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#11.01 : La vérité est ailleurs - 3e partie

On retrouve Mulder et Scully juste après le cliffhanger de la saison 10. Ils apprennent qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls à rechercher leur fils, William. Le destin du monde va dépendre de tout ça...


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My Struggle 3

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La vérité est ailleurs - 3e partie

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Scully Can't Find Her Son | Season 11 Ep. 1 | THE X-FILES

Scully Can't Find Her Son | Season 11 Ep. 1 | THE X-FILES


My struggle, part 3 and This - Trailers (VO)

My struggle, part 3 and This - Trailers (VO)


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Jeffrey Spender

Jeffrey Spender

Erika Pryce, nouvelle ennemie de nos héros

Erika Pryce, nouvelle ennemie de nos héros

Mulder menace Mr. Y

Mulder menace Mr. Y

Mulder, Skinner et le Dr. Joye

Mulder, Skinner et le Dr. Joye

Agent Monica Reyes

Agent Monica Reyes

Reyes et Skinner, que se passe-t-il entre ces deux-là?

Reyes et Skinner, que se passe-t-il entre ces deux-là?


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France (inédit)
Samedi 07.04.2018 à 21:00
1.49m / 6.7% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 03.01.2018 à 20:00
5.15m / 1.3% (18-49)

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Chris Carter

Chris Carter

Guest stars:

William B. Davis (L'Homme à la cigarette)

Annabeth Gish (Monica Reyes)

Chris Owen (Jeffrey Spender)

AC Peterson (Mr. Y)

Barbara Hershey (Erika Price)

Robbie Amell (Agent Miller)

Lauren Ambrose (Agent Einstein)

Anjali Jay (Dr. Joye)

Informations classées X :

- Erreur : l'épisode est censé se dérouler en 2016 or le discours inaugural de Donald Trump en tant que président des USA, qui nous est montré à l'écran, a lieu en janvier 2017.

- c'est dans cet épisode que Jeffrey Spender fait sa seule et unique apparition dans le revival

- dernière apparition des agents Einstein et Miller dans la série

- A noter : à la fin de l'épisode, dans les flashbacks issus de l'épisode "En Ami", le Fumeur dit que sa femme de ménage et lui ont porté Scully jusqu'à sa chambre et l'ont déshabillée et couchée. Dans la version originale de l'épisode diffusé en 2000, le Fumeur est le seul à la coucher et la dévêtir !

L'épisode s'ouvre sur un monologue de l'Homme à la cigarette qui relate, en des termes brefs et concis, sa vie. Au cours de son discours, il essaye de justifier ses actions aux yeux des téléspectateurs mais aussi et surtout à ceux de ses fils dont il espère, qu'un jour, ils se rendront compte qu'il avait raison et a fait ce qui devait être fait...

Au Service des affaires non classées, Mulder a découvert Scully, inconsciente, gisant au sol dans un état préoccupant. Après avoir fait appel aux secours et avoir répondu à des questions de routines concernant son état de santé, Dana est conduite en compagnie de Mulder et Skinner à l'hôpital. Là, le Dr. Joyet, leur apprend qu'elle lui a fait passer de nombreux tests qui ont révélé qu'elle avait une activité cérébrale anormalement élevée et que c'est sans doute ce qui a provoqué la crise dont elle a été la victime. Elle leur montre les clichés réalisés au cours des examens qu'elle a passés, alors même qu'elle est toujours inconsciente, et Skinner remarque une chose étrange : une zone située dans son hypothalamus semble être bien plus active que les autres. Skinner y voit là un code en morse qui dit "Trouve-le". Mulder demande qui ce "il" peut bien être, Walter (désespéré par son ignorance) lui dit que Scully cherche son fils, William. Mulder (bizarrement) refuse de le croire et lui dit de chercher les réponses s'il croit à sa théorie sans lui car il est déterminé à ne pas quitter le chevet de la femme qu'il aime. Alors que Mulder la veille, nous voyons des flashs issus de l'épisode précédent se succéder dans l'esprit de Dana. Nous comprenons alors que tout ce que nous avons vu dans le dernier épisode la saison 10 n'était pas vrai ! Il ne s'agissait que de visions. Elle se réveille alors et supplie Mulder de partir empêcher le Fumeur, qu'elle affirme être encore en vie et vivre à Spartanburg en Caroline du Sud, de relâcher sur Terre le virus Spartan et causer une panique immense juste avant que les Gris n'envahissent la Terre. Elle lui dit l'avoir vu mourant et ne pouvoir le sauver qu'en utilisant les cellules souches de leur fils, William, qu'elle veut qu'il retrouve (un bon point pour Skinner qui avait vu juste!). Mulder refuse de la croire et lui assure qu'il va bien et qu'il n'y a donc nul besoin de faire chercher William pour lui sauver la vie d'une pseudo-pandémie. Il fait part de ses doutes quant à la santé mentale de sa partenaire à son médecin qui leur révèle qu'un programme secret expérimental avait pour but de faire des expérimentations sur le système neurologique humain et qu'elle a eu l'occasion de soigner certaines victimes. Dana nie être dans ce cas et insiste sur le fait qu'elle est mentalement stable et dit la vérité. Devant son insistance à vouloir quitter l'hôpital pour poursuivre sa quête, Mulder accepte de s'assurer de la véracité de ses visions à la condition qu'elle reste au calme à l'hôpital. 

