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#604 : Zone 51 (1re partie)

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Mulder est interpellé par un informateur anonyme au sujet de la Zone 51. En route pour celle-ci avec Scully, ils sont vite arrêtés par des autorités qui les empêchent d'aller plus loin. Là, alors qu'une étrange lumière traverse le ciel, Mulder se retrouve malgré lui dans le corps de Morris, un homme travaillant dans la Zone 51, qui lui aussi a changé de corps avec Mulder, tous deux se font ainsi passer pour l'autre...

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Zone 51 (1re partie)

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Le nez en l'air...Que regardent nos agents?

Le nez en l'air...Que regardent nos agents?

Morris Fletcher, dans le corps de Mulder, drague une secrétaire du FBI

Morris Fletcher, dans le corps de Mulder, drague une secrétaire du FBI

Mulder fait la connaissance de la femme de Fletcher dans le corps de qui il se trouve

Mulder fait la connaissance de la femme de Fletcher dans le corps de qui il se trouve

Scully et Morris Fletcher

Scully et Morris Fletcher

Morris and Jo Ann Fletcher

Morris and Jo Ann Fletcher

Plus de détails

Kim Manners

Vince Gilligan
John Shiban
Frank Spotnitz


James Pickens Jr. (le directeur adjoint Alvin Kersh),

Tyler Binkley (Terry Fletcher),

Nora Dunn (JoAnne Fletcher),

Dara Hollingsworth (Christine Fletcher),

Michael McKean (Morris Fletcher),

Scott Allan Campbell (Jeff Smoodge),

John Mahon (le général Wegman),

Christopher Stapleton (le capitaine Robert McDonough),

Michael Buchman Silver (Howard Grodin),

Julia Vera (Lana Chee), Fuad C'Amanero (l'agent du FBI),

Laura Leigh Hughes (la secrétaire de Kersh)..

Zone 51 (1re partie)

Mulder et Scully se promènent dans une voiture en direction dans la Zone 51. Mulder a reçu un appel d'un informateur secret qui le priait de se rendre dans la Zone 51, mais malheureusement, ils se font intercepter par des hommes dont Maurice Fletcher. Un objet non identifié se dirige vers eux, Mulder et Fletcher changent leur vie. Fletcher est rendu Mulder, personne ne s'en rend compte parce qu'il a le corps de Mulder. La même chose pour Mulder, il reste Mulder, mais dans le corps de Morris. Fletcher et Scully s'en vont alors que Mulder réalise qu'il a pris la place de Maurice.

Mulder s'en va avec tous ses hommes. Howard et Jeff sont assis sur le siège arrière de la voiture où Mulder s'assoit. Howard ne comprend pas pourquoi Mulder a laissé Scully et Fletcher s'en aller, mais Jeff lui fait comprendre que ce n'est pas possible de faire disparaître un couple d'agents du FBI.

Mulder pénètre dans la Zone 51. Howard, Mulder et Jeff passent devant un gardien qui leur demande leur badge d'identité. Mulder espère qu'il va le reconnaître, mais le garde pense que c'est Maurice Fletcher. Chacun entre dans son bureau. Mulder réalise, en voyant des photos, qu'il a maintenant une fille, un garçon et une femme. Il pense à Scully et essaie de la contacter.

Fletcher et Scully s'arrêtent à une station d'essence. Scully va remplir la voiture d'essence. Pendant ce temps, son téléphone sonne, mais Fletcher ne répond pas. Mulder espère que Scully va répondre, mais il est obligé de raccrocher parce que Jeff entre dans son bureau.

Fletcher appelle Scully, Dana, et lui demande d'acheter un paquet de cigarette. Scully soupçonne que Fletcher (Mulder) ne se sent pas très bien parce qu'il fume et l'appelle Dana, mais il dit que tout va bien.

Jeff dit à Mulder qu'il y a une fuite. Celui-ci qui crée la fuite a appelé les agents du FBI du bureau de Vegmen, le supérieur de la Zone 51. Le téléphone de Morris sonne, Mulder répond, c'est sa femme et elle lui demande d'acheter du lait, elle raccroche. Jeff dit à Mulder et s'en venir.

Jeff l'amène chez lui. Mulder entre. Il essaie de contacter Scully, mais il découvre que la ligne est sur écoute, alors, il se couche dans un fauteuil et regarde un film XXX.

Des pompiers éteignent le feu quand le Général Vegmen arrive. Il est accueilli par Howard qui lui raconte qu'un avion a perdu de l'altitude et s'est écrasée. Howard lui montre le co-pilote qui est fusionné avec une roche. Il lui présente ensuite le pilote qui parle comme une femme de 75 ans.

Scully attend Mulder au bureau de Kersh. Il est en retard parce qu'il s'est égaré. Scully trouve son comportement très étrange. Kersh lit le rapport des agents, il a reçu un appel du Pentagone pour qu'ils reçoivent un blâme à leur dossier. Fletcher lui révèle qu'un informateur l'a contacté et l'a prié de se rendre dans la Zone 51. Scully le regarde ne comprenant plus rien. Fletcher promet d'écouter les règles la prochaine fois et de ne plus enquêter sur des X-Files. Là, Scully ne comprend vraiment plus, elle est très surprise.

Ils sortent du bureau et tout de suite, elle lui demande ce qui se passe avec lui, il veut révéler le nom de leur contacte et il ne protège pas ses informations. Fletcher s'excuse et il va voir la secrétaire. Scully devient jalouse, elle ne comprend pas son comportement. Il la frappe sur une fesse avant de partir. Scully le regarde très bizarrement quand il s'en va.

Mulder est couché sur le fauteuil quand Johanne arrive. Il l'appelle Scully. Elle voit qu'elle écoute un film XXX et lui demande qui est Scully. Elle l'accuse de ne pas dormir avec elle et d'écouter ce genre de film alors que ses enfants, Terry et Cris auraient pu descendre. Mulder chercher ses clés de voiture.

Il s'en va dans la cuisine. Il voit ses clés sur le comptoir, il s'avance pour les prendre, mais Johanne les prend avant lui. Elle garde la voiture. Elle demande à Cris de lui rendre ses clés. Elle les fait tomber au côté d'elle. Mulder va les prendre et s'en va. Johanne l'arrête et lui dit qu'il porte le même costume qu'hier.

