouvoir expliquer la raison de cette pandémie. Ne reconnaissant pas la voix de la personne à qui elle parle, Dana lui demande de décliner son identité. La femme répond qu'elle a été là quand elle en avait besoin. Dana retrouve donc sa mystérieuse informatrice dans un parc. Il s'agit de Monica Reyes qui lui annonce avoir rejoint le Fumeur, en 2003, après que celui-ci l'ait appelé à son chevet. Dana découvre donc que son pire ennemi est encore en vie (alors qu'on le voit pourtant partir en flammes et on voit même son squelette apapraître à l'écran dans le final de la saison 9!)  et que son amie s'est allié à lui. Révoltée, elle accepte néanmoins d'écouter son histoire. Reyes lui explique alors que le Fumeur a promis de lui sauver la vie si elle coopérait. En faisant cela, elle acquérait l'immunité et devenait l'une des élues, l'une des personnes qui survivrait à l'holocauste bactériologique qui toucherait la Terre juste avant l'arrivée des Gris. Elle est devenue une hybride. Elle dit à Dana que celle-ci est protégée également à cause des modifications génétiques qui ont été pratiquées sur elle pendant son enlèvement en 1994. Dana est sous le choc mais est surtout inquiète pour Mulder et le reste de l'Humanité. Elle estime qu'il faut agir mais Monica lui dit que le processus est en marche depuis 2012 (rappelez-vous, Mulder avait découvert que l'invasion devait se produire le 21.12.2012 à la fin de la saison 9. Il se trompait : il ne s'agissait que d'un prélude à l'invasion, un prélude dirigé par son fumeur de père) et que Mulder a refusé de rejoindre son père. Elle explique que le Fumeur avait envoyé un homme chez Fox pour lui proposer de le rejoindre mais que ce dernier a tué l'envoyé : il est déjà contaminé...

Pendant ce temps, Fox a découvert à son tour que le Fumeur avait survécu et qu'il le faisait chercher. Il se rend donc à son domicile, après avoir extorqué l'information à son assaillant, et le trouve en train de fumer et de contempler le monde qui part en fumée. Il le menace mais le Fumeur reste de glace. Ce dernier lui propose de lui sauver la vie et l'enjoint à s'allier à lui mais il refuse même s'il lui promet que Scully sera épargnée. Il préfère se laisser mourir sous ses yeux pour rester fidèle à ses principes. Le Fumeur lui dit qu'il sera attristé par son décès mais que le virus Spartan, qui se répand comme une traînée de poudre partout sur Terre et qui est responsable des maladies qui affectent les populations, aura sa peau s'il refuse de s'allier à lui et donc de prendre l'antidote qu'il peut lui proposer (il est à noter qu'il ignore tout de la trahison de Monica). Mulder est retrouvé, quelques temps plus tard, par l'Agent Miller (mal en point également) qui l'emmène loin du Fumeur.

En parallèle, grâce aux informations fournies par Monica, Dana a compris que le seul moyen de sauver la population américaine réside dans son  patrimoine génétique particulier. L'ADN alien est, contre toute attente, le seul moyen de stopper la pandémie qui annonce la fin du monde et l'invasion de la Terre par les Gris. Elle retourne donc à l'hôpital et travaille d'arrache-pied avec l'agent Einstein pour mettre au point un vaccin. Leur première tentative est un échec car le PCR de Scully ne révèle pas de traces d'ADN alien. Einstein comprend alors qu'elles n'ont pas suffisamment séquencé son génome et que le PCR doit être plus consistant. Scully se soumet donc à de nouveaux tests et, alors que la santé de l'agent Einstein se dégrade, décide de faire d'elle son premier cobaye. Le vaccin est un succès et elle recommande à Einstein et l'infirmière Sandeep de le diffuser par intraveineuse au plus vite à tous les patients admis aux urgences et au personnel. Elle se lance ensuite, après avoir reçu un appel de Miller l'informant que Mulder et lui faisaient route vers Washington, dans une mission cruciale : retrouver ses amis avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Avant de prendre la route, elle avertit O'Malley qu'un remède a été trouvé et se sert de son émission comme d'un tremplin pour diffuser un message d'espoir. Elle finit par retrouver Miller et Mulder et se rend compte que ce dernier est bien plus malade qu'elle ne le pensait. Elle n'est même pas certaine de pouvoir le sauver.