Il s'avère pourtant que Scully a raison de vouloir faire chercher son fils ! Jeffrey Spender, le demi-frère de Mulder qui a été torturé par le Fumeur, est le seul à savoir le nouveau nom de famille de William et les hommes de son père l'ont découvert. Ils sont parvenus à le localiser et l'un d'eux essaye de le kidnapper (ou le tuer) pour obtenir cette information. Fort heureusement, il parvient à échapper à son poursuivant sans rien révéler. Il se précipite alors au chevet de Dana pour lui faire part de sa mésaventure et l'avertir qu'ils viendront bientôt pour elle et Mulder. Dana le supplie de lui donner le nom de la famille qui a adopté son enfant. Dans un premier temps, Jeffrey refuse car il a juré à Dana de ne jamais le révéler à personne et pas même à elle pour le protéger : il ne veut pas briser cette promesse. Scully comprend mais elle est obsédée par l'idée de vouloir le retrouver pour sauver Mulder. Il n'accepte de lui communiquer le nom, Van de Kamp, qu'une fois qu'elle lui certifie que son père n'est pas mort et qu'il cherche aussi William. 

Le Fumeur, qui a fait pirater le téléphone de Mulder, sait qu'il est désormais sur ses traces et craint de le voir débarquer et mettre à mal ses plans. Il s'ouvre à Monica (qui bosse donc vraiment pour lui, snif) et lui indique qu'il est hors de question que ses ennemis ne mettent la main sur William avant eux. S'il semble craindre Mulder et Scully, Monica semble plutôt se préoccuper d'autres ennemis de son patron. CGB reconnait qu'ils sont dangereux et se demande pourquoi ils chercheraient William. Reyes suggère qu'ils savent qu'il est sa faiblesse, ce que réfute le Fumeur : seul Monica et lui sont avertis de ce point. Elle insiste en affirmant que Dana et William partagent un lien qui va au-delà de la science et qui lui échappe (elle laisse ainsi entendre que Dana sait très bien que William représente pour lui son "projet le plus abouti", comme indiqué dans William). Il n'est pas convaincu car, une fois encore, seuls eux sont au courant d'un secret entourant ce fameux lien (qui n'est apparemment pas le lien maternel...). Il semble malgré tout inquiet de ce qui pourrait arriver, à cause de ses ennemis, à Scully et son fils : cette réflexion fait dire à Monica qu'elle pense qu'il est amoureux de Scully (cette idée me file des frissons! même si on sait déjà qu'il a du respect pour elle et qu'il l'aime bien comme il le dit clairement dans Coma). CGB la corrige : il est inquiet pour elle et il l'est encore plus maintenant que Mulder est loin d'elle et ne peut plus la protéger. Il ne désire cependant pas que Scully trouve William avant eux et il a bien l'intention de tout faire pour empêcher, avec l'aide Monica, que cela se produise. 

Mulder, quant à lui, parvient enfin à Spartanburg et pénètre par effraction dans une grande et belle demeure où il pense trouver son père. Pas de chance, il ne tombe que sur ses ennemis : Mr Y et Erika Pryce, d'anciens conspirateurs qui ont changé de camp et veulent maintenant que Mulder les aide à tuer le Fumeur ! Pour justifier leur demande, ils expliquent qu'ils ont été membres du Consortium mais qu'ils ont rapidement été en désaccord avec le Fumeur, ses méthodes et ses plans. Ils ajoutent qu'ils désirent sauver l'Humanité, comme le souhaitait C.G.B Spender au départ, mais qu'ils ont été lassés et contrariés par les décisions prises par les Aînés et le Fumeur. Ils ont donc bâti leur propre entreprise avec une visée particulière : sauver l'Humanité, sans la détruire comme le voulait le Consortium, en l'envoyant coloniser l'espace. Ils ont d'ailleurs employé leur argent et leur influence pour rendre ce projet possible. Leur plan a cependant une faille : tout comme le prorgamme du Syndicat, seuls quelques élus pourront être sauvés. Mulder refuse de s'allier à eux et part. Il veut rejoindre Scully pour s'excuser de ne pas avoir prêté plus attention à ses visions qui s'avèrent vraies car, lui aussi, apprend que son fumeur de père et ses anciens associés cherchent à mettre la main sur William.

En parallèle, Scully a quitté l'hôpital contre avis médical pour mener sa propre enquête suite à la venue de Spender. Elle en avertit Mulder qui proteste et argue qu'elle met sa santé et sa sécurité én danger. Elle a alors une nouvelle crise, qu'elle partage avec un adolescent qui pourrait bien être William, au cours de laquelle elle voit un homme (Mr Y) lancer des recherches concernant un garçon spécial : William ! Peu après, avertit par Mulder que Scully n'allait pas bien, Skinner arrive au Service des affaires non classées. Ne la trouvant pas et constatant qu'elle a oublié (ou laissé volontairement) son téléphone, il décide de partir à sa recherche. Alors qu'il monte dans sa voiture, il a la surprise de trouver Monica Reyes assise à l'arrière qui le menace d'une arme. Le Fumeur arrive peu après et lui propose de le rejoindre pour échapper à l'holocauste biologique aperçu en vision par Scully. 