Mulder se change. Il regarde dans le miroir et voit son reflet. Il est Fletcher. Johanne entre et elle tient un téléphone dans ses mains. C'est Jeff et il lui demande de se rendre la plus rapidement possible à son travail parce qu'un évènement étrange se produit.

Howard est avec le Général Vegmen. Il lui présente le pilote, Robert McDonneau, il récite une prière indienne. Depuis le crash, il se prend pour une certaine Linna Achi, une femme de 75 ans. Le Général Vegmen pense que c'est une psychose post-traumatique, mais Howard lui présente la femme de 75 ans et se prend pour Robert McDonneau. Le pilote lui raconte tout ce qui s'est passé avant le crash. Le Général Vegmen est désespéré.

Fletcher joue au golf et Scully travaille à son bureau. Elle reçoit un appel de Mulder qui essaie de lui faire comprendre que l'homme qui est avec elle s'appelle Maurice Fletcher et que ce n'est pas lui. Il lui demande de prendre le large, il va la rappeler. Scully pense que c'est son informateur. Fletcher veut le dire à Kersh. Scully trouve cela très étrangère.

Mulder sort d'un d'une épicerie. Il démarre sa voiture et s'en va. Un tremblement de terre survient. L'épicier est énervé. Tout vole en éclat.

Mulder roule sur une route et croire Jeff et Howard. Il les suit. Ils se dirigent vers l'épicerie que Mulder a été tout à l'heure. Elle est réduite en cendre et l'épicier est à demi dans le sol. Mulder veut le sortir de là, mais un autre soldat le tue. Howard donne l'ordre de tout faire disparaître. Mulder regarde la scène avec désespoir.

Scully arrive dans le couloir de Mulder. Le secrétaire arrive à la porte, elle rit et embrasse Mulder. Scully est complètement jalouse et très surprise. La secrétaire s'en va et Scully entre chez Mulder. Elle a un X-Files dans ses mains, mais Fletcher ne veut rien savoir. Elle est frustrée face à sa réaction. Elle s'en va en claquant la porte. Mulder la traite de pétasse.

Howard et Jeff ont trouvé un lézard fusionné à une roche, à 15 km de la station service. Ils le montrent au Général Vegmen. C'est l'avion qui a crée une brèche dans le continuum espace temps et qui a provoque une distorsion. Jeff ne comprend pas pourquoi ils n'ont rien senti lorsqu'ils ont intercepté les agents du FBI. Mulder dit qu'il y avait un trou dans le temps. Mulder veut savoir comment on fait pour défusionner le lézard de la roche, mais Howard n'est pas sur qu'ils puissent le faire.

Scully se promène sur une route. Elle s'arrête à l'épicerie et voit que tout est brûlé. Elle trouve sur le sol deux pièces de monnaie fusionnées ensemble.

Johanne réveille Mulder qui est encore couché sur le fauteuil. Il l'accuse de ne plus sentir aucun désir pour elle et de marmonner des noms comme Scully dans ses rêves. Mulder lui fait croire que Scully est un homme. Quelqu'un frappe à la porte, Johanne va répondre et la personne se présente comme Dana Scully et elle veut voir Maurice.

«Morris» vient à la porte et Johanne le gifle. Scully parle à Mulder, mais elle ne le reconnaît pas. Il sort dehors avec elle. Il essaie de lui faire comprendre qu'il est Mulder en lui révélant des informations personnelles sur elle et sa famille. Johanne amène les valises de Mulder dehors. Mulder veut lui prouver scientifiquement qu'il n'est pas Morris Fletcher, mais bien Mulder. Scully s'en va et Fletcher regarde la scène.

Fletcher appelle Howard et lui annonce qu'il y a une fuite dans leur Département. Howard veut savoir son nom.

Mulder arrive dans un bureau et prend la boîte noire de l'avion (il le range dans un sac brun) qui prouve tout ce qui s'est passé. Howard le regarde partir.

Scully est sur la route et reçoit un appel de Kersh. Fletcher lui a dit qu'il a tout fait pour l'empêcher de désobéir aux ordres, mais qu'elle ne l'a pas écouté. Kersh veut qu'elle suive ses consignes sinon, elle perd son emploi. Scully a les larmes aux yeux.

Mulder arrive dans l'épicerie avec la boîte noire dans ses mains. Il la tend vers Scully. Il regarde son visage et réalise qu'elle l'a trahi. Des militaires entourent l'épicerie et prennent Mulder. Avant que Mulder franchisse la porte, Fletcher arrive auprès de Scully. Mulder essaie de lui dire qu'il lui a amené la boîte noire pour prouver qu'il était lui. Scully commence à le croire.


Source : Site X-Files 1013

11:17 PM

(Night. MULDER and SCULLY driving along a desert road. There are no
other cars in sight. They pass a metal sign: "WARNING US MILITARY

MULDER: (pointing at a sign) Milepost 134. Two miles to go.

SCULLY: (dryly) I'm all a-tingle. (they share a look) So, Mulder, this
supposed clandestine source who's contacted you how do we know that he's
not just another crackpot whose encyclopedic knowledge of extraterrestrial life
isn't derived exclusively from reruns of Star Trek?

MULDER: Because of where this particular crackpot works. Groom Lake.
Area 51. Where the military has conducted...

SCULLY: … for the past 50 years, classified experiments involving
extraterrestrial technology.

MULDER: It's all our questions. The proof that we've suspected but never
been able to hold in our hands. That... that proof is here.

SCULLY: Mulder, it's the dim hope of finding that proof that's kept us in
this car, or one very much like it for more nights than I care to remember.
(MULDER looks at her fondly) Driving hundreds if not thousands of miles
through neighborhoods and cities and towns where people are raising families
and buying homes and playing with their kids and their dogs, and... in short,
living their lives. While we - we - we just keep driving.

MULDER: What is your point?

SCULLY: Don't you ever just want to stop? Get out of the damn car?
Settle down and live something approaching a normal life?

MULDER: (defensive) This *is* a normal life.

(SCULLY smiles to herself. They hear tires squealing and see two pairs
of headlights approaching very quickly from the rear. )

SCULLY: Mulder.

MULDER: I don't know if we're going to meet that crackpot after all.

(They stop as a total of four official-looking white sport utility vehicles
surround them. Several armed SOLDIERS get out.)

SOLDIER 1: Out of the car.

(One of the SOLDIERS cocks his rifle.)

SOLDIER 1: Out of the car, sir. Ma'am.