Tout à coup, un OVNI apparait dans le ciel et stationne juste au-dessus de l'endroit où se trouvent les 3 agents...


SCULLY (voice over): My name is Dana Katherine Scully. I am a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a career I chose after medical school, which promised a chance to further my aim as a scientist and as a seeker of justice in a science-based world. Soon after joining the FBI, I was asked to review the work of a fellow agent, Fox Mulder, and to debunk the X-Files, cases involving what my superiors regarded as science fiction and a waste of resources. I quickly came to understand Mulder's work on the paranormal wasn't such as I'd been led to believe, that the X-Files were worthy of Mulder's investigations and of mine, that a world existed on the far fringes of accepted science, a world where a scientist would have her strongly held beliefs tested and retested. I would also come to fear that the institution I'd joined and invested with my trust was subject to the influence of dark forces outside the Bureau and sometimes within, forces threatened by Mulder's work and increasingly by mine. Shortly after sensing these threats, I was abducted from my home by unknown assailants and returned without a clear understanding why. But intervening incidents have led me to believe that during my short disappearance, I was subjected to tests, tests resulting in a life-threatening disease, its cure as mysterious as the illness itself, tests which I now suspect are part of a larger conspiracy, a conspiracy of men hiding science for almost 60 years (woman screams) secrets kept from the American people by a self-interested cabal intent on the consolidation of power both at home and on a perilously global scale. But questions remain unanswered about their motives and their final objectives, when and where these men might play out their dark plans, and the significance of a recent test result of my personal genetic makeup turning up DNA anomalies that I can only classify as alien.



Scully comes in, speaking to Mulder, before notices the room is empty.

SCULLY : Sorry I'm late. The parking garage is locked down for some reason. You here, Mulder?

She looks on his desk and notices that Mulder was watching Tad O'Malley's new podcast.

TAD O'MALLEY (on internet) : Six weeks ago, we went off the air due to threats from outside forces bent on controlling content deemed dangerous to their cause. Today we're back, with facts threatening these forces yet again, the discovery of something that's so shocking you'll want to sit down and prepare yourself for the truth, what may seem like science fiction but is science fact, - the legitimate and verifiable - (heart beating) discovery of alien DNA that's in virtually every American citizen. (phone rings) I know what you're thinking right now

SCULLY (on phone) : Agent Mulder's phone.

TAD O'MALLEY: Who's this? Dana?

SCULLY : Yes. Who's this?

TAD O'MALLEY : It's Tad O'Malley.

SCULLY : I was just watching your show.

TAD O'MALLEY : You need to get over here.

SCULLY : Where exactly is "Here"?



Scully is at Mulder's house. The house is devastated and she meets O'Malley.

SCULLY : What happened here?

TAD O'MALLEY : I don't know what happened.

SCULLY : What are you doing here and where is Agent Mulder?

TAD O'MALLEY : I don't know where he is.

SCULLY : You found it like this?

TAD O'MALLEY : Door was open, unlocked. We had arranged an informal meeting.

SCULLY : A meeting about what? 

TAD O'MALLEY : About new facts surfacing.

SCULLY : I saw your report, Mr. O'Malley, and your dangerous allegations.

TAD O'MALLEY : Dangerous allegations, yes, but not irresponsible ones.

SCULLY : Alien DNA lurking in every American citizen.

TAD O'MALLEY : I had my own DNA tested.

SCULLY : And what did you find?

TAD O'MALLEY : We found anomalous DNA.

SCULLY : 90% of everyone's genome is anomalous DNA, Mr. O'Malley.

TAD O'MALLEY :I have a doctor who says this is different. And he's not a quack.

SCULLY : I'd like to be the judge of that.

TAD O'MALLEY (pissed) : You found alien DNA yourself. You found it in Sveta six weeks ago, just like we all said you would.

SCULLY : And this has got Mulder excited.

TAD O'MALLEY : It should get anyone excited. (notices DanA uses her phone) Who are you calling?

SCULLY : Well, first I'm calling the police.



SKINNER (seeing Scully comes in) : Still no word from him?

SCULLY : And he's not picking up either.

EINSTEIN : You'd think he would've left a note, maybe a voice message.

SCULLY : I'm afraid he fears my judgment.

EINSTEIN : Fears your judgment on what?

SCULLY : On whether he's crazy or not.

SKINNER: Then you do know something.