Scully, de son côté, a eu une nouvelle vision alors qu'elle conduisait et a donc provoqué un accident de voiture. "Heureusement" pour elle, c'est la voiture des agents Einstein et Miller qu'elle a percutée et tous deux l'ont reconnue. Ils la sortent de la voiture, à demi-consciente, avisent son bracelet médical (qu'elle a eu la bonne idée de ne pas tirer!) et la ramène au Dr. Joyet pour qu'elle soit prise en charge. Celle-ci prévient Mulder qui se dépêche de revenir sur Washington le plus rapidement possible. Alors que Mulder est en chemin et que les agents fédéraux laissent Scully se reposer, elle est attaquée par l'homme qui travaille pour Pryce et Mr Y. Il essaye de l'étouffer avec son oreiller mais elle se défend. Elle est cependant trop faible pour lutter et est rapidement dépassée. Elle ne doit sa survie qu'à l'arrivée de Mulder (qui a toujours un sens du timing impressionnant quand il s'agit de sauver sa belle!) qui égorge purement et simplement, sans autre forme de sommation, l'homme qui essaye de tuer Dana. Peu après, ils sont rejoints par Skinner qui a été avertit de la tentative d'assassinat. Mulder lui reproche de ne pas avoir été là pour la protéger et ils en viennent aux mains, sous le regard ébahi de Dana, quand Mulder comprend qu'il était avec le Fumeur à cause de l'odeur de fumée qui imprègne ses vêtements. Skinner lui conseille de laisser tomber et s'en va.

Nous avons alors droit à un dernier flahsback survenant pendant la conversation de Skinner et du Fumeur. Ce dernier révèle au directeur-adjoint, médusé, qu'il est le père de William et qu'il a imprégné Scully avec son sperme en servant d'une technologie alien pour la faire tomber enceinte lors de leur road-trip en 2000 (cf En Ami - what?! mais c'est clairement du viol ! et puis nooo, Mulder n'est pas le père de William ! Bon, ok, on s'en doutait tous un peu mais c'est malgré tout un choc !!)



SMOKING MAN: My name is Carl Gerhard Busch. But I've been known by many aliases during my long career with the U.S. government. It's been a humbling job, though I'm hardly known as a humble man. I've been a witness to history, much of it violent, much of it an abomination of the values Americans hold dear. I've had a privileged seat at the centers of power, held the reins of that power, making sacrifices few are capable of, of which even fewer are willing. If people knew the truth, they'd riot in the streets. Too much is made of the will to power, as if our will is free, our choices our own. Our destinies are forged in our bones, made real by a raging impulse to self-destruct. I'm not a bad man, more a practical man. I've taken certain gifts I was given and made good men great. It is my greatness. I'm a father to two men who have figured more in the future than they might ever know. Both would end up working for the FBI, both complex but dedicated men who sacrificed dearly, and in their dogged pursuits would end up paying a terrible price, searching for truths as I parceled them out, truths held only by the few who know the levers of power and the invisible hand controlling them. Is there life out there? Good heavens. To doubt it is a failure of more than the imagination. It is a failure to recognize the limits of our own stupidity, the nascency of our science, the rudiment of our tools. We listen, we search. We hope for a sign, as if our eyes and ears are good enough, our brains large enough, our egos small enough. I'm an old man now. I will leave my own mark upon history, more than presidents or tyrants. I don't ask for loyalty and trust, the fleeting bonds of men. I ask only for the years to show my sons and their sons I was right. What their father did had to be done.

CUT TO : Flashback - 1969 : first step on the moon

NEIL ARMSTRONG: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 


MAN: Cut. Reset. Back to one everybody.



Scully had a seizure and we realise that everything we have seen in the last episode was only a vision from her. She was found, lying on the ground, by Mulder who called paramedics.

FEMALE PARAMEDIC: What's her heart rate?

MALE PARAMEDIC: Heart rate elevated to 186 BPM.

FEMALE PARAMEDIC: Ma'am, can you hear me? Can you hear me, ma'am? I need her blood pressure. No dilation, unresponsive. No indication of trauma. (To Mulder) You found her where she is?

MULDER : She must've fallen. It's me, Scully. Can you hear me?

FEMALE PARAMEDIC: She's bit her tongue, but no trauma to her head. Has she had seizures before? Does she take meds for anything?

MULDER : No, no. She's perfectly healthy. She's a doctor. She would've told me.

MALE PARAMEDIC : Hey, hey, hey. We got a gurney coming in.

SKINNER (entering the room) : What happened, Agent Mulder?

MULDER (confused and worried) : They say she had a seizure.

MALE PARAMEDIC: One, two, three, lift. Gentle, gentle. Call the hospital with our ETA. Let's clear out.

FEMALE PARAMEDIC: Coming through.

They're taking Scully away, to the hospital.

SKINNER : I'm going with you.



Mulder and Skinner are waiting news from Scully.

MULDER : I just want someone to tell me what the hell is going on here.