(MULDER and SCULLY get out of the car with their hands raised and stand
in front of their car. From one of the vehicles a man wearing a dark suit and
white shirt emerges. He is MORRIS FLETCHER - early 40's, slight paunch.
He is smoking a cigarette. As he approaches MUDLER and SCULLY, he
drops his cigarette on the pavement and grinds it out with his foot.)

MORRIS FLETCHER: May I see some identification please?

(MULDER and SCULLY reach into their pockets and pull out their badges.)

MORRIS FLETCHER: (reading their badges, sighs) FBI. You're going to
have to turn around and leave immediately.

MULDER: Why? It's a public highway.

MORRIS FLETCHER: It also borders on a US Government testing ground.
What's your business here? (no response) What are you doing out here in
the middle of the night?

MULDER: What are you doing out here?

SCULLY: Hiding top secret test flights? (MULDER looks at her)
Using technology from UFOs?

MORRIS FLETCHER: (sarcastically) Flying saucers. I got a top secret
for you. (to MULDER's ear) There's no such thing as flying saucers.

SCULLY: Come on, Mulder, let's...

(SCULLY pauses as they all hear a rumbling sound. They see a bright light
on the horizon that quickly gets closer and passes overhead. As it does,
MULDER steps away from SCULLY and looks up in wonder at the bright light.
The light passes over and disappears. MULDER looks back down over at ….
MORRIS, now wearing MULDER's clothes, standing with SCULLY. No one
gives any indication that they are aware that something just flew over them
or that anything happened.)

SCULLY: (to MORRIS) Come on, Mulder, let's go.

(As MULDER, now wearing MORRIS's clothes standing in MORRIS's place
stares in shock, SCULLY gets back into the passenger seat and MORRIS
gets into the driver's seat.)

Opening Credits.
Mulder … whooo.
Scully rocks.

[CarriK: MULDER (as MORRIS) is David Duchovny playing Mulder. We see
him as he really is - Mulder, but everyone else sees Morris. MORRIS (as
MULDER) is Michael McKean playing Morris but is perceived as Mulder.
Got it? Good. Quiz on Friday.]

(Same scene. MULDER watches as MORRIS backs up the car and turns around.
As it begins to pull away, MULDER runs a few steps after it.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Hey! Hey! Hey!

(The SOLDIER beside him raises his rifle and aims it at the retreating car.)

SOLDIER1: Sir, open fire?

MULDER (as MORRIS): No! No. Let them go. Let them go.


(MULDER stares at him, unsure of what to do.)

SOLDIER 1: Your orders, sir?


MULDER (as MORRIS): (false confidence) I want to get out of here.

(Another SOLDIER holds the passenger door of MORRIS's car for him.
MULDER gets in. Two other Men in Black, HOWARD GRODIN and
JEFF SMOODGE are sitting in the back seat.)

HOWARD: Morris. (no response) Morris? (MULDER, realizing they are
speaking to him, turns in his seat) What do you think you're doing?

(MULDER looks at the other guy. No response.)

HOWARD: Why'd you let them go?

MULDER (as MORRIS): They didn't know anything.

HOWARD: They were FBI agents obviously here to meet someone, very
possibly an informant. You just sent away our best hope of finding out who.

JEFF: We can't just disappear a couple of FBI agents, Howard. We'll get
their own people to deal with them. That's what Morris was thinking. Right,
Morry? Let's go.

(Later, the MIB's car pulls through an electric gate and enters a large
compound with several helicopter looking things flying overhead.
Sign says US AIR FORCE AREA 51.)

(MULDER, JEFF and HOWARD enter the compound.
They pass a security desk.)



GUARD: Your identification, sir.

(MULDER looks at JEFF and HOWARD. They both have photo ID cards
pinned to their lapels.)

GUARD: You do have identification?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (another false smile) Yeah.

(MULDER feels around in his pockets and finds MORRIS's ID. It has the
word MAJESTIC on it. The picture is of MORRIS. MULDER holds it up
next to his face hesitantly and looks to the GUARD. The guard looks
carefully at the photo and at MULDER. MULDER reaches up to touch
his own face. He is wearing a wedding ring. He looks at his image in
the GUARD's monitor and sees the image of MORRIS touching his face.
MULDER follows JEFF and HOWARD into a hall. They pass by an open
office door where an older man, GENERAL WEGMAN is talking on the phone.)

JEFF: (quietly to MULDER and HOWARD) What's Wegman doing here?
Kind of late for the old man to be clocking in.

HOWARD: Something must be up. I'm going to check it out. (he leaves)

JEFF: (grinning at MULDER) Kiss-ass.

(JEFF uses his ID card to key open an office door. Further down the hall,
MULDER sees a pair of SOLDIERS approaching. He sees the name MORRIS
FLETCHER on a plaque over one of the office doors. He swipes his ID card
in the lock and the door opens. After closing the door and exhaling with relief,
he looks at the wall of pictures. There are photos of MORRIS with Newt Gingrich,
the Reagans, and Saddam Hussein.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (whisper) Scully.

(He goes straight to the phone.)

(CUT TO: Same time. MORRIS (as MULDER) and SCULLY pull up to a gas
station. They sit for a moment. SCULLY looks expectantly at MORRIS.)

SCULLY: Are you all right, Mulder?

MORRIS (as MULDER): What are you talking about?

SCULLY: Well, you haven't said anything since we left those men on the
highway. Is something wrong?

MORRIS (as MULDER): I'm fine. Gas cap's on your side.

(SCULLY is surprised at his attitude. Apparently this is not usual
procedure, but she gets out of the car.)

SCULLY: Okay... If you don't want to talk about it.

(SCULLY gets the pump and begins putting gas in the car. A cell phone
begins ringing inside the car. SCULLY calls through the closed window.)

SCULLY: Mulder? Mulder...

(MORRIS ignores her, playing with the radio. SCULLY closes her eyes
briefly in frustration.)

(CUT TO: MORRIS's office. MULDER is waiting for SCULLY to answer.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Come on, Scully, pick up.

(The office door opens suddenly. )

JEFF: Bastard!

MULDER (as MORRIS): (hanging up quickly) Huh?

(CUT TO: Gas station. SCULLY has opened the car door and answered
the phone. MORRIS has the radio turned way up.)

SCULLY: Hello?

(She tries to hear over the radio, then reaches out and turns it down herself.)

SCULLY: Hello?!