SCULLY : This man, Tad O'Malley, has been making claims.

SKINNER : Claims about what?

SCULLY : That you and everyone you know has a piece of DNA in your genome put there without your knowing it.

EINSTEIN (chuckles) : Put there by whom? 

SCULLY : Well, that's the question of the day.

EINSTEIN : This is an Internet lunatic. You're not saying you believe him?

SKINNER : Just hold on, Agent Einstein. You're talking to a scientist.

EINSTEIN: Uh, forgive me, Assistant Director. It may sound insensitive, but the suggestion is pure science fiction.

SCULLY : What I'm saying, Agent Einstein, is that the facts, as I understand them, cannot be discounted out of hand.

EINSTEIN : No one has the right or the ability to tamper with your DNA.

SCULLY : Unless we gave them that ability.



SCULLY: Thank you for doing this, Agent Einstein. You didn't have to, considering.

EINSTEIN : My prejudices are only against pseudoscience. If I can help to clear up this nonsense and find Agent Mulder, I'm only happy to.

A MILITARY (to Scully and Einstein)  : Can you help me?

SCULLY (concerned) : Do you need to sit down, sir?

THE MILITARY : I-I don't know. I'm-I'm not sure.

EINSTEIN : Not sure of what?

THE MILITARY : Wh-What's happening to me.

SCULLY : Nurse, we need some help here.


SCULLY : I think this man needs help.

NURSE SANDEEP: As do so many people today.

EINSTEIN : Oh, his left arm, lateral deltoid.

SCULLY : Sir, can I see your arm, please?

THE MILITARY : I don't know how it got there.

EINSTEIN : Okay, you need to get this man out of here, get him to see a doc immediately.

SCULLY (to the nurse) : Can you do that, Sandeep?

NURSE SANDEEP : Yes, certainly. Right away. Can I direct them in any way?

SCULLY : Just find out who he is and what he's been exposed to.



Mulder is hurt and has bruises. He is driving to a place we still don't know when is phone rings. It's Skinner. He refuses to hang on.



EINSTEIN : I'm not sure what this is going to prove.

SCULLY : Well, it may prove nothing or it may be negative. I don't want to alarm you, Agent Einstein, but about six weeks ago, I took my own blood, and in sequencing my genome, I discovered an anomaly.

EINSTEIN : What constitutes an anomaly? An aberration in my sequence. Something unexplainable and, by definition, alien.

EINSTEIN : You can rest assured I don't have alien DNA, Agent Scully, if that's what you're looking for.

SCULLY : Have you sequenced your genome?

EINSTEIN : No. But has anyone?

SCULLY : My point precisely.

EINSTEIN : And why were you even looking?

SCULLY : You know little of my history, Agent Einstein. And while we share a faith in science, I have come to the understanding that the science that we were taught takes us but a distance towards the truth.

EINSTEIN (skeptical) : Yeah, but tampering with our DNA?

SCULLY : I was given a smallpox vaccine as a child, as I'm sure you were as well. It was standard practice in America at the time.

EINSTEIN : If you are suggesting that there is more in that shot than-than a vaccine.

SCULLY : It's actually not that far-fetched and within the realm of accepted science. Something entering the germ line, something that would be passed down hereditarily.

EINSTEIN : That would be an unprecedented violation of the public trust.

SCULLY : And now you know a bit more of the history I was referring to.

EINSTEIN : For the purpose of what?

SCULLY : I don't know, Agent Einstein. And I don't know if any of this is true. But what I do know is that the possibility exists, and that is reason enough to run these tests.

MILLER (entering) : Hey. Been looking for you. AD Skinner asked me to come down, help find Agent Mulder.

SCULLY : We know nothing, Agent Miller, nothing more than this morning. -

MILLER : There's talk on the Internet. -

EINSTEIN : What kind of talk?

MILLER : People are freaking out about reports on The Tad O'Malley Show.

He show them a video.

TAD O'MALLEY (on video): Now, I know this is hard for people at home to comprehend. So what are we looking at, Dr. Rubell-- the scale and scope?

DR RUBELL (on video) : A scale we've never dreamed. A scope that quickly becomes global.

TAD O'MALLEY : A massive contagion, then?

DR RUBELL : Not one contagion, but a variety of contagions. If the flu doesn't kill you, then something else will.

TAD O'MALLEY : You're describing it as a fast-moving AIDS without the HIV.