SKINNER (reassuring) : No news, good news, Mulder.

MULDER : That's BS, and you know it.

SKINNER : Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air? I'll text you when there's word.

MULDER : I don't want to hear it from you. I want to talk to Scully.

DR. JOYET: Excuse me. Is one of you Fox Mulder?

MULDER : She gonna be okay?

DR. JOYET I'm Dr. Joyet, her neurologist. We've done a series of tests.

MULDER (impatient) : Can you answer my question?

DR. JOYET : The answer is we don't know. 

MULDER (almost rude) : What do you mean you don't know? What the hell you been doing in there?

SKINNER : Mulder, why don't you let her talk.

MULDER : I want to talk to Scully.

DR. JOYET : She's still unconscious. What I know right now is that she has extremely abnormal brain activity.

MULDER : Abnormal how?

DR. JOYET : I need to show you something.

She leads them in an examn room and show them Scully's scans.

DR. JOYET : We ran her through everything we have here CTs, FMRI, the entire protocol. When I say "abnormal," I don't see any damage, just gross abnormality. The brain is a very complex organ, a cascading series of subsets that begin and end with the prefrontal cortex. The part that makes us human. What you're seeing right now is the PFC in real time, and the reason I don't have any answers for you is I've never seen anything quite like this before.

SKINNER (pointing a zone on the scan) : What's this here? 

DR. JOYET: The hypothalamus. The area we associate with fight-or-flight.

SKINNER : I don't know what I'm looking at, but I'm reading this part, the signal, I mean, I'm reading this flashing as code.

DR. JOYET : You must be mistaken.

MULDER : What do you mean, "code"?

SKINNER : Six dots, two dashes. "Him." "Find him."

MULDER : This is insanity. I want to see her.

Mulder goes to Scully's room. Monitor beeping steadily.

MULDER (to Dr Joyet and Skinner and taking Scull'y's hand) : Can she hear us?

DR. JOYET : What she needs right now is quiet, rest. Neurologically speaking, her brain's on fire.

MULDER:  I'm sure that's what she needs. But I'm gonna stay here.

SKINNER : Mulder, a moment outside? (they go out) You're not helping your cause.

MULDER : Are you helping my cause?

SKINNER : What if it was a message?

MULDER : Find who? It's absurd.

SKINNER : Who would you be asking for? Your son.

MULDER : Well, why ask for him now?  She's not dying.

SKINNER : Maybe she's not. But I've seen you believe far more absurd things, Agent Mulder. Far less personal. (Mulder doesn't want to listen to him and goes back to the room but Skinner catches him) Hey. I care about her, too. I'm just looking for answers here.

MULDER : Then you go look for them, Skinner. Where I'm needed is in there.

He goes back near Scully and stay with her.

MULDER (thinking) : The thought is imperishable, a fear that takes hold in the gut, that the person you care for most in the world could be hurt by you. By your actions. The simple fact of knowing you. As she lies here, so helpless, those same thoughts and fears flood my mind with questions. If I caused this, how then can I make it stop?

CUT TO : Scully's memory from the vision she had.

SMOKING MAN: You think you know who I am.

REYES: I thought that you were dead.

EINSTEIN: Massive contagions. Alien DNA.

SCULLY: The Spartan Virus.

SMOKING MAN: You'll be dead yourself within a week.

CUT TO : Present. Scully in awake and whispers.

SCULLY : Mulder.

Mulder (released) : Scully.

SCULLY : Mulder, you have to go.

MULDER : I'm not going anywhere.

SCULLY : To find the Smoking Man.

MULDER (not so released finally) : Scully, I'm gonna get your doctor.

SCULLY (imperious) : No, listen to me. I've seen it.

MULDER : You've seen what, Scully?

SCULLY : I know how it begins. There's a virus. The Spartan Virus. It shuts down our immune systems, - and it starts a pandemic.

MULDER : Scully, you had a seizure. You-you have extremely abnormal brain activity.

SCULLY : No, a plague is released. But there's a cure. Mulder, I'm absolutely certain about this.

MULDER (beaten) : Okay. Tell me what you saw.

SCULLY (anxious) : You're dying, Mulder. But I can't save you. Not without stem cells from our son.

MULDER : Scully, I'm fine. I'm here. There's no plague. You don't need to save me.

SCULLY (obstinated) : The Smoking Man is behind it.

MULDER (probably thinking she's crazy right now) : Smoking Man is dead.

SCULLY : No. No, he's not. He's alive. And he's in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Mulder, from where he unleashes hell on Earth.

MULDER : Scully, I don't doubt you, that you believe what you've seen. But the-the doctor said that your brain is on fire and...

SCULLY (interrupting, frustraed) : It's me, Mulder. I'm not an irrational person. You have to find him. And you have to stop him before he kills you.

MULDER (leaving) : I'm gonna talk to your doctor first. Okay?

He goes away.



Jeffrey Spender is walking when he notices someone, in a car, is wathcing him. He realizes this person wants to kil him and flies away and succeeded to put himself in a safe place.

A MAN : Where's the boy? All we want is the boy! I



DR. JOYET (to Scully) : don't doubt the visions. It's their specific etiology.

SCULLY : Well, I call them visions, but my experience of them was very real.