(She hangs up in disgust and gets back out of the car.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): Oh, Dana? Want to pick me up a pack of Morleys,

SCULLY: Since when do you smoke?

MORRIS (as MULDER): Well... you're not going to be a Nazi about it,
are you?

(SCULLY has no answer. She closes the door and goes back to the gas pump.)

(CUT TO: MORRIS's office.)

JEFF: I ran a reverse trace on all the outgoing calls. We've definitely got
a leak.

(MULDER almost tips the desk chair over trying to lean back.
Catches himself.)

JEFF: He called the FBI this morning from Wegman's office.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Wegman?

JEFF: The leak! He used the guest phone in Wegman's office.
He's rubbing our noses in it.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Hmm. In what?

JEFF: In the fact that he works in this building. That he has access to
everything-- all our work-- and we don't know who he is.

(The phone on the desk begins ringing.)

JEFF: Morris?


JEFF: You going to answer that?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (shakes his head, then laughs uncomfortably
and nods) Oh. Yeah. (picks up the receiver) Hello?

(MRS. FLETCHER is in a suburban middle class house. She is 40ish,
wearing a bathrobe. She is not happy.)

MRS. FLETCHER: (on phone) What are you doing there?!

(MULDER sees picture of MORRIS with a woman and two kids, a teenage
girl and a younger boy.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) I'm just trying to work that out.

MRS. FLETCHER: (on phone) It's midnight. I've been waiting up.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) I didn't know.

MRS. FLETCHER: (on phone) What do you mean, you didn't know?
You said you'd call. Morris...

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) I forgot.

MRS. FLETCHER: (on phone) You always forget. Well, this time,
don't forget the milk.

(She hangs up. MULDER looks at the phone for a second then hangs up also.)

JEFF: The wife?

(MULDER nods. JEFF imitates cracking a whip at MULDER.)

JEFF: Come on, man. Let's go home.

(JEFF opens the door and goes out. MULDER holds back a moment with
an expression of sheer dread.)

(Short time later. JEFF and MULDER pull up in front of a typical suburban
home. MULDER doesn't move. JEFF pats him on the shoulder.)

JEFF: Come on, Morry.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (not happy to be here) There it is, huh?
Home sweet home.

(JEFF chuckles.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (getting out of the car) All right.

JEFF: Good night.


(On his way up the walk, MULDER notices the large white electric? fence
around the development. He enters the house quietly. No one is downstairs.
He picks up the phone next to the stairs. The operator answers.)

OPERATOR: Base operator.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) (was expecting a dial tone)
Oh, uh... I, uh...

OPERATOR: Would you like an outside line, Mr. Fletcher?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) No. Thank you. Good night.

(MULDER slowly opens a bedroom door. He sees MRS. FLETCHER asleep
in the bed holding a pillow. He slowly slowly closes the door and goes back
downstairs. He sits in a recliner in front to the TV and begins looking for a

STATION 1: (Pee Wee's Playhouse type of show) Look, kids, it's Larry,
the creepy...

STATION 2: (nature show)...September, along the....

STATION 3: (gunfire)

STATION 4: Woman: Want to play? Man: I think we already are.

(On the screen a man and woman begin to undress each other. Moaning )

(MULDER raises his eyebrows, looks around, then shrugs and pushes the
chair into a reclining position. He gets comfortable with a small smile and
watches the TV.)

2:04 AM

(Same night. Desert. A sport utility bounces over the terrain as it pulls up
to a crash scene. Lots of military around, men in haz-mat suits putting out
the fires. GENERAL WEGMAN gets out of the SUV and is met by one of
the Men in Black, HOWARD.)

HOWARD: It was a routine test flight, sir. The craft suddenly lost altitude
at 2317 hours over highway 375.

GENERAL WEGMAN: What happened?

HOWARD: We haven't yet determined that, sir. We have recovered the
flight data recorder as well as the two pilots.


HOWARD: (pause) We found the copilot over here.

(He leads GENERAL WEGMAN over to a large boulder in which the COPILOT
is almost completely entombed. Only his head and shoulders are sticking out.
He is barely alive and seems to be in great pain.)


HOWARD: The other man's alive, but, uh...


HOWARD: We're not sure yet.

(They cross over to one of the tents and find the PILOT sitting huddled on the

GENERAL WEGMAN: What happened, Captain?

(The PILOT looks up helplessly at GENERAL WEGMAN and begins trying
to communicate in a foreign language.)

(Commercial 1.)

9:42 AM

(Next day. SCULLY is sitting on the couch outside AD KERSH's office.
KERSH's ASSISTANT, a young attractive blond woman sits at the reception
desk. SCULLY keeps looking around impatiently and at her watch.)

SCULLY: (to KERSH's ASSISTANT) I'm sure he's on his way.

(KERSH's ASSISTANT gives her an unfriendly smile. SCULLY sees
MORRIS pass by in the hall. She jumps up and calls to him.)

SCULLY: Mulder!

MORRIS (as MULDER): (entering the office) Hey... Hey, Dana.
How's it going?

SCULLY: Mulder... Where have you been?

MORRIS (as MULDER): Oh, sorry, I just got a little lost on my way in.

SCULLY: You got lost.

MORRIS (as MULDER): I'm just a little, you know, little lost in my head.


MORRIS (as MULDER): Yeah. One of those days. Yeah.
(to KERSH's ASSISTANT) Hi, there. How are you this morning?

KERSH's ASSISTANT: The Assistant Director is waiting, sir.

MORRIS (as MULDER): Great. Let's do it.

(SCULLY takes a moment, then follows MORRIS into AD KERSH's office.)

AD KERSH: My two frequent flyers. I'm to understand you were in
Nevada yesterday and after-- what's it been?-- Two, three conversations
such as this on the matter.

SCULLY: Well, sir...

AD KERSH: This morning I got a phone call from the Pentagon demanding
that the two of you be reprimanded for trespassing on a top-secret military
installation. What do you think you were doing there?

SCULLY: We were following a lead, sir.

AD KERSH: And that's part of your current caseload? A legitimate

MORRIS (as MULDER): Agent Scully and I were contacted by a
confidential source.

AD KERSH: What source?

MULDER: Oh, if I had the name, I'd give it to you. (SCULLY looks at
him sharply) Some whistle-blower working inside the so-called Area 51.
Said he had some "big deal" information. I got to tell you... The whole
thing turned out to be just one gigantic mistake on our part.