DR RUBELL : Our immune systems decimated by the same tampering to all our genomes.

TAD O'MALLEY (to the wiewers): Who will be first hit? The people we most depend on-- the police, health care workers. Then people in metropolitan areas.

EINSTEIN : Suddenly Tad O'Malley is the singular voice of authority?

MILLER : Is this at all plausible?

SCULLY : It's all too plausible and I think it's already happening.

They leave the lab and go back upstairs.

SCULLY (to Nurse Sandeep) :What have you found out, Sandeep?

NURSE SANDEEP : They're running tests now.

SCULLY : About the man-- who is he?

NURSE SANDEEP : He's quite incoherent. I think they've determined he's military.

SCULLY : That man will die unless he's given doses of intravenous doxycycline.

NURSE SANDEEP : What do you suspect, Dr. Scully?

SCULLY : Those lesions are from anthrax.

MILLER : Uh, someone's been exposed to anthrax?

SCULLY : Willingly so, in this case.

MILLER : You better explain this to me.

EINSTEIN : To me as well, Agent Scully, because this is cause for alarm.

SCULLY : Soldiers deploying to Iraq are given anthrax vaccines to protect them in the event of biological warfare. But with compromised immune systems, it's the vaccines that are attacking their systems.

MILLER : Meaning we're infecting them?

SCULLY : Thinking that we're protecting them.

EINSTEIN : We don't know that ... that's true.

SCULLY : Left arm is the site of the injection. That's where we saw the lesions, Agent Einstein.

EINSTEIN : That's purely speculative.

SCULLY : Anthrax. Why else would there be an outbreak?

EINSTEIN : There were outbreaks in 2001.

SCULLY : You don't understand. Anthrax is the canary in the coal mine. It's a harbinger of infections to come-- measles, mumps, rubella, the flu. We're all going to be exposed.

MILLER : This is happening now?

SCULLY : You are witnessing what may be the advent of a global contagion.

EINSTEIN : You can't just say these things when this is an isolated case.

SCULLY : Would you like to wait and see?

EINSTEIN : Wouldn't you like to first wait and see my test results, Agent Scully?

SCULLY : I don't think I need to see your test results. (Scully goes away and tries to call Mulder, again. Mulder, always in his car sees the incoming call but doesn't take it. We sse that he is right now in North Carolina). Mulder. Pick up, please. 



Miller is searching for something on Mulder's computer. He watches a part of a podcast from Tad O'Malley.

TAD O'MALLEY (on video) : We're now getting reports of law enforcement dealing with soldiers and military personnel indicating symptoms of exposure to anthrax, a rolling first wave of contagion set in motion by our revelations of a far-reaching conspiracy of men. It's exact...

Millers stops the video and find an apply to locate the mobile phones on the computer and finds Mulder's location.

MILLER : Spartanburg.



Scully and Einstein notice a sharp increase in patients admitted to hospitals and triage centers especially at Our Lady of Sorrow where they are.

SCULLY : This is just the beginning.

EINSTEIN : You keep saying that, ruling out all other possibilities-- the possibility that they were given a faulty vaccine. The Department of Defense was recently faulted for giving soldiers live vaccines.

SCULLY : That wouldn't cause this.

EINSTEIN : What do we do here as doctors? We ponder all possible scenarios.

SCULLY : We don't have time to ponder, Agent Einstein.

EINSTEIN : Well, I think you're wrong.

SCULLY : I hope that I'm wrong. I hope that there's an explanation for this-- all of it, for Mulder's disappearance, for everything. But right now, we are in deep trouble.

EINSTEIN : Consider what you're saying. Pathogens are virtually everywhere. Every cough, every sneeze, every cut on the finger deadly. That's not what I'm seeing here, Agent Scully. I am seeing one class of people infected.

SCULLY : You're right. You're right.

EINSTEIN : You say they're tampering with our DNA, that they're able to shut down our immune systems by the addition of something to our DNA?

SCULLY : Yes, but I don't know how exactly.

EINSTEIN : Or how it's being triggered.

SCULLY : I don't know that either.

EINSTEIN : Or why it's happening now.

SCULLY : No. It makes no sense.

EINSTEIN : Think about it. Shutting down the immune system is a complex biological process. It would require something being taken away from the genome, not something added to it. Scully's phone is ringing. She picks up

SCULLY : Hello?