DR. JOYET : Real is a subjective judgment. If you believe them to be real, then they're real to you. The question is where these visions came from.

MULDER : If the seizure caused them.

DR. JOYET : Or the exact opposite. If the seizure was caused by the visions.

SCULLY : I don't understand the difference.

DR. JOYET : Let's just say we're verging on the fringes of accepted neurology.

MULDER : You mean you think her visions have a source?

DR. JOYET: This is rather sensitive territory. I don't have to tell you that we live at the nexus of certain government agencies the CIA, DIA, NSA, DARPA doing experiments on the mind even before the Cold War.

MULDER : We have files on all that.

DR. JOYET :I've had certain patients, products of these experiments, casualties. I've also seen things that could only be described as superhuman.

SCULLY : I'm not a part of any experiment.

MULDER: But you may have been. You said there's a man behind this.

SCULLY : I need to get out of here.

MULDER : Scully...

SCULLY : I have to get to the bottom of this, Mulder.

MULDER (conciliatory and begins to believe her) : Scully, I'm on this. I'm on it.

He leaves and notices that he receives a SMS from Jeffrey (apparently, has has got his number!) .

Meanwhile, Scully has some others visions.

CSM (in the vision) : Why is this happening now?

REYES :  You say that Mulder's coming for you.

CSM : This is going to go down badly. But we are not to be found.

At the end of her vision, Scully sees Mulder having a car crash. In the same time, a teen, has the same vision...


Mulder is listening to Jeffrey's recorded message on his vocal and we see thaht CSM highjacked it. He is now aware of the threat against William and the willpower of his ennemies to find William before him.

SPENDER (recorder message): Mulder, it's Jeffrey Spender. Someone's looking for your son, for William. They came after me in my home. You may all be in danger.

CSM (to Monica) : They will be coming for me. Mulder will be coming for me. If he finds me, he'll kill me. But we are not to be found.

As CSM is speaking, we saw Mulder driving away from the hospital and being followed by the man who assaulted Jeffrey.


MULDER (voiceover): If Scully was a conduit, if her abnormal brain activity was triggered by some external agency, who or what had reason to put her through the trauma? For what purpose and to what end was she suffering? Scully's story would be incredible outright a dead man unleashing a plague on the world, my impending demise, the desperation to find our son unbelievable, if not for the fact that I've been followed since I left the hospital. But followed by whom?

Mulder accelerates to loose his follower. It's a success.

CUT TO : Monica and CSM talking.

CSM : This is going to go down badly.

REYES : Certainly you've taken precautions.

CSM : Of course. I've been at this too long not to have my alternatives.

REYES : You know Mulder. He's determined.

CSM : Determined to what? Stop me? He can't stop what's already begun.



Scully is resting and thinking about her son. She has memories from her life with William before she gave hil up. At the very end of the images she sees, she saw the face of the teen we have seen before. It's probably William.

SCULLY (memories): William. (to Mulder) Our son.

SPENDER (memories): Your child is part alien.

SCULLY: They take him from us.

CUT TO : Present. Spender is in Scully's room.

SPENDER: Scully. Agent Scully. Agent Scully.

SCULLY (awake) : What are you doing here?

SPENDER : I've taken a risk coming here.

SCULLY : What is it, Spender?

SPENDER : Someone came at me.

SCULLY : What do you mean, came at you?

SPENDER : Trying to find your son.

SCULLY (worried) : What did you tell them?

SPENDER : I didn't tell them anything, but they'll be coming at me again.

SCULLY : I need to know where he is.

SPENDER (reluctant) : You made me promise to hide your son. To never tell you, to never tell anyone where he was. Your son was never to be found.

SCULLY : I know. I'm asking you to break that promise. 

SPENDER (worried) : What if they come at you? 

SCULLY : You don't understand. Mulder's life may depend on it.

We hear someone coming.

SPENDER : I only have a name, of the ADOPTIVE PARENTS - Van de Kamp.

SCULLY : I want you to help me find him.

SPENDER : I've already broken a promise.

SCULLY : No. The Smoking Man, your father. He's the one that's looking for them.

SPENDER : My father's dead.

SCULLY : No, he's not. He's alive.

Jeffrey goes away as Scully is trying her best to get out.

DR. JOYET : Dana, you've got to stay calm.

SCULLY : I'm not gonna calm down.

DR. JOYET : You've got to stay in bed.

SCULLY : I want to get out of here.

DR. JOYET (as Scully is waking up) : Nurse, can you help me?

NURSE : Miss Scully Security!

SCULLY (quitely) : Where are my things? Look, you can't keep me here.

DR. JOYET : I fear you may seize.

SCULLY : Just tell me where my things are. I'm leaving.



CSM (voiceover) : I'm concerned for Scully. If she were to fear her boy was in danger, like Mulder, she'd stop at nothing.

REYES : The boy is in danger. You said so.

CSM : But I don't understand from whom.

REYES : You've always had your enemies.

CSM : Yes, but why go after the boy now?

REYES : Maybe they know he's your weakness.

CSM : They couldn't possibly know that.

REYES : But suddenly everyone knows everything of you and your plans.