(SCULLY is extremely uncomfortable.)

AD KERSH: Agent Mulder, you were specifically ordered not to pursue
any line of investigation pertaining to the X-Files.

MULDER: Sir, you're absolutely right. And on behalf of Agent Scully
and myself, I'd like to apologize for our blatant disregard of your direct
order. You have our word. We will never ever do that again.

(SCULLY is speechless. They leave the office. SCULLY stops MORRIS
just as they enter the hall.)

SCULLY: Mulder. Mulder!

MORRIS (as MULDER): (turns and smiles down at her) What?

SCULLY: What was that about?

MORRIS (as MULDER): What was what about?

SCULLY: "I'd give you his name if I had it"? Whatever happened to
protecting our contacts? Protecting our work?

MORRIS (as MULDER): He asked. Hang on a second.

(MORRIS goes back over to KERSH's ASSISTANT and whispers in her ear.
She giggles and nods. He pats her on the back, then crosses back to SCULLY.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): (smiling) Well... Okay, then.

(SCULLY gives the questioning "Look.")

MORRIS (as MULDER): (defensive) What?

SCULLY: What is going on with you?

MORRIS (as MULDER): Will you please stop trying to pick a fight
with me?

SCULLY: Mulder, you are acting bizarre.

MORRIS (as MULDER): (glancing back to the ASSITANT's office)

(MORRIS gives her a knowing smile and slaps her on the butt as he passes.
SCULLY turns and stares at him in shock.)

(FLETCHER house. MULDER is still asleep on the recliner, turning
restlessly. TV is still on the porn channel. A light is turned on. A hand
reaches out and taps him hard on the shoulder. MULDER opens his eyes
and sees a woman in front of him, hands on her hips. Her face is in shadow.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Scully?

MRS. FLETCHER: (furious) I can't believe you. (she turns off the TV)
I just can't believe you! (steps on the bottom of the recliner popping MULDER
up to a sitting position) And who is Scully?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (a question) Good morning?

MRS. FLETCHER: You could do me the courtesy of coming to bed.
Pretend we have a happy marriage. What if Chris or Terry had come down
here first? Seeing their father being a pervert! Did that ever occur to you?

(She walks away without waiting for an answer. MULDER gets up and
begins looking around the living room. His clothing and hair is disheveled.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Hey, uh... (doesn't know her name) Um... Honey?
I ne... Have you... Have you seen my car keys? I thought I might have left

(A blonde teenage girl comes down the stairs.)

TEENAGER: Morning, Dad.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Morning... Terry.

TEENAGER: Oh, my God! (she bursts into tears and runs back upstairs)

JOANNE FLETCHER: (coming out from kitchen) Morris... What did you do
to Chris?

(MULDER tries but has no answer. MRS. FLETCHER goes back to the kitchen.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (under his breath) Where are my keys?

(A boy, about 10 comes down the stairs.)

BOY: Yo, dad.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Good morning, Terry.

BOY: Not Terry.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Chris.

BOY: (disgusted) Terrence. "Terry's" for wusses.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (under his breath) Oh, and Terrence isn't?
Hey, uh, Terrence how about helping your old Dad find his car keys?

(In the kitchen MRS. FLETCHER is beating some eggs. TERRY sits at the
table and pours cereal. Everyone ignores MULDER. MRS.FLETCHER
opens the refrigerator, then glares accusingly at MULDER.)


(MULDER reaches for a set of keys on the table.
MRS. FLETCHER gets them first.)

MRS. FLETCHER: I'm taking the minivan.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (almost pitiful) Don't I have my own car?

(CHRIS enters and sits at the table.)

MRS. FLETCHER: Chris, did you give your father back his car keys?

(Not looking at him, CHRIS holds out a set of keys to MULDER. Just as
he is about to take them, she drops them to the ground. He stoops and
picks them up.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Okay, well, uh... Everybody have a, uh... a
good day at your various, uh... (realizes no one is paying attention) All right.

(He turns to leave.)


MRS. FLETCHER: Morris! What about Chris?

MULDER (as MORRIS): Chris?

CHRIS: You said you'd give me an answer today.

MRS. FLETCHER: Her nose. You said you'd give her an answer about
her nose.

(Family waits in anticipation. This is obviously a very important decision.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Um... I think...

(CHRIS gives him a little girl look.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): I think she's a little young for plastic surgery
don't you think?

(CHRIS cries again.)

MRS. FLETCHER: Oh, for God's sake, Morris-- a nose ring! She said
she wants a nose ring!

CHRIS: (to MULDER) I hate you! I wish you were dead.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Well, my work here is done. Have a nice day.

(He makes it to the front door. MRS. FLETCHER follows him.
Fabulous melodramatic music underscores the scene.)

MRS. FLETCHER: You want a divorce, don't you? Just say the words--
"Joanne, I want a divorce."

MULDER (as MORRIS): Joanne? (happy to know her name now)
Joanne, no.

JOANNE FLETCHER: I will not live this way, Morris. I will not let you
walk in and out of this house like a total stranger. Maybe it's better if
you just...

MULDER (as MORRIS): Sorry. I'm just not myself lately.

JOANNE FLETCHER: Morris... You are wearing your suit from yesterday.

(CUT TO: MULDER upstairs looking in a closet filled only with black suits
and white shirts.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Johnny Cash.

(Country music rift. MULDER takes one of the suits out of the closet and
carries it to the bed. He begins to undress then notices his reflection in
the mirror, which is of MORRIS. Wearing just boxers, an undershirt, and
socks, he walks up to the mirror. As he raises his hand, so does the
MORRIS-reflection. They breathe fog on the window and wipe it off, wiggle
their butts, walk away from the mirror, then turn to catch each other.
They walk out of each others sight, then coming dancing across Chuck
Berry-style. [CarriK: Very funny scene] In the middle of the dance,
JOANNE FLETCHER enters with the phone. MULDER freezes.)

JOANNE FLETCHER: Morris... What are you doing?

(MULDER breaks into a bad Tai Chi move for her benefit.)

JOANNE FLETCHER: (hands him the phone) It's for you. (she leaves)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Thanks. (into phone) Mul... Morris.

JEFF: (on phone) Morry, it's Jeff. Where the hell are you?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) Uh, I'm just running a little late.

JEFF: (on phone) Well, get your ass down here tout de suite.
We got something big going down.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) Bigger than what?