WOMAN: Agent Scully? Dana?

SCULLY : Yes. Who is this?

WOMAN : I can explain what's happening.

SCULLY : I'm sorry. Who is this?

WOMAN : Someone who was there for you.

SCULLY : There for me when?

WOMAN : When you also needed help.



Scully meets Reyes who was the woman who called her. They kiss each other.

REYES : Agent Scully.

SCULLY : Agent Reyes. Monica.

REYES : I wish this were under better circumstances, but I wish a lot of things were different here today.

SCULLY : You have something to tell me.

REYES : Something you need to know.

SCULLY : I looked you up when I went back to the FBI. They said you'd been gone for a decade, that you left in a hurry.

REYES : I made certain choices. You might not approve or understand, but they made sense to me at the time.

FLASHBACK : We see Monica walking through a corridor in a hospital in 2003.

REYES (showing her badge to a guard) : Special Agent Monica Reyes.

THE GUARD : Agent Reyes, someone would like to speak with you. Do not be alarmed by his appearance. He's expected to make a full recovery.

CUT TO : the present where Moncia is telling her story to Dana.

REYES : He'd been near death, so badly burned they were having to reconstruct his entire face.

SCULLY : Why would he summon you?

REYES : He had an offer to make.

CUT TO : flashback. We saw Monica entered in the hospital room and meets a man, severly burned. It's the Cigarette Smoking Man (CSM).

CSM : Agent Reyes, please come in. I think you know who I am.

REYES (not happy to see the burned man) :I thought that you were dead.

CSM :They haven't killed me yet, as hard as they may try. (he notices she doesn't look at him as he wolud like she does) Is it hard to look at me?

REYES : Considering what I know about you, the things you've done, the people you've done them to...

CSM : I'm not an evil man, Monica.

REYES : And you're a liar, as well.

CUT TO : Present.

SCULLY : What did he want, Monica?

REYES : To make a deal with me, one that left me very little choice.

SCULLY : You changed your whole life.

REYES : You have to understand why.

CUT TO : flashback

CSM : How badly I want a cigarette.

REYES : Well, I can't help you with that.

CSM : But you can help me, Monica. And for that, I'd spare your life.

REYES : It's a federal crime to threaten an FBI agent, sir. You're hardly in a position to threaten anyone.

CSM : You see a man lying here-- a seemingly weak man-- but I'm the most powerful man in the world.

CUT TO : present.

REYES : You must have a sense of what's happening, heard the reports.

SCULLY : How did he threaten you, Monica?

REYES : With the ultimate weapon-- the ability to depopulate the planet, to kill everyone but the chosen.

SCULLY : By tampering with their DNA?

REYES : Science acquired in the '50s, given to them by an alien race.

SCULLY : Alien DNA mixed with our DNA.

REYES : It's not quite so simple.

CUT TO : flashback to the last scene of "My struggle - part 1", 6 weeks ago.

CSM : That's excellent. Just be quick. We don't have a lot of time. Merci. (she helps him to smoke in spite of his trachetomia) Ah. Thank you, Monica.

REYES : You're slowly killing yourself while you hold the world hostage.

CSM : Oh, the world will go on. Just in my image instead of God's.

REYES : You think you can play God?

CSM : Oh, not God, certainly. They won't know what hit them. That their fates were sealed since birth. They were simply puppets.

REYES : You will die a lonely old man.

CSM : Oh, I don't think so, Monica. Now that I have you to light my smokes.

Cut to : present. We see Scully, disgusted by her betrayal, stands up.

SCULLY :Why did you call me, Monica? To tell me what a coward you are?

REYES : To tell you you're protected.

SCULLY : What are you talking about?

REYES : Your abduction. The tests. Your DNA, Dana. You're safe. You're one of the chosen elite.

SCULLY (upset) : They tampered with my DNA.

REYES : We are both protected, Dana. That's what he was offering me.

SCULLY : But what about everybody else?

REYES : Everyone else is happening. It's been in motion since 2012.

SCULLY : Well, then we have to stop it.

REYES : The science is complicated.

SCULLY : And Mulder Where's Mulder?

REYES : He loves Mulder. He sent a man to him to offer Mulder a deal.

CUT TO : flashback, few hours earlier. Mulder is home and we see someones enters without his permission. There's a fight and Mulder wins.

MULDER (to his assailant) :  Who sent you?