CSM (upset) : My plans are airtight. And even if they were to get out, they would be dismissed as so much fake news. That's the world we live in, Monica. Every day a new disaster, when the one thing no one is prepared for will wipe the slate clean. We refuse to imagine our impending extinction, the acceleration of the cataclysms. We've thrown science out the window in favor of scandal and opinion and cant and all manner of ridiculous untruths. Civilization a joke, and my plan merely the punch line.



MULDER (voiceover): Were Scully's visions a prophecy playing out in real time? Just as she foretold, the driver I'd dropped had driven me seven hours, through three states, and across the border into South Carolina. (His phone rings, he hangs up) Scully, what's wrong?

SCULLY (over phone): Nothing. Nothing's wrong.

MULDER : Then stay off the phone.

SCULLY : It's okay, Mulder. I'm okay.

MULDER : No, Scully, you're not.

SCULLY: Just listen to me, Mulder. Jeffrey Spender came to me.

MULDER (sighs) : What are you talking about?

SCULLY : He gave me a name, how to find our son.

MULDER : No...

SCULLY : Something to start on.

MULDER (alarmed) : You can't be doing this now, Scully.

SCULLY : I need to, Mulder. I've seen how it happens and how it ends.

MULDER : Where are you?

SCULLY : I don't want you to worry.

MULDER (already worried) : Scully, where are you?

SCULLY : Standing at your desk.

MULDER : No, it it's not worth it.

SCULLY : Mulder, I know what I'm doing.

MULDER : Damn it, Scully.

SCULLY : Where are you?

MULDER : I'm passing into South Carolina. I'm following a guy.

SCULLY (scared) : This is what I saw, Mulder. How it begins. The confrontation between you and the Smoking Man.

MULDER : All right, look, I want you to listen to me.

SCULLY : No. This is why you need William. Why I need to find him.

MULDER : I'm gonna call Skinner. I need you to just stay put, okay?

SCULLY : I have to find our son. You need him. And I need you. (groaning, having another crisis): Oh. Oh.

MULDER (alarmed) : Scully? Scully?

SMOKING MAN (in Scully's and the teen vision) : Find me the boy.

MULDER (in Scully's and the teen vision): What does he want with my son?

MR. Y i(n Scully's and the teen vision) : He's a very special child. The threat is that you'll never see your son again.

SCULLY (gasping) :  What is happening?

She lays down on the floor.


REYES : You think Scully will forgive you? 

CSM (vain) : he'll come to see the beauty of it. The beauty of a planet returned to its savage state. Living as we were intended.

REYES : These are people you're killing.

CSM : I'm just cleaning the mess that they made.

REYES : Doesn't mean we won't hate you.

CSM: I've endured more hatred than you'll ever know. My enemies are legion.

CUT TO : Mulder's car 

MULDER (voiceover): What price was Scully now paying for her visions and her certainties? And what price would I pay for not turning back to help her? All I could do was heed her admonitions.

CUT TO : CSM's house

REYES : Scully and her boy have a bond beyond you, beyond science.

CSM : She's completely unaware of that.

REYES : Really? What makes you so certain?

CSM : It's a secret only you and I know.

CUT TO : Mulder's car 

MULDER (voiceover): I was running on only adrenaline and Scully's premonitions. But was it hope I should be feeling or fear that Scully was right, and a man I'd come to despise my own father was alive? And if he were, he'd become mad with power. I owe it to Scully now to find out the truth.

CUT TO : CSM's house

CSM: I fear only for Scully and the boy, and the harm my enemies may bring on them.

REYES : I think you're in love with her.

CSM : I worry for her. I always had Mulder to protect her. But now he's going to force my hand.

REYES (disgusted) : You won't shed a tear for Mulder.

CSM : Of course I will. He's my son.

REYES : What if Scully finds the boy first?

CSM : You and I won't let that happen.



Mulder is arriving in front of a big house, under surveillance and guarded. The man who tracked him is there too.

MULDER (breaking in) : Federal agent! I'm armed!

ERIKA PRYCE: Please point the gun away.

MULDER (to the man who followed him who is just enter the room) : Hands! Hands in the air where I can see 'em!

MR Y : For heaven's sake, Mr. Mulder. All you had to do was knock.



Skinner is searching for Scully at the X-Files Service.

SKINNER : Agent Scully? 

Not seeing her, he tries to call her and notices her cell phone is on her desk. Understanding that she went away, he goes to the parking and rides into his car. Suddenly, Monica threatens him with her weapon. She is right behind him in his car. .

REYES : Both hands on the wheel.

SKINNER (recognizing her) : What the hell is this, Monica?

REYES : Me with a gun to your head.

He disarmes her. CSM enters in the car.

CSM : Mind if I smoke?

CUT TO : Scull who has a car crash. 

MAN: Oh, my God. Ma'am? Ma'am, are you all right?

WOMAN: Call 911! Ma'am, are you all right?

MILLER (untieing Scully): Careful.

EINSTEIN: Stand back. Stand back. (to Miller) Careful with her head.

MILLER : Here we go. I got you.



MR Y : You've driven a long way.

MULDER : Where's the Smoking Man? -

MR Y : Oh, we'd hoped you'd show us.

MULDER : Answer me!