JEFF: (on phone) Big as in I can't say anything more on the phone.
Just get down here.

(Inside the Area 51 compound. The PILOT from the crash scene the
night before is sitting in an observation room speaking foreign language.
GENERAL WEGMAN, HOWARD, and JEFF are watching.)

GENERAL WEGMAN: Do we know what he's saying?

HOWARD: It seems he's praying, sir. We've identified the language--
a Native American dialect. Hopi, to be exact. The pilot's name is Captain
Robert McDonough. Born in Missoula, Montana. No known foreign
language skills. Only since the crash he claims to be one Mrs. Lana Chee
a 75-year-old Hopi Indian woman born and raised on the Moapa Reservation
about 35 miles from here.

GENERAL WEGMAN: Is it some kind of shell shock?

HOWARD: We don't think so, sir. This is Mrs. Lana Chee.

(They enter another room where a very old, small Native American woman
snaps a perfect salute.)

HOWARD: We picked her up on the reservation this morning.

GENERAL WEGMAN: (saluting self-consciously) At ease.

(LANA CHEE puts hands behind back and opens legs in military
"at ease" stance.)

GENERAL WEGMAN: (not sure how to deal with this) What's your name?

LANA CHEE: (spoken with military precision) Captain Robert McDonough,
sir. I apologize for my present condition and appearing out of uniform, sir.

GENERAL WEGMAN: Um... Do you know... What happened last night,

LANA CHEE: Sir, we launched from base at 2300 hours and headed south.
At approximately 2315 we lost power in the right rear quadrant.

GENERAL WEGMAN: Do you know what, uh... Do you know what caused
the power loss?

LANA CHEE: No warning lights came up on the panel. All systems checked
out in preflight. She just wasn't in the mood to fly, sir.

(FBI bullpen. MORRIS and SCULLY are sitting at their desks side by side.
MORRIS is playing a golf game on his computer. SCULLY is working on
hers, but glances worriedly over at MORRIS.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): Come on, baby, be the hole. (makes the shot)

SCULLY: Mulder!

MORRIS (as MULDER): (proudly to SCULLY) I got a birdie.

(The phone rings. SCULLY answers.)

SCULLY: (on phone) Scully.

(MULDER is calling from an outdoor payphone at a gas station.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) Oh, thank goodness, Scully, it's me.

SCULLY: (on phone) I'm sorry, who is this?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) It's me, Mulder.

SCULLY: (on phone) Mulder.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) I'm sorry I couldn't call sooner.
Look, something really weird happened last night when that UFO passed
over us.

SCULLY: (on phone) UFO?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) You don't remember? You don't
remember. Okay, the man that you're with, that's not me. His name is
Morris Fletcher. He's an Area 51 employee.

SCULLY: (on phone) Morris Fletcher.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) That's right. Everybody here seems
to think that I'm him, but I'm not. I'm me. I'm Mulder.

SCULLY: (whispering to MORRIS) Psst.

(MORRIS reaches over and picks up the other line.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) As long as they think that I'm him I
have access but I'm going to need your help. (hears the click as MORRIS
picks up) What was that?

SCULLY: (on phone) Uh... What was what?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) This may not be a secure line.

SCULLY: (on phone) Mulder, uh... Where are you?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) Better not say. Look, just get out
here as soon as you can.

SCULLY: (on phone) How can I get in touch with you?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (on phone) You won't. I'll get in touch with you.

(MULDER hangs up the payphone.
In the office, so do SCULLY and MORRIS.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): Who do you suppose that was?

SCULLY: That wasn't your source? Well, I'll run a trace.

MORRIS (as MULDER): Uh... No, no. I think we should notify El Jefe
ASAP. (getting up) We don't want our collective asses chewed out all
over again.

SCULLY: Mulder? Are you sure that's the best thing to do?

MORRIS (as MULDER): Look, little lady, I think it's time you got your
panties on straight. We're federal officers... We go by the book.

(He goes out of the room. Again, SCULLY stares after him in shock.)

(CUT TO: MULDER buying sunflower seeds in the gas station.)

RUDE ATTENDANT: That'll be $1.89. You get 11 cents change.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (opening the bag of seeds) Keep it.

RUDE ATTENDANT: (leaving coins on the counter) Wow. Maybe I'll just
close early.

(MULDER gets in the car and drives away. The camera stays focused on
the desert landscape. After a few beats, a cloud of dust and several
tumbleweeds blow across the screen. Back inside the gas station, we hear
a rumbling sound and things begin to fall off the shelves. There is a shot
of the dime and the penny shaking on the counter and of a very surprised
RUDE ATTENDANT. Then all the windows of the station are shattered inward.)

(Commercial 2.)

(Just after MULDER has left the gas station. MULDER stops as he sees
several of the white sport utilities pass him going the other way. The last
one stops. JEFF rolls down the window.)

JEFF: Turn around, big guy. We got trouble.

(MULDER turns his car around and follows them back the way he came.
As he drives away we see two Indian Burial looking ceremonial crosslike
things beside the road.)

(They reach the gas station which is now is a shambles.
Gas from the pumps is all over the parking lot.)

SOLDIER 1: Keep back! We got a spill!

(MULDER runs into the gas station.)


HOWARD: Hey, Fletcher! What the hell's he doing?

(HOWARD and JEFF follow MULDER into the station.)

JEFF: Fletcher, what are you doing?

MULDER (as MORRIS): There was a man in here, the attendant.

(MULDER searches through the gas station. They find the RUDE
ATTENDANT behind the counter. His lower body is completely
imbedded in the floor. He is groaning in pain, barely conscious.)

JEFF: Holy mother of...

HOWARD: It's happened again.

MULDER (as MORRIS): What's happened again?

HOWARD: Let's get out of here.

MULDER (as MORRIS): We got to help this man.

HOWARD: We got to help ourselves. Whatever caused this could come

MULDER (as MORRIS): We can't just leave him here.

JEFF: Morris...

HOWARD: What the hell's the matter with you?

JEFF: Morris …

HOWARD: I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Let's go.

MULDER (as MORRIS): This man needs a doctor.

(One of the SOLDIERS shoots the RUDE ATTENDANT.)

HOWARD: Not anymore.

(They leave the station.)

HOWARD: (over his shoulder to SOLDIERS) Burn it.

SOLDIER 1: Clear perimeter, 200 feet! Let's go! All right, everybody,
pull back!

(All but SOLDIER 1 run a safe distance from the building.)