Mulder is threateninh the CSM.

MULDER : You sent for me. I'm here.

CSM : This is so unnecessary, Fox.

MULDER : I don't come when you call.

CSM : I've controlled you since before you knew I existed.

MULDER : So who's in control now?

CSM : The world crumbling around us.

MULDER : You set this in motion. Now you're gonna put a stop to it.

CSM : It's far too late for that, Fox. Too late for your heroics or mine.

MULDER : I don't believe you.

CSM : You don't want to believe. You may not believe this, but I really want to save your life.

MULDER : I don't make deals with you.

CSM : So you can see Scully again.

MULDER (giving me an advert and pulling away his cigarette) : You harm her in any way...

CSM (chuckles) :  Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes.

MULDER : You think it's power, what you're doing, but it's not. It's sickness.

CSM : It's sickness not doing it.

MULDER : Spoken like a true psychopath.

CSM : I didn't set out to destroy the world, Mulder. People did.

MULDER : You can't justify your actions.

CSM : We have just had the hottest year on record on planet Earth. I didn't do that. I'm not responsible for the 40% loss of-of bird life or the decimation of the megafauna.

MULDER : So just murder all the people?!

CSM : Aliens predicted all this. They saw it happening to themselves.

MULDER : And you kept it a secret.

CSM : Look at world history, Fox. Neither you nor I could save mankind from self-extermination.

MULDER : So you plotted your endgame.

CSM : I just changed the timetable. Everyone still dies in the end. (chuckles)

MULDER : How's it feel now?

CSM : What good would it do? You'll be dead yourself within a week.

MULDER : What are you offering?

MULDER : A seat at the big table. It would be a shame without you.

MULDER : Mm. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. Let alone you.

CSM : We could start the world anew, Fox. You, me, your beloved Scully.

MULDER : Not a rat's chance in hell!

CSM : You speak to me of hell? (chuckles) When you look to be the one who's hell-bound. You appear a little feverish. The plague? Avian flu? A nasty strain of rhinovirus? It's not too late, Fox.


O'MALLEY (on video): We have breaking news of hospitals being overrun and temporary shelters filling up, but the reality is all too clear. It is a collapse. The mainstream media failing to cover the story, failing to see the writing on the wall, as anthrax outbreaks give way to an epidemic of flu and bacterial diseases. Now, if you see graffiti like this in your neighborhood, you can suspect your DNA is being targeted by a release of aluminum into the atmosphere through chemtrails-- a systematic spreading of a substance that triggers a genetic response. Cases in New York, California, across the country, while right here in Washington, immunity to common germs is breaking down and flooding our city hospitals.



There are indistinct chatter, people coughing, babies crying. Scully is coming back, just after she has seen Monica.

NURSE SANDEEP : Dr. Scully, we are overwhelmed here. We don't know what to do.

SCULLY : Yes, I can see that. I'm trying to figure it out.

NURSE SANDEEP : Are we all just gonna get sick?

SCULLY : I don't know, Sandeep. But right now, I need to find Agent Einstein.

She finds Einstein in the lab.

EINSTEIN : Yes, I'm gonna call them next.

SCULLY : Agent Einstein, I was afraid you left the hospital.

EINSTEIN : No, I'd be afraid to leave. It's gone from bad to worse out there.

SCULLY : There's nothing to be done for those people, - not yet anyway. -

EINSTEIN : Centers For Disease Control confirms massive contagions. They're at a loss to contain them. I'm gonna call the WHO next.

SCULLY : I need your help, right here.

EINSTEIN : What can we possibly do?

SCULLY : We need to act quickly.

EINSTEIN : You were right about that.

SCULLY : Well, I was wrong about the science. I was wrong about what's causing it. Dead wrong, in fact.

EINSTEIN : But it's clearly a widespread failure of our immune systems.

SCULLY : Through gene tampering.

EINSTEIN : What you're calling alien DNA.

SCULLY : That's where I was mistaken. Alien DNA is what I have. And alien DNA is all that can save us.

EINSTEIN : But why is everyone sick?

SCULLY : What they have, what you have, what I have to presume the entire population has is something entirely different. It's in the germ line already. It's in sperm, it's in eggs. It's a virus within a virus that was put there through the smallpox vaccine. It's what these men are calling the Spartan Virus.

EINSTEIN : Where are you getting this?