MR Y (smoking) : We don't know where he is.

MULDER : Then who the hell are you?

MR Y : My name? I don't think it really matters at this point, do you, Mr. Mulder? And certainly I think I must apologize for the imposition. We can tell you this. He was here, not long ago. We smoked too much, we drank too much in the Foreign Service. Your erstwhile father led the way.

MULDER : Answer my question!

MR Y : We were all part of a syndicate involved in alien colonization. Surely you knew about this business.

MULDER : You're conspirators.

MR Y : Not at all. Quite the opposite. (to his guard) Go. (to Mulder) It's okay, Mr. Mulder. Our man here won't be troubling you any longer. This is my associate. -

MULDER: I see. Nobody has a name.

MR Y : We've all had many names.

MULDER : You want to see me snap?

MR Y : Oh, I don't think you're gonna fire that gun, Mr. Mulder. You haven't heard what I have to say.

ERIKA PRYCE : Let me cut to the point: the man we're both looking for - is bent on...

MR Y : Hell-bent is what he is !

ERIKA PRYCE : ... on exterminating humanity.



SMOKING MAN: You'll be pleased to know, Mr. Skinner, I'm here to offer you a deal.

SKINNER : I don't make deals.

REYES : This is a waste of time.

CSM : You're still a fairly young man. Years to live, by my estimation.

SKINNER : Try me, you son of a bitch. I'm the one with a gun.

CSM : Not so long ago, mankind's greatest threats were war, famine and plague. We've all but conquered them with hard science this faith in technology our new religion when a simple pathogen would kill billions and billions. Your immune system will go first, but this is what will finally kill you.

SKINNER (to Reyes, who is silent and looks uncomfortable) : And you're a party to this?


MR. Y: His plan is already in motion. The aliens are not coming, Mr. Mulder, just so you understand.

ERIKA PRYCE : No interest in a warming planet with vanishing resources.

MULDER : So just unleash a plague? -

ERIKA PRYCE : This is no ordinary contagion. This is an alien pathogen.

MR Y : The end of history, Mr. Mulder.

ERIKA PRYCE : And why you have to kill him.

MR Y : The threat is that you'll never see your son again.

CUT TO : Skinner's car

SKINNER : What are you offering me?

CSM : Immunity to it. In return for what? Find me the boy, Mr. Skinner.

CUT TO : Erika and Mr Y's house

MR Y : He needs the boy, Mr. Mulder.

MULDER : He'll never find him.

MR Y : You doubt his determination? He'll use those closest to you.

MULDER : What does he want with my son?

ERIKA PRYCE: That's the question, isn't it? He's clearly a very special child.

MULDER : Why the hell do you care?

MR. Y: We want to save humanity. He used to want the same.

ERIKA PRYCE: The aliens came to study us, were prepared to work with us.

MR. Y: He was to be the man to lead us. But he became destructive. He took only his own counsel.

CUT TO : Skinner's car

CSM : Understand, I protected mankind as long as I could, Mr. Skinner.

SKINNER (ironic) : Oh, I see. So you're the hero?

CSM : No one would listen. The aliens brought not only technology. They brought the seeds of our destruction. It's what our government would never grasp. And while they were adventuring in Cuba and Vietnam and in Central America, I was busy in the Nevada desert, dissecting, reverse engineering, playing God with life-forms, the stuff of science fiction. I had the time, the money and the freedom to plan for a day I knew would come.

CUT TO : Erika and Mr Y's house

MR.Y: You have no idea this man's need to control our fate, how effective and bold his plots and ambitions.

CUT TO  : Flahsback from 1969, CSM's House.

CSM is with his wife, Cassandra, and their son Jeffrey watching the first step on the moon.

CASSANDRA : Oh, my gosh. We did it.

JEFFREY : That's really the moon?

CASSANDRA : Yes, that's really the moon, Jeffrey!

CSM : That's how heroes are made.

MAN (Over TV): Roger, how does it look? It's the fourth turning,

CUT TO : Skinner's car

CSM : Mr. Skinner. Civilization is in its final stages. Alliances are crumbling. Truth is fluid and alterable. The only truth left is to survive it.

SKINNER : And who chooses? You?

REYES : There are people with immunity.

CSM : Agent Scully has it. And her son. They'll survive with a select few.

SKINNER : What about Agent Mulder?

CUT TO : Erika and Mr Y's house

MR. Y: Kill him, before he kills us all. You're his son, Mr. Mulder.

ERIKA PRYCE : He won't be expecting you.

MULDER: You know what I think? That's only half the story. He wants to exterminate humanity. What's your budding enterprise?

ERIKA PRYCE : The colonization of space.

MR Y : We're closer than you think.

ERIKA PRYCE: Building Dyson spheres and magnificent habitable structures.

MULDER : Oh. That's the plan. A secret space program? I don't think so. I think this is a power play. You want me to kill him so you can implement your own plan. You want to see blood in the streets. The colonization of space? How do you plan to do that? Transport all humanity off-planet? Seven billion people? That's not possible. Only a chosen few. And you call him evil?

MR Y : We can take you with us, Mr. Mulder, you and your boy.

MULDER (upset) : You're a liar. You're all liars.