JEFF: (holding MULDER's arm) Come on, Morry. That guy was dead
long before we found him.

(SOLDIER 1 lights a flare and throws it onto the gasoline soaked pavement.
The station explodes. MULDER sighs.)

(MULDER's apartment building. SCULLY comes out of the elevator and
goes toward MULDER's door. A few feet away, she hears giggling, then
sees KERSH's ASSISTANT, jacket off, hair messed up come out of the
apartment, then lean back in for a kiss. The door closes and she passes
SCULLY in the hall tossing her jacket over her shoulder on her way to the

KERSH's ASSISTANT: (cattily, wiping at her lipstick) Agent Scully.

(SCULLY stands frozen for a moment, then steps forward and knocks
firmly at MULDER's door.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): (inside the apartment) Just can't get enough, huh?

SCULLY: (calm, but angry) It's me.

(MORRIS, smoking, opens the door. His shirt is half on, tie hanging
loosely around his neck. He is completely unfazed by her anger.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): Oh, hey, Dana.

SCULLY: What do you think you're doing?

MORRIS (as MULDER): Oh, you know, just a little lunch break.
What's up?

SCULLY: (trying to be professional) We got the trace back on the call
we received this morning. It came from a gas station pay phone off of
highway 375 three miles east of Groom Lake.


SCULLY: And I'm thinking it was your source although I don't know why
he'd try and impersonate you.

MORRIS (as MULDER): Maybe so.

SCULLY: You don't think that we should follow up on this?

MORRIS (as MULDER): Are you out of your pretty little mind?

SCULLY: (so mad she can barely speak) Am I out of my mind? Mulder,
you are out of your mind! What is up with you?! I'm thinking about having
you examined for mental illness or-or drug use or... Or maybe a massive
head injury! [CarriK: She sounds like she would be happy to CAUSE that
head injury.] This is an X-File, your life's work, your crusade!

MORRIS (as MULDER): As I understand it, we're off the X-Files.

(SCULLY, no longer able to speak, slams the door as she leaves.)

(MORRIS, now alone looks in the mirror to fix his tie.
The reflection is of MULDER.)

MORRIS (as MULDER): (pouting) Bitch.


looking at a small lizard whose head is embedded in a small rock.
The body twists weakly.)

HOWARD: This was brought to a local vet. Some kid found this in the
desert ten miles east of the gas station.

GENERAL WEGMAN: Show me on the map.

(They cross to a transparent wall map.)

HOWARD: (pointing) Right here.

GENERAL WEGMAN: This is where you found the gas station attendant?

HOWARD: Yes, sir. We located the pilot at the crash site here and the
Indian woman right there.

GENERAL WEGMAN: (pointing to another dot) What's this?

HOWARD: That, we believe, is ground zero. Once we analyze the flight
data recorder we hope to confirm it's where the warp began.

(HOWARD holds up the recovered flight data recorder.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): "Warp?"

JEFF: (to MULDER) Beam me up, Scotty.

HOWARD: That's a tear in the space-time continuum, an anomaly created
by the malfunction of the aircraft which was operating in gravity pulse mode
before it went down.

GENERAL WEGMAN: We've been flying these things since '53.
I never heard of anything like this.

MULDER (as MORRIS): According to quantum physics, it's possible.

HOWARD: Anti-gravity systems utilize bends in space and time for
propulsion. A sudden shift in a craft's trajectory could create the kind
of distortion we're witnessing right here.

JEFF: If this is where your so-called warp began we would have all seen it
and the three of us were out on highway 375 at the time, sir, intercepting
two FBI agents.

HOWARD: (disbelieving) A lizard and a rock existing in the same time
and space. The fact that none of us remembers seeing it is evidence that
my theory is correct, sir.

JEFF: And how's that?

MULDER (as MORRIS): Lost time.

HOWARD: (nodding) Lost time is a common symptom of close proximity
to anti-gravity propulsion systems.

JEFF: Then how come my head isn't in a rock, or Morris'?

HOWARD: That's one question I haven't been able to answer. It is
possible we suffered consequences from our exposure that we're not fully
aware of.

MULDER (as MORRIS): What do we do about it?

(They look at MULDER strangely.)

HOWARD: That's your department-- keep it out of the paper, make sure
the witnesses disappear.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Well, yeah, but I mean, how do we reverse it?
How do we get the lizard out of the rock?

HOWARD: Who says we can?

HWY 375
10:12 PM

(SCULLY driving alone, looking at a map. She passes the burned gas
station, then turns around and goes to investigate the parking lot.
She finds a penny that has been fused inside a dime. She picks it up
and looks at it.)

(Commercial 3.)

(FLETCHER household. Next morning. MULDER is again asleep on the
recliner. JOANNE FLETCHER steps on the bottom to pop him up again.)

JOANNE FLETCHER: This is not a marriage. It's a farce.


JOANNE FLETCHER: You're not attracted to me anymore.
I disgust you, don't I?

MULDER (as MORRIS): No. No. It's not... It's not that you're disgusting.
I-i-it's just that...

JOANNE FLETCHER: It's just that you don't want to ever make love to me
ever again, that's all. That and you mumble something about Scully in your
sleep. Who is Scully, Morris? Is it another woman?

MULDER (as MORRIS): Does Scully sound like a woman's name to you?

JOANNE FLETCHER: Who is Scully? Tell me.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Oh, Joanne, I'm sure I've told you many times in
the past that there are things about my work that unfortunately, I have to
keep a secret.

JOANNE FLETCHER: Oh, no, buster. That's not going to fly this time.

MULDER (as MORRIS): My point is that there are a lot of things you
don't know about me. And... I've just... I've been under a lot of pressure
lately. I mean, up is down and black is white. I don't know where I stand
anymore. I don't even know... who I am really anymore. I just... I know
for sure that I am not the man you married. I'm just not. And I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry.

JOANNE FLETCHER: Oh, God, Morris. I didn't know. They have that pill now.
(understanding laughter ) We can work this out. There's other ways to be

(She hugs him. The doorbell rings.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): I think that that was the doorbell.

JOANNE FLETCHER: We can make this work.

(MULDER gives a silent yell of joy as she turns away to go answer the door.
Big Duchovny mug. JOANNE FLETCHER opens the door. It is SCULLY.)


SCULLY: Hi. My name is Dana Scully. I'm looking for Morris Fletcher.

(JOANNE FLETCHER's happy face falls.)