SCULLY : From a trusted friend who says that it's not too late to change it.

EINSTEIN : Tell me what I've got to do.

SCULLY : I'm gonna take a swab.

EINSTEIN : But what are we looking to do?

SCULLY : To amplify my DNA. Using alien DNA to defeat the Spartan Virus by creating a vaccine against it. You're gonna do a PCR, using primers from my sequence.

EINSTEIN : Okay, that shouldn't take long.

SCULLY : Good, because we don't have long.



Mulder is lying on the floor, ver sick.

CSM : This is no time for pride, Fox.

MULDER : I don't ... I don't want your help.

CSM : The ultimate irony. The defeat of the big-brained beasts by the tiniest unthinking microbes. All thanks to the Spartan Virus.

MULDER : Musings of a madman.

CSM (chuckles) :You don't give up, do you?

MULDER (standing up): You'll be sorry when I'm gone.

CSM : I'll miss you dearly. You've made my life truly worth living.

MULDER (seating CSM's chair) : I'm on the king's throne. Feels soft. Just like the king.

CSM (putting off the mask he is wearing to hide his scars) : And yet I once cheated death.

MULDER (laughs) : Oh, I wish Scully was here see what a monster you've become.

CSM : I'm all she'll have left.



SCULLY : We'll have to move quickly to extract more of my DNA.

EINSTEIN : First, we'll have to see if it's there.

SCULLY : It will be there. It'll be on a band next to the marker. (Einstein gives her protection glasses) Thank you. (She looks at the results) I don't believe this. I don't believe this.

EINSTEIN : There's nothing. There's no alien DNA.

SCULLY : I saw it when I sequenced my genome. It was near the centromere on chromosome 17. It was there. (door opens)

NURSE SANDEEP (sick): Excuse me, Dr. Scully. (panting) The doctors are all getting sick. If there is anything you can do.


TAD O'MALLEY (on video) : We are getting our first reports of deaths. Soldiers from anthrax and the elderly, all succumbing to infections because of immune systems that have been depleted or disappeared. Launched by someone bent on a biological attack on America. New reports that microwave radiation is also being used as a trigger. And reports this may also be global in scope. Reports in from Europe. Our advice is to stay indoors. My crew here is suffering. But we will attempt to stay on as long as there is still hope of a turnaround.



We can hear indistinct chatter, people coughing then the electricity crackles.

SCULLY : As if we're not already in the dark.

EINSTEIN : We have to figure this out. What's wrong with the science?

SCULLY : Okay. The Spartan Virus removes the adenosine deaminase gene from your DNA. Remove the ADA gene, and your immune system will simply vanish.

EINSTEIN : Yeah, but I'm not getting sick.

SCULLY : It's only a matter of time. Without alien DNA, you don't stand a chance against the Spartan Virus.

EINSTEIN : Okay. So how does it work? How does the virus remove the ADA gene?

SCULLY : A process called CRISPR-CAS

ESINTEIN : CRISPR-CAS-9. RNA and a protein cutting genes at exact locations.

SCULLY : Exactly. But in this instance used as a weapon.

EINSTEIN : So how does your alien DNA protect you - from this weapon?

SCULLY : I don't know. The alien DNA must code for something that targets the CAS-9 protein. It must somehow deactivate the weapon.

EINSTEIN : But we should have seen it in the gel. Why didn't we see it?

SCULLY: They must have known that someone would would try to find it. That someone would attempt to find a cure.

EINSTEIN : But your DNA is different.

SCULLY : Yes. What are you thinking, Agent Einstein?

EINSTEIN : That this was our mistake.

SCULLY : What was?

EINSTEIN : Our sample was too small.



CIGARETTE SMOKING MAN: Agent Mulder. Agent Mulder. Agent Mulder.

CSM is gone, Mulder is very very sick and Agent Miller juste arrives to help him.

MILLER (echoing): Agent Mulder. Agent I'm getting you out of here. (coughing)

MULDER : Save yourself, Agent Miller.

MILLER : No, I'm not just gonna let you die. Come on.

CSM (enters in the room) : There's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do for him. Nothing to be done for anyone.

MILLER : Maybe nothing here, but we're not staying here. We're leaving. And no one is gonna stop us.

CSM : You think you'll get far? You have no idea how well we planned.

MILLER (to Mulder) : Come on. Let's go.

He takes Mulder with him and the CSM let them go.