MR Y : Then no one can save us.

MULDER : I know someone who can save us. And I think you know her, too. Now get out of my way.

CUT TO : Skinner's car

CSM : I think we're finished here.

Monica leaves the car but Skinner holds on CSM.

SKINNER : Get your ass back in the car. I'm not finished.

Skinner's phons is ringing. It's Mulder but he does't answer.

MULDER (in his car): Come on, pick up the phone.

SKINNER : Why do you want the boy?

CSM : He's very important to me.

SKINNER : You're asking me to betray them, to betray people that I care about.

CSM (laughs): No, no, no. I'm asking you to turn your back on the whole human race.

MULDER : Come on!



Scully was lead to hospital by Einstein and Miller who are now wainting news Her doctor arrives

DR. JOYET : Are you the FBI agents? I came as quickly as I could.

MILLER: From what I understand, Agent Einstein may have saved her life.

DR. JOYET : How'd you even find her? -

MILLER : We were pulling into the FBI when we saw her car take the hit.

DR. JOYET : And you knew to bring her here?

EINSTEIN : From her medical bracelet.

DR. JOYET : Well, she's lucky you found her when you did.

CUT TO : Mulder's car.

His phone vibrates. He hangs up.

MULDER : Hello?

DR. JOYET: I just wanted to tell you she's here, in case you were worried. 

MULDER : Where's "here"?

DR. JOYET : The hospital. She had an accident, and we're monitoring her.

CUT TO : Hospital.

Einstein and Miller go away. The man who was following Mulder and who is working for Erika and Mr Y arrives into Scully's room. He tries to kill her but sh defends herself. Mulder arrives and kills him.

MULDER (voiceover) : The horror I'd felt, the gut-wrench of seeing Scully fighting against a storm in her head, now only doubled. Had I come full circle to find the truth or only to uncover greater lies? Not one conspiracy, but two, that threatened not only Scully, but our son. A drum beats in my heart.

Scully joins Mulder after she was examinated. She poses her hand on his kneel. He holds it tight.

MULDER : That man they just wheeled out on a gurney I know that man.

SCULLY : The Smoking Man didn't send him.

MULDER : How do you know that?

SCULLY : Because the Smoking Man won't harm me. He's held my life in his hands. That was something else.

MULDER : Your visions, Scully. They're not wrong.

SCULLY : My visions are from William. I don't know how, but I know that he's guiding me. And you.

MULDER : They're looking for him.

SCULLY : The Smoking Man can't act without William. I know that in my bones. And William knows it. They won't find him. But he will find us.

MULDER : So we just wait? Do nothing?

SCULLY : We do our work. The truth still lies in the X-Files, Mulder.

Footsteps approaching.

SKINNER (to Scully) : They said you were attacked.

MULDER : I was calling you.

SKINNER: I didn't get your call.

MULDER : Where have you been, Skinner? Where you been?

SKINNER : Leave it alone, Mulder.

MULDER : I asked you to look for her.

SKINNER : And I looked for her.

MULDER : Where'd you look?

SKINNER : I said leave it alone.

MULDER : You smell like smoke.

He punches him.

SCULLY : Mulder.

Skinner punches him to. They start fighting but are separated by security guards.

SECURITY GUARD : Break it up, break it up. Break it up.

MULDER (to Skinner) : Whose side are you on?

SKINNER : I said leave it alone, Mulder.

He is going away.

MULDER : What are you hiding?

CUT TO : Flahsback, some moment earlier, in Skinner's car.

SKINNER (to CSM) : What could possibly make you think that I would ever take your deal?

CSM : You're not betraying Scully. She'll be with us. She's immune.

SKINNER : Hey, you really get off on this, don't you?

CSM (chuckles) : Manufacturing destiny?

SKINNER : Then why kill Mulder?

CSM : Mulder would kill me.

SKINNER : Scully will never take your offer.

CSM : Of course she'll take it.

SKINNER : Not without Mulder, she won't.

CSM : I'll present her with a simple choice. Mulder or her only son.

SKINNER : So this is just vengeance? 

CSM (chuckles again) : Oh, it's more than that. Dana and I have a history. A very important history that goes back 17 years.

CUT TO : Flashbacks from "En Ami".

CSM (to Scully) : I'm glad you came. We'll need to take a trip.

SCULLY : I'm here.

CSM : It'll require a few days.

SCULLY : You drugged me.

CSM (laughs) : I did nothing of the sort.

SCULLY (furious) : How the hell did I get out of my clothes and into bed?

CSM : We carried you, my housekeeper and I. You'd been up for over 30 hours; you were delirious. You can ask her.

SCULLY : I don't know what you're up to.

CUT TO : Present. Skinner's car

 SKINNER (horrifiied) : You impregnated her?

CSM : With science, Mr. Skinner. Alien science. To create the first superhuman child.

SKINNER (disillusionned) : Mulder's not the father? (CSM keeps silent) I'm asking. Who's the father?

CSM : I am. William is my son.

Kikavu ?

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cobrate  (07.06.2018 à 18:04)
Message édité : 07.06.2018 à 18:08

C'est moi ou c'est une bombe qui est lâchée en fin d'épisode ? [Forum Saison 11 - M6]


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