JOANNE FLETCHER: (yells) Morris!

(MULDER comes to the door with a big grin when he sees SCULLY.

JOANNE FLETCHER: You son of a bitch.

(She goes back into the house.)

SCULLY: I'm sorry. Uh, Morris Fletcher?

MULDER (as MORRIS): (quietly) Scully, it's me. It's Mulder.

(MULDER closes the door and pulls SCULLY into the driveway.)

SCULLY: (nervous) You're, uh... You're the man from the other night?
From Area 51?

JOANNE FLETCHER: (yelling from inside the house) Liar!

SCULLY: You phoned me. Would you mind telling me what this is about?

MULDER (as MORRIS): I'm Mulder. I'm really Mulder. I switched
bodies, places, identities with this man Morris Fletcher the man that you
think is Mulder, but he's not. (sees his reflection in the car window - of
MORRIS) Of course you don't believe me. Why was I expecting anything
different? Your full name is Dana Katherine Scully. Your badge number is...
Hell! I don't know your badge number. Your mother's name is Margaret.
Your brother's name is Bill Jr. He's in the Navy and he hates me.
(no response from SCULLY) Lately, for lunch, you've been having this
six-ounce cup of yogurt, plain yogurt, into which you stir bee pollen
because you're on a bee pollen kick even though I tell you you're a
scientist and you should know better.

JOANNE FLETCHER: (opens the door and dumps all of MORRIS'
black suits onto the front steps) Cheater!

SCULLY: Look... Any of that information could have been gathered by

MULDER (as MORRIS): Even that yogurt thing? That is so you.
That is so Scully. Well, it's good to know you haven't changed.
That's somewhat comforting.

SCULLY: I don't know what the point of all of this is.

MULDER (as MORRIS): I'll prove it to you.

SCULLY: No. You won't, but I wouldn't mind if you came clean with me.

MULDER (as MORRIS): Scientific proof about what happened to us on
that road two nights ago. Fair enough?

(JOANNE FLETCHER opens the front door again and yells out.)

JOANNE FLETCHER: I am calling the police!

(MULDER clasps his hands, begging SCULLY.)

SCULLY: Good-bye, Mr. Fletcher. (walks away)

MULDER (as MORRIS): I will prove it to you, Scully. Tonight.
I'll prove everything. Okay?

(SCULLY gets into her car without speaking to him. Camera POV switches
to another car's rearview mirror in which we see MULDER watching SCULLY
drive away. Then the driver's hand moves the mirror to show his own reflection
which is … MULDER. The driver is MORRIS. He picks up his cell phone.)

(CUT TO: HOWARD's office. Phone ringing )

HOWARD: (entering the office and answering phone) Howard Grodin.

MORRIS (as MULDER): (on phone) Mr. Grodin, this is Special Agent
Fox Mulder of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. How are you this morning?

HOWARD: (on phone) How did you get this number?

MORRIS (as MULDER): (in car on phone) Well, frankly, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about. Sir, I am obligated to tell you that you have a security
leak in your facility. A man with whom you've worked very closely has
contacted this office on several occasions and offered me access to highly
classified information.

HOWARD: (on phone) Would you happen to have a name for this man?

MORRIS (as MULDER): (on phone) Why, yes. Yes, I would.

(MULDER goes into the deserted lab and takes the flight recorder. He
places it in a brown paper bag, then sneaks back out. Camera pans
over to show that HOWARD watched him from a corner of the room.)

(SCULLY driving. Her cell phone rings.)

SCULLY: (answering phone) Scully.

AD KERSH: (on phone) You're in Nevada again.

SCULLY: (on phone) Uh... Sir, I am...

AD KERSH: (on phone) Do not speak, Agent. Listen. Your partner
already apprised me of his conversation with the air force in his fervent
desire to save you from making a fatal career mistake. Therefore, you
will follow my instructions to the letter.

SCULLY: (on phone) Sir, I don't know what Agent Mulder might have
told you, but I...

AD KERSH: (on phone) You will follow my instructions to the letter.
Otherwise, don't bother coming back from Nevada.


(Night. MULDER pulls up in front of another gas station. He walks in
carrying the brown paper bag with the flight recorder. He sees SCULLY
standing near the refrigerated drink aisle.)

ATTENDANT: Can I help you?

(MULDER ignores the ATTENDANT and goes to SCULLY.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): Scully, I got it. I got the proof.

(She says nothing. MULDER looks back at the ATTENDANT who ducks
down under the counter. Bright lights as several vehicles pull up outside,
briefly illuminating the Morely Cigarettes ad on the door. The SOLDIERS
run in and take the flight recorder from MULDER. They push him up
against the counter and begin putting cuffs on him.)

SCULLY: I'm sorry.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (betrayed) Scully? You?

(JEFF, HOWARD, and MORRIS enter. MORRIS goes over to stand beside
SCULLY. MULDER sees MORRIS. He begins to struggle as they start to
drag him out of the station.)

JEFF: Damn it, Morris.

MULDER (as MORRIS): (to MORRIS) You! You son of a bitch!
You orchestrated this whole thing! He's not me, Scully! Would I do this?!
Would I do this?! Scully...! Scully!

(SCULLY watches them take him out, a look of suspicion, perhaps dawning
realization on her face. She takes a few steps toward him.)

MULDER (as MORRIS): (yelling back to her) No, you bastard, tell them
the truth! Scully, he's not me! He's not me! Scully! He's not me!

(The SOLDIERS drag him out.)

The End … for now.


Source : LVEI.com

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C'est devenu une tradition pour le quartier, depuis sa reprise, de voir de temps en temps des...

Gillian Anderson dans le reboot de la série?

Gillian Anderson dans le reboot de la série?
Vous le savez tous, la série pourrait bien avoir droit à un reboot dans les prochaines années. Porté...


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Locksley, 14.05.2024 à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

sossodu42, Hier à 15:17

Des thèmes vous attendent pour être choisi pour le futur design de HPI. Merci pour vos votes

ShanInXYZ, Hier à 16:31

Nouveau sondage sur les Guests de la nouvelle saison de Doctor Who, passez voir le Docteur pour voter

mamynicky, Hier à 20:13

Hello la citadelle ! La 3ème saison des Bridgerton est enfin arrivée sur Netflix ! Venez nous parler des épisodes que vous avez vu.

mamynicky, Hier à 20:16

Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

Viens chatter !