EINSTEIN (preparing Scully for another PCR but with her blood this time) : We need to do the PCR using a larger extract of your cells.

SCULLY (understanding) : Because my DNA is different. Because I have extra nucleotides.

EINSTEIN : And we'll get an amplification. And this time, I'm sure we'll see it. (panting)

SCULLY (worried) : You're not feeling well.

EINSTEIN : Just a little feverish. (panting)



MULDER (suffering) : I'm not gonna make it.

MILLER : Well, I'm not giving up.

MULDER : Save yourself, Miller. (showing CSM) He's got the cure; ask him for it.

MILLER : Why didn't you ask him?

MULDER (entering in Millers car) : 'Cause that's exactly what he wants.

MILLER (to CSM) : Who the hell are you anyway?

CSM : Before he dies, tell him good-bye for me.



Engine starts.

SCULLY : There it is. There it is. That's alien DNA we're looking at.

EINSTEIN : You'll have to centrifuge it. Think I need to lie down.

SCULLY : We're gonna cure you, Agent Einstein. We're gonna have a cure here within a few hours. Don't give up on me. (cell phone ringing, she pickus up) Agent Miller, where are you?

MILLER : Driving north with Mulder.

SCULLY : And what's his condition?

MILLER : He's not doing so well.

SCULLY : And what's your condition, Agent Miller?

MILLER : Yeah, we could use a couple doctors.

SCULLY : Help is on its way, I promise.

MILLER : Okay, we're gonna keep driving, but there's been a run on gasoline. We may just run out of road here.

SCULLY : Keep your phone charged. I'll come and find you wherever you are.

She hangs off, prepares the cure and tries it on EINSTEIN.

SCULLY (to Einsein) : It's okay, stay right there. Stay right there.

EINSTEIN : You're gonna need my help.

SCULLY : Yes, I am, Agent Einstein. I'm gonna need your help getting these IVs into all the other doctors here. They'll be able to make more of this and help the suffering.

EINSTEIN : If this actually works.

SCULLY : It's not gonna fail.

EINSTEIN : Then I'll have alien DNA.

SCULLY : We should all hope to have it. It's the only hope we have.


TAD O'MALLEY (on video) : Reports are hard to come by now. (staticky) Lines of communication are being cut, as systems and infrastructure are falling and failing with no one to man or operate them. It would now appear we go out with a whimper a frightful, deafening silence.



Scully is walking, searching for Mulder and Miller, when she sees people breaking glasses and steal some food...

SCULLY (to people): Stop it! Stop it, please! Please, everybody, get to the hospital! Get to the hospital! Help is on its way, I promise. Just get to the hospital.


TAD O'MALLEY (on video, reading a text from Scully) : I've just gotten a text from a doctor, saying now there is a ray of light. A vaccine that could be a miracle. Don't give up



Scully is getting her car and goes to find the tow others federals agents. She's on phone with Miller to locate them more easily but there are so many poepole on street that she has difficulties to find them. She leaves her car and walk through ohter vehicules and among people to find the man she loves and Agent Miller.

SCULLY (on phone, to Miller) : All I see are cars. I don't know how I'm gonna find you.

MILLER (on phone) : I'm gonna get out of the car, stand in the road, all right?

SCULLY : I'm gonna get out, too. I'm getting out. I'm moving in your direction.

MILLER : Yeah, I think I see you. Just just keep walking straight.

SCULLY : Okay. Where is he? (to Mulder) Mulder. I'm here.

MULDER : He saved your life. Old Smokey. I suppose I should thank him.

SCULLY : We're gonna save your life.

MULDER : Agent Miller is also in trouble. (coughs)

SCULLY : I'll take care of Agent Miller. But right now, we're gonna get an IV into you, okay? (to Miller) He's worse off than I thought.

MILLER : Can you do anything for him?

SCULLY : What I can do might not help. He needs stem cells in him right now.

MILLER : Stem cells from who?

SCULLY : We have a child together. That child will be protected by his inheritance and my alien DNA.

MILLER : Then we have to get to him.

SCULLY : I don't know where he is.

An OVNI appears in the sky, juste right above Scully and Miller...


Kikavu ?

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Locksley  (18.04.2016 à 21:30)

Un épisode qui aurait sans doute mérité un plus grand développement, avec un épisode double par exemple. Quant à la fin, elle me laisse perplexe...


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

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Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

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